iframe window top location issue. iframe loads over and over again - iframe

When my iframe loads I need parent page to load different content(header,footer) while iframe its still there. I added to iframe :
window.top.location = "http://mysite.com";
It loads the new parent page but its reloading over and over again.
How can I enable only one load/iframe load, or some solution.
I have tried with
window.onload = function() {
if(!window.location.hash) {
window.location = window.location + '#loaded';
but it does nothing.
Thank you.

you just can't reload the iframe parent only without reloading the iframe too! If you want to change some content in parent page you must do it with javascript from the parent page and not the iframe.
And if you want to catch the "iframe loaded event" you must do it from inside the iframe. Looks like an impossible situation but you can still do it!
You need to let iframe and parent page comunicate, and you can do it with html5 postmessage (works even if parent and iframe are in different domains!). If you need to have IE7 compatibility too you can use easyXDM javascript library instead of postMessage, just search for example in their site.
Simply do a postMessage from iFrame when jQuery(document).ready() (or any similar event) is triggered, the parent page must have a listner waiting for this message for trigger the header/footer/anything change event.


Hidden Google Doc iframe won't load

On my webpage, I've got several tabs and, in one of them, I want to display an iframe containing a Google Doc.
When the iframe is displayed, the google doc is loaded and there is no problem.
But by default, this tab is hidden (so, the iframe inside too)
Something like
<div id="tab-1">...</div>
<div id="tab-2" hidden>...</div>
<div id="tab-3" hidden><iframe src="https://docs.google.com/document/d/......../edit?usp=sharing&embed=true"></iframe></div>
with jquery to handle actions
And, when the iframe is hidden, it seems like it can't load until it's not hidden anymore. The problem is I endlessly get popup saying
This error has been reported to Google and will be examined as soon as possible. To continue, please refresh the page.
In a page without tab, if the iframe has the "hidden" attribute, the bug occurs too
I could get around the problem by "hiding" the iframe with a "heigth=0" but when it's hidden in a tab, the problem comes back
Have you ever met this problem and find a way to solve it ? Do I have to "dynamically load" the google doc iframe when it becomes visible ? (And then, how to ?)
I don't mind if the iframe is loaded later so I decided to load the <iframe> with jquery, when the tab is opened, by storing the src into the attributes.
There could be problems though, if the tab is closed while the iframe is not fully loaded.
That's why I prevent this by stop loading if the tab is changed, (and don't if it's already fully loaded.)
<iframe data-src="https://docs.google.com/document/d/......"
//Stops iframe loading
$(".tab-to-close iframe.google-doc").not('.isloaded').prop('src','')
//Change the tabs
var iframetoload = $(".tab-to-open iframe.google-doc");
//Load iframes on the new tab
//If it's loaded in time, save it so it's not destroyed on tab changing
iframtetoload.on('load', function(){

Only available via iframe

Is there a way of making a webpage only available through an iframe? Basically if you go directly to the iframe source you wouldn't be able to see the content, but if you view the site through an iframe you would be able to see the content.
A jQuery or Javascript solution would be perfect, and I do have to power to edit the source.
try adding this in head of your webpage
<script type="text/javascript">
if (top === self) {
alert('Sorry ! WebPage is only accesible via iframe') //if current window is topmost window
} else {
alert('Well Done');
self means current window and top means browser's topmost window

using nyroModal, want iframe to automatically load upon page load

Saw alot of manual loads of iframes in answers, but I need the page to automatically load the fist menu option and I am using nyroModal (class=iframe which opens it iframe style with nyroModal).
The reason for this is the menu for a bunch of other iframe content is in this iframe as well and I'd like it to stay open and the menu stay in this auto opened iframe.
Hopefully this makes sense to someone.(?)
You can use the manual function inside the event handling:
$(window).load(function() {
// my code to open manually an iframe using nyroModal
You can get the snippet to open the iframe at this page: Open iframe manually in nyroModal

How to detect the load event of iframe which is inside a html scope from the outside of iframe(parent html)

a few notes:
1.i can not modify the iframe content to add the onload= function
2.the iframe has an id.
3.the iframe has no callback to its parent html page.
4.I use the prototype ,not jquery, for some old reasons.
i wanna do something when the iframe load finished.
but, i have tried the
alert($('iframe-id')); >> **IS NULL**
alert($('iframe-id')); >> **IS NULL STILL**
Did i miss some methods in prototype or javascript?

Apply "onclick" to all elements in an iFrame

How do I use the JavaScript DOM to apply onclick events to links inside of an iframe?
Here's what I'm trying that isn't working:
document.getElementById('myIframe').contentDocument.getElementsByTagName('a').onclick = function();
No errors seem to be thrown, and I have complete control of the stuff in the iframe.
Here is some code to test and see if I can at least count how many div's are in my iframe.
// access body
var docBody = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
// create and load iframe element
var embed_results = document.createElement('iframe');
embed_results.id = "myIframe";
embed_results.setAttribute("src", "http://www.mysite.com/syndication/php/embed.php");
// append to body
// count the divs in iframe and alert
It is possible for an iFrame to source content from another website on a different domain.
Being able to access content on other domains would represent a security vulnerability to the user and so it is not possible to do this via Javascript.
For this reason, you can not attach events in your page to content within an iFrame.
getElementsByTagName returns a NodeCollection, so you have to iterate throgh this collection and add onclick handler to every node in that collection. The code below should work.
var links = document.getElementById('myIframe').contentDocument.getElementsByTagName('a');
for(var i=0;i<links.length;++i)links[i].onclick=function(){}
also make sure, you run this code after the frames' content is loaded
// your code
