R Read CSV file that has timestamp - r

I have a csvfile that has a time stamp column as a string
I use the read.csv option but the problem with that is once I finish the import the data column looks like:
1 15 1035 4530 3502 2 892 482 0 2.006011e+13 2 N
2 15 1034 7828 3501 3 263 256 0 2.007112e+13 3 N
3 15 1035 7832 4530 2 1974 1082 0 2.007112e+13 7 N
4 15 2346 8381 8155 3 2684 649 0 2.008021e+13 9 N
Is there away to strip the date from string as it get read (csv file does have headers: removed here to keep data anonymous). If we can't strip as it get read can what is the best way to do the strip?

Here 2 methods:
Using zoo package. Personally I prefer this one. I deal with your data as a time series.
V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V10 V11
2006-01-08 08:16:08 15 1035 4530 3502 2 892 482 0 2 N
2007-11-24 17:55:19 15 1034 7828 3501 3 263 256 0 3 N
2007-11-24 19:38:18 15 1035 7832 4530 2 1974 1082 0 7 N
2008-02-07 13:10:02 15 2346 8381 8155 3 2684 649 0 9 N
Using colClasses argument in read.table, as mentioned in the comment :
dat <- read.table(text='15,1035,4530,3502,2,892,482,0,20060108081608,2,N
1] "2006-01-08 08:16:08" "2007-11-24 17:55:19"
"2007-11-24 19:38:18" "2008-02-07 13:10:02"

As Ricardo says, you can set the column classes with read.csv. In this case I recommend importing these as characters and once the csv is loaded, converting them to dates with strptime().
for example:
test <- '20080207131002'
strptime(x = test, format = "%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
Which will return a POSIXlt object w/ the date/time info.

You can use lubridate package
test <- '20080207131002'
Can also specify format for each case depends on your needs


CSV conversion in R for standard calculations

I have a problem calculating the mean of columns for a dataset imported from this CSV file
I import the file using the following command:
dataGSR = read.csv("ShimmerData.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",",stringsAsFactors=T)
dataGSR$X=NULL #don't need this column
Then I take a subset of this
i check they are correct
Shimmer Shimmer.1 Shimmer.2 Shimmer.3 Shimmer.4 Shimmer.5 Shimmer.6 Shimmer.7
4 31329 0 713 623.674691281028 2545 3706.5641025641 2409 3529.67032967033
5 31649 9.765625 713 623.674691281028 2526 3678.89230769231 2501 3664.46886446886
6 31969 19.53125 712 638.528829576655 2528 3681.80512820513 2501 3664.46886446886
7 32289 29.296875 713 623.674691281028 2516 3664.3282051282 2498 3660.07326007326
8 32609 39.0625 711 654.10779696494 2503 3645.39487179487 2496 3657.14285714286
9 32929 48.828125 713 623.674691281028 2505 3648.30769230769 2496 3657.14285714286
When I type
Error in colMeans(dati) : 'x' must be numeric
In order to solve this problem I convert everything into a matrix
But when I check the new variable, data values are different
Shimmer Shimmer.1 Shimmer.2 Shimmer.3 Shimmer.4 Shimmer.5 Shimmer.6 Shimmer.7
4 370 1 10 1 65 65 1 1
5 375 3707 10 1 46 46 24 24
6 381 1025 9 2 48 48 24 24
7 386 2162 10 1 36 36 21 21
8 392 3126 8 3 23 23 19 19
9 397 3229 10 1 25 25 19 19
My questions here is:
How to convert correctly the "dati" variable in order to perform the colMeans()?
In addition to #akrun's advice, another option is to convert the columns to numeric yourself (rather than having read.csv do it):
dati <- data.frame(
R> colMeans(dati)
Shimmer Shimmer.1 Shimmer.2 Shimmer.3 Shimmer.4 Shimmer.5 Shimmer.6 Shimmer.7
33004.2924 18647.4609 707.4335 718.3989 2521.3626 3672.1383 2497.9013 3659.9287
Where dataGSR was read in with stringsAsFactors=F,
dataGSR <- read.csv(
Unless you know for sure that you need character columns to be factors, you are better off setting this option to FALSE.
The header lines ("character") in the dataset span first 4 lines. We could skip the 4 lines, use header=FALSE and then change the column names based on the info from the first 4 lines.
dataGSR <- read.csv('ShimmerData.csv', header=FALSE,
stringsAsFactors=FALSE, skip=4)
lines <- readLines('ShimmerData.csv', n=4)
colnames(dataGSR) <- do.call(paste, c(strsplit(lines, ','),
dataGSR <- dataGSR[,-9]
# [1] 33004.2924 18647.4609 707.4335 718.3989 2521.3626
# 3672.1383 2497.9013
# [8] 3659.9287

