Controlling LED using serial port - arduino

As part of a simple Automation project, I was trying to control some LEDs through serial port. I cannot make the following code working
int pin =0;
int state = 0;
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // opens serial port, sets data rate to 9600 bps
void loop() {
// send data only when you receive data:
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
// read the incoming byte:
if( == 'S' && == 'S') {
// Command to set the pin
pin = - 65;
state = - '0';
Serial.print("Set State Command received");
// Set the Pin
pinMode(pin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(pin, state == 0? LOW:HIGH);
I am sending "SSN1" from my python program to the Arduino serial port for testing, and nothing happens (I have an LED connected on pin 13)
SS - Set State Command
N - (pin no) + 'A' - Pin number 13
1 - State ( 0 = LOW, 1= HIGH)

You want to wait until 4 serial bytes accumulate on the serial buffer.
void loop() {
// polls the serial buffer
while (Serial.available() < 4);
if ( == 'S' && == 'S') {
char type =;
char pin = - 65;
// do something with the results
Note that you may want to implement some kind of padding (adding a fixed length of spaces, for example) between inputs, because the serial buffer may drop a byte or overflow, which can lead to unexpected results. Also, some people will complain about the while (Serial.available() < 4) command because computer scientists have been trained to think "polling = bad!", but in the case of an Arduino it makes no difference since it is only running a single task.
By the way, you can also use interrupts with Serial data, but that's out of the scope of this response.

actually I have also battled to get something similar right. due to the problems experienced with serial communication (sometime the messages are slow and sent in pieces, the ACII codes are difficult to remember) I went for a different solution. Basically I added a header ">" and a tail "<"to the message sent to the serial and I featured the Arduino code to consider the message between >< as command. I have then used ATOI to convert string to integer.
In the following code you will see that I have used the following numbers to get Arduino changing the status of pin2 and pin13.
Here are the commands associated to this code:
1000< set pin 13 HIGH,
2000< set pin 13 LOW,
3000< set pin 2 HIGH,
4000< set pin 2 LOW
So, simply send out to the serial those numbers between >< and it should work.
I have used the above also to set PWM speed simply manipulating the strings associated to the received messages. I have not included in this sample the PWM commands but only those related to pin 13 and pin 2. I thought that would be much simpler and safe to use numbers and string identifier to open and close the message.
Load the sketch, open the serial monitor and send >1000<, you should see the internal led on pin 13 lighting up, and so on. let me know if you need any additional help.
char inData[10];
int index;
boolean started = false;
boolean ended = false;
String message = "I am ready!, Send your command....";
void setup(){
pinMode (13, OUTPUT);
pinMode (2, OUTPUT);
void loop()
while(Serial.available() > 0)
char aChar =;
if(aChar == '>')
started = true;
index = 0;
inData[index] = '\0';
else if(aChar == '<')
ended = true;
else if(started)
inData[index] = aChar;
inData[index] = '\0';
if(started && ended)
int inInt = atoi(inData);
// set pin 13 HIGH
if (inInt < 1000)
digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
//set pin 13 LOW
else if (inInt < 2000)
digitalWrite(13, LOW);
//set pin 2 HIGH
else if (inInt < 3000)
digitalWrite(2, HIGH);
//set il pin 2 LOW
else if (inInt < 4000)
digitalWrite(2, LOW);
started = false;
ended = false;
index = 0;
inData[index] = '\0';

Look at this example code from Arduino's Physical Pixel Tutorial
const int ledPin = 13; // the pin that the LED is attached to
int incomingByte; // a variable to read incoming serial data into
void setup() {
// initialize serial communication:
// initialize the LED pin as an output:
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
// see if there's incoming serial data:
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
// read the oldest byte in the serial buffer:
incomingByte =;
// if it's a capital H (ASCII 72), turn on the LED:
if (incomingByte == 'H') {
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
// if it's an L (ASCII 76) turn off the LED:
if (incomingByte == 'L') {
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
Verify that you see SSN1 coming through on the serial monitor.

