Android Linear layout - android-linearlayout

In linearlayout, view will be added from top to bottom, Can we override and make it add view from bottom to top.

can not, what you can do is change the layout and use a RelativeLayout

No you cannot override linear layout in the way you wish to do.You can use relative layout for that.
You can check that there is no option available to do that in a linear layout,I have tried that.

is too easy, just drag the items you use and arrange them any way you want, do not restrict in any way what the RelativeLayout


What Cell,Table can I use to create a grid of only images in every cell, in GWT?

I need to create a GWT application that handle the buying of films. So I have to show in a grid (not in a list, I don't like the view) these cell containing image and info about the film like this:( ). I think that I need of a grid showing I think, to obtain something like but I wouldn't know to start. thanks for help!
You can use a simple FlowPanel as a container, and add each image with a float set to "left".
Alternatively, you can use a flex-box model with flex-flow: row wrap on a container.
You don't need any widgets for this. This is simple CSS, and it will give you the best performance and the smallest code size.

How to make a layout invisible in Qt?

I add a layout in a dialog and sometimes I want it and all its containing widgets to hide. How to implement it? I try layout->setEnable(false), but it doesn't seem to work in my tests.
You can't do that. You should add a widget in your form, put children inside the widget and assign desired layout to the widget. The behavior will be generally the same, but you can use setVisible or hide methods of the widget.
Transform QLayout to QWidget first, then you can use QWidget->hide().

Designing linear layout

I am trying to design a layout which is containing 2 textView at the rightside of imageView.
I know that it is easy to design it with Relative layout.
But i want to design it using linear layout.
Please provide some hints or code to do this.
Thank you in advance!
Hint: You can use LinearLayouts in nested way, one inside the other and so on.
Refer to the following image from Developer site
From the image it is clear that for your case you need to create a linear layout inside that create a imageView and a LinearLayout(called linearLayout2). Now Inside linearLayout2 create two textViews.
Visualize the Linear layout with orientation set to horizontal and set layout_weight to each control. A layout weight of 0.5 means a control will take up the left half of the linear layout (50%).

How do I add whitespace using GWT 2.4 and uiBinder?

I'm working on doing my layout using HTMLPanel in uiBinder.
I want to create some whitespace, lets say 70px of height, in several places on the page, to split up the vertical layout of the widgets.
What is the preferred way to do this? Using CSS or a panel that isn't visible or some other method?
Use CSS. You can write it right at the top of your ui.xml file.

Centering item renderers in a HorizontalList

I am trying to center itemRenderers in a horizontal list if the number of items in the list is less than the maximum visible number. Has anyone found a good way to do this?
See an illustration of what I mean if it is hard to picture.
Override the measure() method - I've writen a blog entry here:
One solution that comes to mind would be to add invisible renderers to achieve the same centering.
You might want to consider using a horizontal box or "Hbox" instead of a horizontal list component. This will allow you to use the horizontal align property to set center. If not, simply extend the horizontal list component to accept a center align property, and copy it from the hbox to your new extended component.
Would paddingRight or paddingLeft accomplish what you're looking for? If you combine it with setting the columnWidth and the columnCount, that would allow you to adjust where the items first appear.
