Dynamically set bounds on nearbySearch based on search critieria - google-maps-api-3

We've implemented a search box and google maps on our page to allow customers to perform searches based on places queries, and so far it's working well. However, using TextSearch we almost always get 20 results (unless it's a specific point). What we prefer though, is to return a set of results that makes more sense to a user based on their search (i.e. if they're searching for churches within a zipcode, we shouldn't show churches outside the zip code).
I know we can bias our results based on location and radius, and even restrict results based on location / radius using NearbySearch.
However, our customers are national users who may be searching in any area in the world, so we're not sure, until the user searches, what location and radius to set as a restriction. I'd like to determine that dynamically based on their query.
For example, in Google Maps if you search for "Churches near 30319" you get a much more localized result set than "Churches near Georgia"
Churches near 30319:
Churches near Georgia:
I've tested doing a separate query using geocode to get the single-point location of the query. i.e.
getGeneralVicinity = ->
address = $('#address').val()
address: address,
(results, status) ->
if status is google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK
It seems by possibly finding the type of the geocode result (i.e locality) we could determine a radius and use the geometry.location for the location bounds. Unfortunately, it's not consistent, and if a user only searches for "churches", this doesn't give us the desired results.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

You almost had it. I will refer to the Geocoding API as its JSON feed rather than the Google implementation of it, so detail will come straight from the source. There are some very interesting parameters that come back when geocoding something. Try it:
Georgia: http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=georgia&sensor=true
Both of the second-tier address components are Georgia. However, there are a few differing parameters, and the one you want is geometry. This indicates the shape of the area.
Take, for example, the 30319 request. You will get as bounds:
"bounds" : {
"northeast" : {
"lat" : 33.9203610,
"lng" : -84.30943599999999
"southwest" : {
"lat" : 33.83286890,
"lng" : -84.35826589999999
"location" : {
"lat" : 33.87309460,
"lng" : -84.33842899999999
This tells you three things:
The corners of the bounding box
The centre of the box (which will be the intersection of the vertex lines)
This allows you to compute the maximum distance from your centre, which you can then feed back into your google places API search as radius. Conversion from lat/long to distance is trivial: it's called the orthodromic path. Two formulas exist - one for small distances (Haversine's formula), the other for large distances (this). Someone wrote a calculator for these: http://williams.best.vwh.net/gccalc.htm . You'll quickly see that the bounding box for 30319 spans 10km, whilst the georgia one spans almost 700 (which would require multiple Google Places requests to match).
Let me know if this wasn't clear and I'll elaborate further.


HERE API: How to check does (lat, lon) belong to intersection or no?

I have GPS coordinates and want to check if it's an intersection.
I'm using POST request to "https://fleet.api.here.com/2/calculateroute.json" with payload:
37.775210, -122.419203
And I'm getting back response with
But this point corresponds to a very big intersection in San Fransico.
Please see google-map
I checked many other points with the same result. So how can I check if it is an intersection or no?
The "INTERSECTION_CATEGORY" attribute of "LINK_ATTRIBUTE" layer is using for very specific intersections. For normally intersections the "INTERSECTION_CATEGORY" is null that means no applicable.
You can recognize if a link has intersections utilize "LINK" layer by checking attributes "REF_NODE_NEIGHBOR_LINKS"/"NON_REF_NODE_NEIGHBOR_LINKS" if one from these attributes has more than one link then it belongs to intersection, see please example for the link 576441292 on https://tcs.ext.here.com/examples/v3/pde_get_any_link_info and see please screenshot for it
Another one example to find intersections you can see on https://tcs.ext.here.com/examples/v3/find_intersection_along_route

Quality of result set

I use the here PlacesServices to retrieve information what's around me. Often I get results that are quite ambiguous / duplicate because outdated data appears to be in the result set that reduces the quality quite significantly. How can we feed back changes to the community or how and when does here get updates for those categories, e.g. restaurants or petrol-stations?
Is there a way to dedup?
This is a good example for 3/6 duplicates (same petrol station) since the chain changed some time ago dependent of the direction on the highway.
3 chains for a single petrol station
Finally, is there a solution how I'd only obtain those in my travel direction?
var query = {"in": lat +"," + lng +";r="+distance*1000,"cat" : categories +",pretty"};
let entryPoint = H.service.PlacesService.EntryPoint;
await this.places.request(entryPoint.EXPLORE, query,
function(response) {
values = response.results.items;
}, function(resp) {
console.log('ERROR: '+resp);
Best regards and many thanks in advance
In general the feedback related to HERE Map data can be reported by either the Map Feedback API , the details on the API are available on the documentation page , or The Online Tool HERE Map Creator could be used.
With respect to retrieving POIs, it is possible to request POIs along the route using the "browse/by-corridor" (documentation) end point where the route shape and a radius could be provided as a corridor. It should be noted however the API does not consider the heading direction of the route and may return POIs on the other side of a road. Example :