I improved my code as it look like this
int pin =0;
int state = 0;
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // opens serial port, sets data rate to 9600 bps
void loop() {
// send data only when you receive data:
if (Serial.available() > 3) { // I am using chunk of 4 characters/bytes as a command
// read the incoming byte:
if( == 'S' && == 'S') {
// Command to set the pin
pin = - 65;
state = - '0';
Serial.print("Set State Command received");
// Set the Pin
pinMode(pin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(pin, state == 0? LOW:HIGH);
It works perfectly for me. Due to the high frequency of looping, Arduino was not able pickup the bytes for consecutive read. So we are waiting for 4 bytes to accumulate in the buffer to read those (Arduino's serial buffer is 64 bytes).


Arduino send bad signal to interrupt pin

I have connected coin hopper and coin acceptor to one arduino uno, coin acceptor connected to pin 2, coin hopper to pin 3 - sensor and pin 7 - relay. When coin hopper switch relay, it is executing coininterrupt
for coin hopper I am using this script link
coin acceptor script: link
I need this 2 scripts working on 1 arduino
my code:
#define SENSOR 3
#define RELAY 7
#define ACCEPTOR 2
volatile boolean insert = false;
int pulse=0,count;
char sen;
int temp=0;
unsigned long int timer;
void setup()
digitalWrite(RELAY, HIGH);
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(ACCEPTOR), coinInterrupt, RISING);
void loop()
if (insert) {
insert = false;
// temp is amount to dispense send to arduino
// if hopper sensor read drop coin
Serial.println("out 1");
//if dispensed coins equal with coins to dispense stop engine
// if amount dispensed is not equal with amount to dispense and engine running, stop
void coinInterrupt() {
insert = true;
I was trying to change pins (arduino uno support interrupts on pin 2 and 3 only) but problem still appears so I guess there is issue in the code
your sketch does not run in this state :
first fix errors :
declare insert as volatile
remove cpulse (not used anywhere)
change 'if()' to (I suppose) 'if (insert) ....'
remove stuff with 'sen' var : simply use if(digitalRead(SENSOR)) or if(!digitalRead(SENSOR))
except if you need to store relay state.
use logical operators like || or && unless you really need bitwise operations
example of result sketch :
#define SENSOR 3
#define RELAY 7
volatile boolean insert = false;
byte amountToDispense = 0;
int pulse = 0;
int temp = 0;
unsigned long int timer;
void setup()
digitalWrite(RELAY, HIGH);
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(2), coinInterrupt, RISING);
void loop()
if (insert ) {
insert = false;
if (Serial.available())
timer = millis();
temp = Serial.parseInt();
if (temp > 0) {
//amountToDispense = - 48;
digitalWrite(RELAY, LOW);
if (digitalRead(SENSOR))
timer = millis();
Serial.println("out 1");
if (pulse >= temp)
digitalWrite(RELAY, HIGH);
pulse = 0;
temp = 0;
if (!digitalRead(RELAY) && (millis() - timer > 2000))
digitalWrite(RELAY, HIGH);
pulse = 0;
temp = 0;
void coinInterrupt() {
insert = true;
What is this supposed to do?
You init sen with digitalRead(SENSOR);
Assuming that pin is LOW when you start the sketch and turns HIGH, sen will become 1.
Next you do sen &= 0x03 so sen is still 1.
Again sen=(sen<<1)|digitalRead(SENSOR); , sen will either be 2 or 3.
Next loop run sen=(sen<<1)|digitalRead(SENSOR); sen is now 4 or 6. and so on...
I don't have time to think about what you want to achieve but this is definitely a problem as you'll only enter if (sen == 1) once and never again.
If this is not sufficient you should probably improve your post as it is unclear what arduino sends bad signal to interrup pin is supposed to mean. That doesn't make sense. Explain the expected behaviour of your program and how it behaves instead. add more comments so it becomes clear what you intend to do with each block of code so we don't have to interpret

