Only available via iframe - iframe

Is there a way of making a webpage only available through an iframe? Basically if you go directly to the iframe source you wouldn't be able to see the content, but if you view the site through an iframe you would be able to see the content.
A jQuery or Javascript solution would be perfect, and I do have to power to edit the source.

try adding this in head of your webpage
<script type="text/javascript">
if (top === self) {
alert('Sorry ! WebPage is only accesible via iframe') //if current window is topmost window
} else {
alert('Well Done');
self means current window and top means browser's topmost window


How to open a new windows on body load in blogger?

I have my blog under url and i want to open a new window having specific url when the blog loads. Can anybody help?
You can use javascript to open a popup window when a user logs on. However, if you have a popup blocker installed, it won't open at all. Also, some browsers will not allow popups at all. It would be better to have the user click a link and then the popup opens.
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function() {'','google',' menubar=0, resizable=0,dependent=0,status=0,width=300,height=200,left=10,top=10')
Change the settings for url, width, and height to whatever you need.

iframe window top location issue. iframe loads over and over again

When my iframe loads I need parent page to load different content(header,footer) while iframe its still there. I added to iframe : = "";
It loads the new parent page but its reloading over and over again.
How can I enable only one load/iframe load, or some solution.
I have tried with
window.onload = function() {
if(!window.location.hash) {
window.location = window.location + '#loaded';
but it does nothing.
Thank you.
you just can't reload the iframe parent only without reloading the iframe too! If you want to change some content in parent page you must do it with javascript from the parent page and not the iframe.
And if you want to catch the "iframe loaded event" you must do it from inside the iframe. Looks like an impossible situation but you can still do it!
You need to let iframe and parent page comunicate, and you can do it with html5 postmessage (works even if parent and iframe are in different domains!). If you need to have IE7 compatibility too you can use easyXDM javascript library instead of postMessage, just search for example in their site.
Simply do a postMessage from iFrame when jQuery(document).ready() (or any similar event) is triggered, the parent page must have a listner waiting for this message for trigger the header/footer/anything change event.

How to disable web content appears in iframe of slide in iframe element?

see the snap shot and you will understand what i mean.
You should locate the iframe on the page using your browser's code inspection (CTRL + U generally), and then use jQuery (because its convenient) to remove it. So you should add a script like that in your page: $(function() { $('#pubPath').remove(); }); or switch to another website.

To disable the addressbar and standardbuttons bar in IE when my application lanches?

when my application launches in the IE from start page to main page i want to hide the addressbar and the standardbuttons bar of IE through the codebehind and here am using masterpage concept so i have to write the code in master only i think so....can anyone help for this
AFAIK you cannot disable address bar and button in IE from when the application starts unless using some ActiveX, Flash, ... Only if your application opens new window popups you could hide them.
I just found a way... It works atleast in IE 7... Not sure about other browsers...
if ( == 'default') { = 'Hai';'main.html', '_self'); // Current html file name
else if( == '') { = 'Hai';'main.html', '_self'); // Current html file name
else if( == 'Hai') {
// Use your application startup page here along with the desired options'newfile.aspx','NEWWINDOWNAME', 'Status=0, location=0');
This window automatically closes itself
The complete list of options are available here.
Hope this helps.
Explanation : (AFAIK) Generally when javascript uses window.close method to close the active window, IE will ask for a confirmation from the user. Such confirmation will not be asked when the window is a popup window opened previously by a javascript along with a name.
The above just fakes the same, by opening the same file in the same window but this time with a name. As a result when window.close is executed, IE recognises the current window as a window opened using Javascript and as it also has a name, it just closes the same without confirmation.
Of course, I get a general Javascript alert at the beginning of the load, but since (I presume) you will be using aspx or other types, this problem will not be there.

Open browser in Full screen

net website, I would like to add button by which user can view the page in Full Screen mode and switch back to Normal mode. [This is same as happens with F11]
I have seen many javascript code but all of them is opening new window in full screen.
But i would like have same window in Full screen
If it happn then i will put that button in MASTER page.
Please help?
I don't think it is possible to do what you are asking.
The only possible way is using
<span onclick="'','', 'fullscreen=yes, scrollbars=auto');">Open Full Screen Window</span>
(I'm not sure it's a good idea to force a user to use full screen mode...)
ugly solution but it works
<script type="text/javascript">
function max()
var obj = new ActiveXObject("");
<body onload="javascript:max()">
User already has this button, it's called F11.
DO NOT try to be 'smart'. This kind of functionality is in browser's scope, not in web application scope. It should not be your concern at all.
Instead focus on features that are truly relevant to your application.