Places autocomplete widget : bounds bias seems too weak

I want the Places autocomplete Widget to suggest places within France, but not restricted to France. I followed the official guide and added bounds (I set a rectangle bound that does not overflow outside of France), but the places returned for the first digits chars are most of the time out of the bounds.
I saw in the reference that the bound is biased and not restricted to the bound, but the bias seems too weak. Is there any way to make it stronger? (a parameter ?)
Example : https://codepen.io/benjamin-chevillon/pen/XBrNLZ :
new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(inputBounded, {
types: ["geocode"],
bounds: autocompleteBounds
When I type "33" for example, 4 of the 5 suggestions are out of the bounds. Whereas the widget restricted to France returns a lot of places with '33'.
On the official Google example, the autocomplete bounds is linked to the map. By default, the map is centered on Sydney. If you type "33" you'll get Australia's places. But if you move to France you will get European suggestions (but outside of France). I saw that it happens only when we start typing number. But it is a common way in France to describe a postal address.
I created an issue https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/111234226, but they redirected me on SO.
In order to restrict results of autocomplete widget to your bounds you have to use strictBounds parameter that was mentioned in issue tracker:
strictBounds - A boolean value, indicating that the Autocomplete widget should only return those places that are inside the bounds of the Autocomplete widget at the time the query is sent. Setting strictBounds to false (which is the default) will make the results biased towards, but not restricted to, places contained within the bounds.
So, your code should be rewritten as
new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(inputBounded, {
types: ["geocode"],
bounds: autocompleteBounds,
strictBounds: true
I hope this helps!

Google Maps API queryautocomplete location parameter doesn't work

I'm trying to use "location" parameter for queryautocomplete command in Google Maps API. But whatever coordinates I give, it returns the same results. I just need to get search suggestions of places nearby the location coordinates. Here is query example:
**** is key ID
Does anybody know how to solve it?
define a radius too.
Currently you get a place in moskow as first result, although the location is in samara(but the returned places are more prominent , e.g. mir prospect in moscow)
Sample request with radius a radius of 50km:
First result: lenin prospect, samara

Errors When Calculating Distance Between Two Addresses

I have the following script which is being used in a spreadsheet to calculate the driving distance between two cities or a city and a zip code of another city. It is being run for approximately 25 locations simultaneously. To better explain, I have cell B3 in which I enter a new city every time. The script is then used in cells adjacent to my 25 plant locations to calculate the distance from each of my plants to the variable city.
It uses google sheets built in mapping api and works on 80% of the calculations but returns "TypeError: Can Not Read Property "legs" from undefined. (line 16). The plants that it fails on vary with every new city so its not like it is for certain locations. It is almost like the api times out before it completes some of them. I split it into two separate scripts with a varied name and that worked for a day but then 20% fail again.
To make things slightly more odd, I have another script that sorts the plants based on closest distance to the variable address. When you sort the plants, even the ones with errors go to their correct location based on distance. So it is like the distance script is obtaining the correct disance but displaying the error anyways.
Clear as mud? Would love any input I could get on how to correct the issue or an alternate mapping api that could solve my problems.
function distancecalcone(origin,destination) {
var directions = Maps.newDirectionFinder()
//Set the Method of Transporation. The available "modes" are WALKING, DRIVING, BICYCLING, TRANSIT.
//Set the Orgin
//Set the Destination
//Retrieve the Distance
return directions.routes[0].legs[0].distance.value/1609.34;
Have you tried using a try-catch block around directions.routes[0].legs[0].distance.value ?
return directions.routes[0].legs[0].distance.value/1609.34;
catch (e){
or you could try something like this
and so on...to find out which one comes up as undefined the first. That might help you to debug the issue.
Enable Direction Api
1)Go to "google cloud platform"
2)go to "Api and services"
3)search for "direction api" and enable it
The directions service is subject to a quota and a rate limit. Check the return status before parsing the result.
For lots of distances (or at least more than 10), look at the DistanceMatrix.
I'm able to run the script from the Script editor, but not from spreadsheet. The error is "unable to read property legs" when the function is called from spreadsheet. But the property is in place when called from Script editor and contain correct values.
You probably need to use WEB API and have API KEY:
Google Apps Script - How to get driving distance from Maps for two points in spreadsheet