Problem with blinking a led with bluetooth in arduino

i am trying to make a program that turns on ,off and blinks an led with the help from bluetooth
On and of were pretty easy to replicate,but i can't make the blink to work.There are to options either blinks once,either if i ad a while it never stops from looping.i tried with both if and case.Can somebody help me.I am using an esp32.
The code with if:
#include "BluetoothSerial.h"
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <analogWrite.h>
#error Bluetooth is not enabled! Please run `make menuconfig` to and enable it
BluetoothSerial SerialBT;
int received;// received value will be stored in this variable
char receivedChar;// received value will be stored as CHAR in this variable
const char turnON ='a';
const char turnOFF ='b';
const char turnBLINK= 'c';
//const char turnFADE='d';
const int LEDpin = 12;
//int brightStep = 1;
//int brightness = 0;
void setup() {
SerialBT.begin("Mono"); //Bluetooth device name
Serial.println("The device started, now you can pair it with bluetooth!");
Serial.println("To turn ON send: a");//print on serial monitor
Serial.println("To turn OFF send: b"); //print on serial monitor
pinMode(LEDpin, OUTPUT);
// analogWriteResolution(LEDpin, 12);
void loop() {
receivedChar =(char);
if (Serial.available()) {
if (SerialBT.available()) {
// while(SerialBT.available()){
// receivedChar =(char);
// }
SerialBT.print("Received:");// write on BT app
SerialBT.println(receivedChar);// write on BT app
Serial.print ("Received:");//print on serial monitor
Serial.println(receivedChar);//print on serial monitor
//SerialBT.println(receivedChar);//print on the app
//SerialBT.write(receivedChar); //print on serial monitor
if(receivedChar == turnON)
SerialBT.println("LED ON:");// write on BT app
Serial.println("LED ON:");//write on serial monitor
digitalWrite(LEDpin, HIGH);// turn the LED ON
if(receivedChar == turnOFF)
SerialBT.println("LED OFF:");// write on BT app
Serial.println("LED OFF:");//write on serial monitor
digitalWrite(LEDpin, LOW);// turn the LED off
if(receivedChar == turnBLINK)
SerialBT.println("LED blink:");// write on BT app
Serial.println("LED blink:");//write on serial monitor
while (receivedChar == turnBLINK){
//receivedChar =(char);
//if(receivedChar != turnBLINK){
// break;
// } else {
digitalWrite(LEDpin, HIGH);// turn the LED off
if(receivedChar != turnBLINK){
break; }
and with case:
#include "BluetoothSerial.h"
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <analogWrite.h>
#error Bluetooth is not enabled! Please run `make menuconfig` to and enable it
BluetoothSerial SerialBT;
int received;// received value will be stored in this variable
char receivedChar;// received value will be stored as CHAR in this variable
char data;
int option;
int blink=0;
const int LEDpin = 12;
void setup() {
SerialBT.begin("Mono"); //Bluetooth device name
Serial.println("The device started, now you can pair it with bluetooth!");
Serial.println("To turn ON send: 1");//print on serial monitor
Serial.println("To turn OFF send: 0"); //print on serial monitor
pinMode(12, OUTPUT);
void loop(){
receivedChar =(char);
// if (Serial.available()) {
// SerialBT.write(;
// }
if (SerialBT.available()) {
// while(SerialBT.available()){
// receivedChar =(char);
// }
SerialBT.print("Received:");// write on BT app
SerialBT.println(receivedChar);// write on BT app
Serial.print ("Received:");//print on serial monitor
Serial.println(receivedChar);//print on serial monitor
//SerialBT.println(receivedChar);//print on the app
//SerialBT.write(receivedChar); //print on serial monitor
if(data == '0')
option = 0;
}else if(data == '1')
option = 1;
}else if(data == '2')
option = 2;
switch (option)
case 0: // LED OFF
digitalWrite(LEDpin, LOW);
case 1: //LED ON
digitalWrite(LEDpin, HIGH);
case 2:
while(blink=1){// LED BLINK
digitalWrite(LEDpin , HIGH);
digitalWrite(LEDpin, LOW);
First of all, you should clean your code to a minimum reproducible example. Remove all unnecessary comments and pieces of code that do not represent the main problem you are facing.
After a quick skim over your code, I immediately noticed this:
while(blink=1){// LED BLINK
digitalWrite(LEDpin , HIGH);
digitalWrite(LEDpin, LOW);
where it should be while(blink==1){ } --> very common mistake. This should be a comparison, NOT an assignment.
Now, you mention that it never stops running. Even after correcting the error I just pointed at, what part inside of your while loop breaks the logic of blink from being equal to 1? Otherwise, the while-loop will never stop
Finally, do not read the serial data inside the main loop(). Use SerialEvent, rather.
Again, it is quite tricky to follow the flow of your code. I suggest you divide your code into functions in order to make it more readable.

