QWebView which version of webkit supported? - qt

I am new to Qt. What I understand is Qt is porting webview from webkit. [Correct me if i am wrong]. and I could not able to find which version of the webkit is ported into Qt 5.0 or higher version.
Kindly suggest me how to find?

It's running on WebKit2, which specific version is a bit more tricky to find out, but you should be able to look through the Qt repository on gitorious to determine it. If I remember rightly it changes depending on how you've built Qt5 and where from.

Seems to be a 3-4 months old snapshot, see the git repo for the included commits.


Xamarin.Forms Mac AuthenticationContinuationHelper

Anyone try using Microsoft.Identy.Client package with Xamarin.Forms in MacOS project?
I try to implement OpenUrl method according to sample: https://github.com/Azure-Samples/active-directory-xamarin-native-v2/tree/master but in AppDelegate in MacOS project VS cannot see AuthenticationContinuationHelper class. Microsoft.Identity.Client class is limited:
Microsoft.Identity.Client in MacOS Project not show all items
At .Droid and .iOS project everything work properly.
Anyone was handled with this?
So there is a video from Build 2018 as well as the Slide Deck that discuss that. You need to make sure in your nuget settings you have the "show pre-release packages" checked, and then install the Microsoft.Identity.Client. I had the same issue until I did that, installed the nugets, cleaned and rebuilt the solution.
The problem with Xaramin.mac is that the library does not currently, nor does it sound like it will any time soon support the Xaramin.mac platform. This is mentioned in Open Issue #522 on the GitHub repository, after some further reading into it. That was dated on February 20th, with no news since then, so I don't believe they have it on their roadmap. Must be something with the way MacOS handles the brewer handoff, let alone the MacOS was just recently supported by some of their services in Azure, which makes me think there is not enough market share there yet in this space?

QT application on BeagleboneBlack

Hi I have a debian image on BBB I have already installed QT creator on B^3 but the problem is whenever I try to start a new project in qt creator, couldn't see any option of kit. Infact when i add qmake and compiler path the application throws error.
What can I do to solve the problem. Can i directly get the full pack of SDK from qt.io/download ?
You must compile Qt libraries for your device (BBB) on your own, using specified compiler. You can find more information on this topic, here:
Qt Cross-Compilation Options
As soon as you compile Qt libraries for your device, you must move them to appropriate directories (on your BBB).
First, I would suggest learning to cross-compile, it's much faster & more easily maintained when you want to move to new versions. There's a ton of documentation and community around doing this. Windows & Linux both of which are probably dated, but info is still relavent. I've heard it's much easier from a linux host, but that could be biased.
That being said, if you don't want to cross-compile I believe you can simply install the qt embedded libraries. This question may offer some good advice. Once you have the libraries installed, you should be able to use qmake directly to create the Makefile for your project, then you can use cmake, or g++, etc.. to do the actual compiling.
You're likely going to work in command line though, I'm not sure you can run QT Creator on the BBB directly. I could be wrong.

Will program run with newer version of Qt?

I have a program that I need to edit that was developed with Qt version 5.0.1. Will the program still work correctly if I just grab the newest version and edit the program with that? Or am I better off getting the old version from the Qt archive?
Qt 5 is not 100% compatible with previous versions, so probably you will have to make some migration stuff. This little transition guide is your friend!

phoneGap files not found in QT-creator

i'm new to Qt, i just install all in one QT-SDK beta with QT-creator as described here. I tried to import PhoneGap example files from there (I use Qt-creator coz when I try to do it on Carbide, as described, it said that my EPOCROOT is wrong, but it isn't). When I want to debug or run project it said that there are some files missing, but i see them in files-tree (look). Any ideas what's going on?
I am working on PhoneGap Qt and am currently in the process of upgrading PhoneGap Qt to use the latest Qt Release, as well as the latest Qt Mobility Libraries. Hopefully once this is complete things will work smoother for you. Keep an eye on the github repository for updates.

Installing Adobe Flex builder in Ubuntu/Linux?

Is working fine?, i found instruction in Adobe site confusing and i am not confident at all since it says that only works with eclipse 3.3 (actual version should be 3.5 or close)
There is any special instructions to do it well.
Unless you're talking about the Alpha version (found here: Adobe Flex Builder 3 for Linux), it's not going to work at all. The commercial version doesn't support Linux.
I've used the Linux beta previously and the install worked well (it's a Flash based installer) so you shouldn't have any issues.
I think you will get clear picture form this article. http://articles.tutorboy.com/linux/install-flex-builder-on-ubuntu-as-eclipse-plugin.html
