Netflix Viewing History - netflix

I am looking for the ability to list all viewing history for a defined user with some useful filtering(by date, by category, LastWatched, etc).
Is anyone familiar enough with the API to tell me if this exists?

Netflix seems to have removed this functionality from its API. Speculation holds that this was related to a class-action lawsuit regarding user privacy. They have not said whether the functionality will be restored.


GDPR and Google Translate

are there any detailed information on Google Translate and the GDPR?
In my opinion, translating personal data with the google translate widget is an big issue here, especially if you run an online-store and the user translates pages while checking out (i.e.: last checkout step, where all the personal data including cart-positions, billing-information and user contact-information are preset).
There is a way the exclude parts of the website from being translated (adding "notranslate" class attribute), but i assume the data itself is send to google translate servers anyway?
Looking forward to an answer.
Best regards,
Collect some statistics about your visitors and implement localization for major languages they use.
This will probably prevent users from using google translate for your checkout process.

Valuable? Fields support in REST API

I've read some topics about GraphQL, and one of the great features I like is you can specify fields you want (Client End).
I'm thinking maybe I can also add it into REST API. I look around and find there has already such specification: fetching-sparse-fieldsets
So I'm trying to add such feature in Symfony. (Especially, in FOSRestBundle+JSMSerializer).
But I'm not quite sure whether it is valuable or not. Can someone give you advice?
That is a question you should ask to your API users and your customer. It might be useful for the API user, but it has a lot of downsides:
By building it yourself, you spend a lot of time by developing, testing and maintaining this 'optional' feature. Is the customer willing to pay? (YAGNI)
As mentioned above, you must maintain the code for this feature, you cannot remove it unless you decide to release a new API version. As external packages change, your code might require an update aswell.
It can become difficult when troubleshooting. API users might be trying to retrieve a field that isn't specified in the API URL (ofcourse these issues arise after project transfers to other developers). Questions can come up why some data isn't available, but is present in API documentation.
Especially the first one in the list is incredibly important. Don't build features that the customer does not need. Personally I always return all accessible data available, even null values. The API users decide what to do with that data. Bandwidth isn't such a problem these days I guess.

Is there built-in alternative to google analytics in Liferay

I'm looking for a portlet like-solution that would collect and report usage analytics in Liferay... but google analytics is not an option, unfortunately.
Stats by community, group, session tracking, apart from the usual bounce and exit rates, referrals, origin, etc. I know I'm kind of asking the reinvention of the wheel, but there are plenty of usage data that can be collected by Liferay that google can't. I've already checked PiWik, and it looks very impressive.
Any suggestions? TIA,
As of 2015 there is Audience Targeting plugin, which (at least for Liferay 6.2) comes bundled with analytics-api / analytics-hook modules, which collect some useful analytics data. Mind now:
So far it doesn't look like there is any standalone use for them as they were introduced, I believe, to enable the content visited, page visited and other such rules in the Audience Targeting itself; you can't see the raw events in any of the provided portlets
The events are stored as rows in a SQL database, so I would be concerned about it's performance in the long run (with thousands of clicks every minute etc.), although I say this purely theoretically as I haven't done any tests myself nor checked if there are some performance enhancing measures implemented
What you can do, however, is to put together your own portlet which would create some graphs etc. based on the data stored in CT_Analytics_AnalyticsEvent table.
Right now, I dont think there is any out of the box feature available for this, you might need to create this. There can be 2 things
1) You need to create a javascript library if you need realtime/web analysis (this is same like creating google analytics lib)
2) This option is quite easy. Liferay stores everything in db, you can have a report portlet which will show the report based on the data. We did this for one project where we were tracking the session ids/ip and logged in user details for portlets.
To achieve point 2) you can create new Liferay service, which will be used to store these data and retrieve.
Hope this helps
You already mention Piwik, which is similar to google analytics. You probably have your own theme (almost everybody changes the appearance to look like their own site) and it's quite appropriate to place the relevant piwik-stats-snippet in there.
You can also, as Felix suggests, mine your log files. Liferay stores some data, your webserver access logs also are quite worth to mine. And, of course, you can change your theme to log even more for every page access, just take care that you don't create a performance bottleneck by writing too much during one page request.
So, coming back to your question: Built-in like google analytics: No. Easily integrateable (like Piwik): Yes, of course. Completely customizeable: Yes, of course.
Edit: It just happens that David has created and documented an integration that makes using Piwik even easier

Captchas on RSS Reader?

This question is coming from a non-technical person. I have asked a team to build a sort of RSS reader. In essence, its a news aggregator. What we had in mind at first was to source news directly from specific sources:,, and
Now, the development team has proposed a certain way of doing it (because it'll be easier)... which is to use and return whatever is the result. Now I know this has questionable legality and we are not really that comfortable with that fact, but while the legal department is checking that.. we have proceeded working with a prototype.
Now comes the technical problem... because the method was actually simulating search via, after a period of time it returns a captcha. I'm suspicious that its because the method was SEARCHING WITH RESULTS SHOWN AS RSS as opposed to an outright RSS... however the dev team says RSS is exactly the same thing... and that it will give captcha as well.
I have my doubts. If thats the case, how have the other news aggregator sites done their compilation of feeds from different sources?
For your reference, here is the same of the URL that eventually gives the CAPTCHA,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.,cf.osb&biw=1280&bih=963&um=1&ie=UTF-8&output=rss
"Searching" is usually behind a captcha because it is very resource intensive, thus they do everything they can to prevent bots from searching. A normal RSS feed is the opposite of resource intensive. To summarize: normal RSS feeds will probably not trigger CAPTCHA's.
Since Google declared their News API deprecated as of May 26, 2011, maybe using NewsCred as suggested in this group post!topic/news/RBRH8pihQJI could be an option for your commercial use.

Access to old, no longer available, feed entries

I am working on a project that requires reliable access to historic feed entries which are not necessarily available in the current feed of the website. I have found several ways to access such data, but none of them give me all the characteristics I need.
Look at this as a brainstorm. I will tell you how much I have found and you can contribute if you have any other ideas.
Google AJAX Feed API - will limit you to 250 items
Unofficial Google Reader API - Perfect but unofficial and therefore unreliable (and perhaps quasi-illegal?). Also, the authentication seems to be tricky.
Spinn3r - Costs a lot of money
Spidering the internet archive at the site of the feed - Lots of complexity, spotty coverage, only useful as a last resort
Yahoo! Feed API or Yahoo! Search BOSS - The first looks more like an aggregator, meaning I'd need a different registration for each feed and the second should give more access to Yahoo's data but I can find no mention of feeds.
(thanks to Lou Franco) Bloglines Sync API - Besides the problem of needing an account and being designed more as an aggregator, it does not have a way to add feeds to the account. So no retrieval of arbitrary feeds. You need to manually add them through the reader first.
Other search engines/blog search/whatever?
This is a really irritating problem as we are talking about semantic information that was once out there, is still (usually) valid, yet is difficult to access reliably, freely and without limits. Anybody know any alternative sources for feed entry goodness?
Bloglines has an API to sync accounts
You have to make an account, subscribe to the feed you want to download, but then then you can download based on Date, which can be way in the past. Not sure of the terms.
The best answer I've found so far, is this: Google reader's unofficial API turns out to have a public access point for their feeds, which means there is no authentication needed. Use is as follows:{your feed uri here}?n=1000
replace the text in the squigglies (including the squigglies themselves) with the feed URI you're interested in. More information about the precise arguments can be found here:
but remember to use the /public/ url if you don't want to mess with authentication