Arduino control with serial input more then 1 character

I have the script below and it works.
But I want to control it with a word like on or off instead of one character.
I tried and searched a lot but without success.
Simple LED sketch
int led = 13; // Pin 13
void setup()
pinMode(led, OUTPUT); // Set pin 13 as digital out
// Start up serial connection
Serial.begin(115200); // baud rate
void loop()
if (Serial.available()) {
int ser =; //read serial as ascii integer
if (ser == 'a') { //is this serial byte the ASCII equivalent of 0 through 9?
digitalWrite(led, HIGH); // on
else if (ser == 'u') {
digitalWrite(led, LOW); // off
Use Serial.readStringUntil(terminator) to read a string from the serial.
The sent string needs to be terminated with a newline character.
Chose Newline in the Arduino IDE's Serial Monitor.
String cmd = "";
void loop()
if (Serial.available()) {
cmd = Serial.readStringUntil('\n');
if (cmd == "on") {
digitalWrite(led, HIGH); // on
else if (cmd == "off") {
digitalWrite(led, LOW); // off
Your problem is that you are using a char you need to declare a string so you can compare that string to the input, the guy above gave a ok/very slacky/too complex for you answer (sorry no offense I am just trying to show contrast between a complex and a easy answer not trying to offend you) and partially is because he did not explain what he is doing and because he is doing unnecessary/useless work. There is a function in c++ called Serial.readString(), much easier then the stuff up there. Assuming your level of programming (no offense) from your question here is a quick review on data types:
String = ""
int = integer number {1,2,3,4,5,6,...}
char = '' <- Notice the difference from String = ""
float = floating point number {1.2,4.5,...}
(These are not all of them, there is more like byte and so on but just make sure you know how to use the above first)
Simple LED sketch
int led = 7; // Pin 13
String ser; //Declare the string that is going to store what your are going to
//write in the serial
void setup(){
// Start up serial connection
//It's good convention to start the serial before pinMode or any other thing
//in setup
Serial.begin(9600); //I don't know why you need such an high baud rate in
//your thing, 9600 for what you have to do is more than fine, this is just at
//what speed the serial is read (in a very general explanation)
pinMode(led, OUTPUT); // Set pin 13 as digital out
//make sure you put in here wheter you want to start the led "on" or "off"
//Eg you want it to start on, then digitalWrite(led, HIGH);
void loop(){
ser = Serial.readString();
if(Serial.available() == 0) { //You can also use a while loop if you want to
//This is telling the arduino: if there is something in the serial, then do...
if(ser == "on"){
digitalWrite(led, HIGH);
}else if(ser == "off"){
digitalWrite(led, LOW);
Hope it helped!
Also notice how the above code with
This is a quite WEIRD and SHADY statement and might not work. That's because you are not really telling the int value into the function Serial.available
As the arduino guidelines specify:
int incomingByte = 0; // for incoming serial data
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // opens serial port, sets data rate to 9600 bps
void loop() {
// send data only when you receive data:
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
// read the incoming byte:
incomingByte =;
// say what you got:
Serial.print("I received: ");
Serial.println(incomingByte, DEC);
viewable here

