Designing linear layout - imageview

I am trying to design a layout which is containing 2 textView at the rightside of imageView.
I know that it is easy to design it with Relative layout.
But i want to design it using linear layout.
Please provide some hints or code to do this.
Thank you in advance!

Hint: You can use LinearLayouts in nested way, one inside the other and so on.
Refer to the following image from Developer site
From the image it is clear that for your case you need to create a linear layout inside that create a imageView and a LinearLayout(called linearLayout2). Now Inside linearLayout2 create two textViews.

Visualize the Linear layout with orientation set to horizontal and set layout_weight to each control. A layout weight of 0.5 means a control will take up the left half of the linear layout (50%).


How to implement a grid overlay on static image with React Native

I am trying to create a coordinate system for my localisation application. I need a grid of squares that can be individually manipulated by their position. This grid overlay will then be layered on top of a static image.
For example box (1,0) will manipulate the second row first column box.
Here is an example:
grid overlay on image example
Any ideas on how to achieve this? Any advice is greatly appreciated.

How can i split my mainwindow into 5 areas with QT-Layouts

I want to make a GUI with QT Creator 4.9.1 ,my aim is to split my mainwindow into 5 areas(no multiple window), my question is how can i realize that, or better what is the best Layout solution for that?
I have allready tried to set a datagrid and add inside that grid 5 frames, the problem is that the first frame has the size of my whole datagrid and i can't resize it.
My next try was to add 5 different datagrid on my GUI but i can't set the size of the datagrid's in QT like wpf or forms.
My last try and my current solution is without any layout, i add 5 fame's inside my mainwindow but that isn't a good solution.
Inside visual studio i realize that with datagrids i create for every menu one grid and change the visibility when the user need a other (area 2).
friendly wishes sniffi
The suggestion to using dock windows may be a good one to investigate, particularly if you need to allow the user to resize or move things around. However, to get the layout you want with just layouts, the trick is to use multiple layouts.
Create a vertical layout for the left-hand side and add the four widgets to it. Create a horizontal layout and add the vertical layout in the first column and your tall, fifth widget to the second column. Apply the layout to your main windows, and that should give you roughly what you're looking for.
You'll almost certainly need to play with the row stretches on the vertical layout to get the proportions you want, and with the column stretches on the horizontal layout.
The alternate would be to create a grid layout where the widget on the right side spans four rows, but I think you'll be happier with the mix of the two layouts.

Center childs in linear layout in android

I try to do the following: I have a linear layout. So I want to split it in 3 parts (equal parts) for 3 children. So I make weightSum = 3 and every child weight to 1. But there is one more problem - every child is not centralized in its own part ! I try to set layout gravity to the childs, but there is no effect. Is there any solution for this. Warning: I don't want to set gravity=center of the linear layout (this centralized the children, which I don't want and moreover if I remove one of them the effect is not I want).
Thanks in advance.
Also why when I add views in linear layout and set gravity of the layout to center then there is space between the views ? How can I control this or remove it?
Wrap every child of linear layout into a relative layout and then give layout:centerHorizontal = true to each relative layout.

What Cell,Table can I use to create a grid of only images in every cell, in GWT?

I need to create a GWT application that handle the buying of films. So I have to show in a grid (not in a list, I don't like the view) these cell containing image and info about the film like this:( ). I think that I need of a grid showing I think, to obtain something like but I wouldn't know to start. thanks for help!
You can use a simple FlowPanel as a container, and add each image with a float set to "left".
Alternatively, you can use a flex-box model with flex-flow: row wrap on a container.
You don't need any widgets for this. This is simple CSS, and it will give you the best performance and the smallest code size.

Android Linear layout

In linearlayout, view will be added from top to bottom, Can we override and make it add view from bottom to top.
can not, what you can do is change the layout and use a RelativeLayout
No you cannot override linear layout in the way you wish to do.You can use relative layout for that.
You can check that there is no option available to do that in a linear layout,I have tried that.
is too easy, just drag the items you use and arrange them any way you want, do not restrict in any way what the RelativeLayout