Dividing a file in R and automatically creating notepad files

I have a file which is like this :
"1943" 359 1327 "t000000" 8
"1944" 359 907 "t000000" 8
"1946" 359 472 "t000000" 8
"1947" 359 676 "t000000" 8
"1948" 326 359 "t000000" 8
"1949" 359 585 "t000000" 8
"1950" 359 1157 "t000000" 8
"2460" 275 359 "t000000" 8
"2727" 22 556 "t000000" 8
"2730" 22 676 "t000000" 8
"479" 17 1898 "t0000000" 5
"864" 347 720 "t000s" 12
"3646" 349 691 "t000s" 7
"6377" 870 1475 "t000s" 14
"7690" 566 870 "t000s" 14
"7691" 870 2305 "t000s" 14
"8120" 870 1179 "t000s" 14
"8122" 44 870 "t000s" 14
"8124" 870 1578 "t000s" 14
"8125" 206 870 "t000s" 14
"8126" 870 1834 "t000s" 14
"6455" 1 1019 "t000t" 13
"4894" 126 691 "t00t" 9
"4896" 126 170 "t00t" 9
"560" 17 412 "t0t" 7
"130" 65 522 "tq" 18
"1034" 17 990 "tq" 10
"332" 3 138 "ts" 2
"2063" 61 383 "ts" 5
"2089" 127 147 "ts" 11
"2431" 148 472 "ts" 15
"2706" 28 43 "ts" 21
The first column is the random row number ( got after some sorting that I needed ), the fourth column contains the pattern for which I actually want different notepad files.
What I want is that I get individual notepad files named for example, f1.txt,f2.txt,f3.txt...containing all the rows for a value in column 4. For example, I get a different file for "t000000" and then a different one for "t000s" and then a seperate one for "t00t" and so on...
I did this,
list2env(split(sort, sort[,4]),envir=.GlobalEnv)
Here sort is my text file name of data set and 3 is that column.
And then I can use the write.table command, but since my file is huge, I get around 100's of files like that and doing write.table manually like that is very difficult. Is there any way I can automate it?
Using the excellent data.table package:
# get your source file
the_file <- fread('~/Desktop/file.txt') #replace with your file path
# vector of unique values of column 4 & the roots of your output filename
fl_names <- unique(the_file$V4)
# dump all the relevant subsets to files
for (f in fl_names) write.table(the_file[V4==f, ], paste0(f, '.txt'), row.names=FALSE)
You've already figured out split, but instead of list2env, which will make more work for you just use lapply:
# Generally confusing to name a data.frame
# the same as a common function!
X <- split(sort, sort[, 4])
invisible(lapply(names(X), function(y)
write.csv(X[[y]], file = paste0(y, ".csv"))))
Proof of concept:
Dir <- getwd() # Won't be necessary in your actual script
setwd(tempdir()) # I just don't want my working directory filled
list.files(pattern=".csv") # with random csv files, so I'm using tempdir()
# character(0) # Note that there are no csv files presently
X <- split(sort, sort[, 4]) # You've already figured this step out
## invisible is just so you don't have to see an empty list
## printed in your console. The rest is pretty straightforward
invisible(lapply(names(X), function(y)
write.csv(X[[y]], file = paste0(y, ".csv"))))
list.files(pattern=".csv") # Check that the files are there
# [1] "t000000.csv" "t0000000.csv" "t000s.csv" "t000t.csv"
# [5] "t00t.csv" "t0t.csv" "tq.csv" "ts.csv"
setwd(Dir) # Won't be necessary for your actual script

Checking data for equality in R [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to convert a factor to integer\numeric without loss of information?
(12 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I am quite new to R and I am having a problem checking some values for equality. I have a dataframe rt (below), and I wish to check whether the values in column r$V8 are equal to 606.
V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9
710 256225 RAIN 1853-12-26 00:00 1 DLY3208 900 1 606 1001
712 256225 RAIN 1853-12-27 00:00 1 DLY3208 900 1 606 1001
714 256225 RAIN 1853-12-28 00:00 1 DLY3208 900 1 606 1001
716 256225 RAIN 1853-12-29 00:00 1 DLY3208 900 1 606 1001
718 256225 RAIN 1853-12-30 00:00 1 DLY3208 900 1 606 1001
720 256225 RAIN 1853-12-31 00:00 1 DLY3208 900 1 606 1001
> typeof(rt$V8)
[1] "integer"
> mode(rt$V8)
[1] "numeric"
> class(rt$V8)
[1] "factor"
> rt$V8
[1] 606 606 606 606 606 606
Levels: 606 1530
Test if equal to 606:
> rt$V8 == 606
> as.integer(rt$V8) == as.integer(606)
I do not understand why these checks return false, I would appreciate any advice please.
I have encountered the same issue multiple times and the real problem is usually how the data is imported in R. If you are using read.csv or similar function there is an attribute called 'colClasses' which is immensely useful. You can tell R using this attribute what the type of each column is and then R will not convert your numeric columns into factors.
An easy example is shown here :
Specifying colClasses in the read.csv