Processing IDE data is not being sent to arduino properly

I want to send processing IDE data to arduino. But led is not working. It worked fine once. But not working now :( Serial port name is exactly same in arduino as it is found by processing.
Processing code:
import processing.serial.*;
Serial myPort; // Create object from Serial class
void setup()
size(200,200); //make our canvas 200 x 200 pixels big
String portName = Serial.list()[0]; //change the 0 to a 1 or 2 etc. to match your port
myPort = new Serial(this, portName, 9600);
//send a 1
void draw() {
if (mousePressed == true)
{ //if we clicked in the window
myPort.write('1'); //send a 1
} else
{ //otherwise
myPort.write('0'); //send a 0
Arduino code:
char val='0'; // Data received from the serial port
int ledPin = 13; // Set the pin to digital I/O 13
void setup() {
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); // Set pin as OUTPUT
Serial.begin(9600); // Start serial communication at 9600 bps
void loop() {
//digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); // turn the LED on
if (Serial.available())
{ // If data is available to read,
val =; // read it and store it in val
if (val == '1')
{ // If 1 was received
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); // turn the LED on
} else {
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); // otherwise turn it off
delay(10); // Wait 10 milliseconds for next reading
You can simply say if(mousePressed)..., there is no need to say == true (it's implied)
You're correct to check if(Serial.available()) before trying to overwrite val with whatever character you read from there. However, the rest of your code inside loop() is executing regardless of this check. There is no reason to repeatedly write a pin to LOW or HIGH if it is already there. In fact, you will be more responsive if you only delay on loops where you find a character available for reading.
I'd recommend you add some print statements to your Arduino code so you can get a look at what you're reading.
Also, could it be that your hardware is connected improperly or that your LED is simply burnt out?

String concatenation with arduino

I have a very short example program running on an Arduino Fio device. This program is sending serial data. A connected Xbee router device is receiving this data and sending it to a Xbee coordinator device connected to my notebook. The program also reading data from the serial port. I can send a 1 or a 0 to switch the LED of the Fio device on or off.
Switching the LED on or off by sending a 1 or a 0 from a terminal on my notebook is working well.
But when I try to read the data which the Fio device is sending, I get this:
his direction works
is direction works
s direction works
direction works
direction works
irection works
rection works
ection works
ction works
... and so on.
But I'm expecting a string ("This direction works " + counter++;) as you can see in the following code example.
Here is the short Arduino sketch:
int incomingByte = 0; // for incoming serial data
int counter = 0;
void setup()
// blink twice at startup
digitalWrite(13, LOW);
digitalWrite(13, HIGH); // first blink
digitalWrite(13, LOW);
digitalWrite(13, HIGH); // second blink
digitalWrite(13, LOW);
void loop()
// send data only when you receive data:
if (Serial.available() > 0)
// read the incoming byte:
incomingByte =;
if(incomingByte == '0')
digitalWrite(13, LOW);
else if(incomingByte == '1')
digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
// say what you got:
Serial.print("Fio received: ");
Serial.write(incomingByte); // Arduino 1.0 compatibility
Serial.write(10); // send a line feed/new line, ascii 10
String sendData = "This direction works " + counter++;
What I'm doing wrong? Why do I don't get:
This direction works 0
This direction works 1
This direction works 2
This direction works 3
... and so on?
As #Elric and #Olaf mentioned in the comments, it is not possible to do that like in my posted code.
After reading the documentation again I found an "explanation":
Caution: You should be careful about concatenating multiple variable
types on the same line, as you may get unexpected results. For
int sensorValue = analogRead(A0); String stringOne = "Sensor
value: "; String stringThree = stringOne + sensorValue;
results in "Sensor Value: 402" or whatever the analogRead() result is,
int sensorValue = analogRead(A0); String stringThree = "Sensor
value: " + sensorValue; Serial.println(stringThree);
gives unpredictable results because stringThree never got an initial
value before you started concatenating different data types.
Firstly you have to initialize the String variable to assign two concatenated strings to it.