How to sum a variable and extract it related variable to appear in the answer

I am new to R and to Stackoverflow and I need an assistant in sorting and extracting information from a data frame I created. I need to extract which IATA and NAME has received the most commission. The result should print: 3301, you pay, 12. I can subset each and every IATA but it is a long process. What will be the best function in R to sort all this information and print out this information.
3300 pay more 700 john cohen 10 1.1 2 8
3300 pay more 701 james levy 11 1.2 2 9
3300 pay more 702 jonathan arbel 12 1.2 3 9
3300 pay more 703 gil matan 9 1.0 2 7
3301 you pay 704 ron natan 19 2.0 6 9
3301 you pay 705 don horvitz 18 2.0 6 9
3302 pay by ticket 706 lutter kaplan 9 1.2 0 9
3303 enjoy 707 lutter omega 12 1.2 0 12
3303 enjoy 708 graig daniel 14 1.3 1 13
3303 enjoy 730 orly rotenberg 15 1.0 1 14
3303 enjoy 731 yohan bach 12 1.0 1 11
This seems to return what you requested (using Jeremy's code for the second part):
comm <- read.table(text = '
3300 pay.more 700 john.cohen 10 1.1 2 8
3300 pay.more 701 james.levy 11 1.2 2 9
3300 pay.more 702 jonathan.arbel 12 1.2 3 9
3300 pay.more 703 gil.matan 9 1.0 2 7
3301 you.pay 704 ron.natan 19 2.0 6 9
3301 you.pay 705 don.horvitz 18 2.0 6 9
3302 pay.by.ticket 706 lutter.kaplan 9 1.2 0 9
3303 enjoy 707 lutter.omega 12 1.2 0 12
3303 enjoy 708 graig.daniel 14 1.3 1 13
3303 enjoy 730 orly.rotenberg 15 1.0 1 14
3303 enjoy 731 yohan.bach 12 1.0 1 11
', header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
comm2 <- with(comm, aggregate(COMM ~ IATA + NAME, FUN = function(x) sum(x, na.rm = TRUE)))
max_comm <- comm2[comm2$COMM == max(comm2$COMM),]
4 3301 you.pay 12
Here is an explanation of the first statement:
The with function identifies the data set to use (here comm). The function aggregate is a general function for performing operations on groups. You want to operate on COMM by IATA and NAME. You write that: COMM ~ IATA + NAME. Next you specify the desired function to perform on COMM (here sum). You do that with FUN = function(x) sum(x). In case there are any missing observations in COMM I added na.rm = TRUE within the sum(x) function.
Call that table comm
max_comm <- comm[comm$COMM == max(comm$COMM),]
or just sort it and look at the head
Edit: If you want to sum by IATA first then use data.table
comm2 <- data.table(comm)
sum_comm <- comm2[, list(COMM_SUM=sum(COMM)), by = c("IATA","NAME")]
data.table has an unusual syntax, you could also try dplyr which is supposed to be roughly as good as data.table now

creating vector from 'if' function using apply in R

I'm tyring to create new vector in R using an 'if' function to pull out only certain values for the new array. Basically, I want to segregate data by day of week for each of several cities. How do I use the apply function to get only, say, Tuesdays in a new array for each city? Thanks
It sounds as though you don't want if or apply at all. The solution is simpler:
Suppose that your data frame is data. Then subset(data, Weekday == 3) should work.
You don't want to use the R if. Instead use the subsetting function [
dat <- read.table(text=" Date Weekday Holiday Atlanta Chicago Houston Tulsa
1 1/1/2008 3 1 313 313 361 123
2 1/2/2008 4 0 735 979 986 310
3 1/3/2008 5 0 690 904 950 286
4 1/4/2008 6 0 610 734 822 281
5 1/5/2008 7 0 482 633 622 211
6 1/6/2008 1 0 349 421 402 109", header=TRUE)
dat[ dat$Weekday==3, ]
