querystring -

I have the following page querystring:
I have the following code to retrieve the value of ID
string qString = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["id"]) ? string.Empty : HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["id"]);
When I view the value of qString I get something like
so when I do the following:
if (qString == "jSmith")
it does not not execute the if condition. What do I need to do s that it does not have the quotes.

The code is correct.
The problem is that you are passing to the page "jSmith" with the double quotes as part of the string.
Try invoke the page this way

That is because the correct way to give the path in this case would be register.aspx?id=jSmith, without the quotes. If you need spaces, or other special characters, in your ID, these should be URL encoded (and will be decoded by your code), but not enclosed in quotes.
For example, if your id was the string john smith, the URL would become register.aspx?id=john+smith, since + is the URL encoding of a space.

You don't need to put quotes around values in querystring, by definition they're all strings...
Your querystring should look like :

You do not need the quotation marks in your querystring.
It should read

You should look for
if (qString == "\"jSmith\"")
the \ is escaping the extra "
or you could perform a replace to remove the extra "

Response.Redirect("Qstring.aspx?name= smith");
and on the page Qstring.aspx load event
string s=Request.QueryString["name"].ToString();
gives u "smith" in s variable


how to pass parameter inside Strigbuilder class object?

I am using
string strurl = "Reports/ReportFilter.aspx";
and bind a tag as
AnchorLeftMenuLinks.Append(" href='javascript:OpenDialogue(" + strurl + ");' ");
but it return error as "undefined object AuditReports" as runtime it become like
but when i add single quotes manually in firebug like
it works fine.
can anyone suggest me that how to add single quotes in code.Yhankx in advance.
Try this
AnchorLeftMenuLinks.Append(" href='javascript:OpenDialogue(\"" + strurl + "\");' ");
var javascript = string.Format("href='javascript:OpenDialouge('{0}');'", strurl);
AnchorLeftMenuLinks.AppendFormat("href='javascript:OpenDialouge('{0}');'", strurl);
Reason behind it was Javascript String because In JavaScript, a string is started and stopped with either single or double quotes. This means that the string was being chopped to: javascript:OpenDialogue( and your function's syntax was being incorrect and thus it was not working.
Thus it was mandatory to place a backslash (\)before each double quote in strurl. This turns each double quote into a string literal.
There are some other special characters also which needed to be placed using \
\' - single quote
\" - Double Quote
\\ - BackSlash
\n - new Line
\t - tab

Html ahref tag in stringbuilder

I am using html
strBody.Append("<span style=\"font-family:Arial;font-size:10pt\"> Hi " + Name + ",<br/><br/> Welcome! <br/><br/>");
strBody.Append("<tr><td style=\"font-weight:bold\">");
strBody.Append("documents for reference are shared in the Account Induction Portal ");
strBody.Append("Visit W3Schools<br/><br/>");
Here href got error i cant include that in string bulider append without error.Pls help on this
you have two sets of parenthesis you must small quote for the url!
strBody.Append("<a href=''>Visit W3Schools</a><br/><br/>");
or escape like
strBody.Append("Visit W3Schools<br/><br/>"
You don't escape the quotes (") in the following line:
// Replace this
strBody.Append("Visit W3Schools<br/><br/>");
// with either this:
strBody.Append("Visit W3Schools<br/><br/>");
// or use single quotes inside the string:
strBody.Append("<a href=''>Visit W3Schools</a><br/><br/>");

xQuery substring problem

I now have a full path for a file as a string like:
However, now I need to take out only the folder path, so it will be the above string without the last back slash content like:
But it seems that the substring() function in xQuery only has substring(string,start,len) or substring(string,start), I am trying to figure out a way to specify the last occurence of the backslash, but no luck.
Could experts help? Thanks!
Try out the tokenize() function (for splitting a string into its component parts) and then re-assembling it, using everything but the last part.
let $full-path := "/db/Liebherr/Content_Repository/Techpubs/Topics/HyraulicPowerDistribution/Released/TRN_282C_HYD_MOD_1_Drive_Shaft_Rev000.xml",
$segments := tokenize($full-path,"/")[position() ne last()]
For more details on these functions, check out their reference pages:
fn:replace can do the job with a regular expression:
This can be done even with a single XPath 2.0 (subset of XQuery) expression:
string-length($fullPath) - string-length(tokenize($fullPath, '/')[last()])
where $fullPath should be substituted with the actual string, such as:
The following code tokenizes, removes the last token, replaces it with an empty string, and joins back.
)[position() ne last()],
It seems to return the desired result on Does this help?

Request.QueryString[] that contains '+'

I have a page that I wish to pass an ID in a querystring to another page
Response.Redirect("~/Account/Login.aspx?CertificateID="+ CertificateTextBox.Text);
but the value in the CertificateTextBox is in the format of Encoding.UTF8
so it can contains character like "ZnbiS69F2g22OeupHw+Xlg=="
When the receiving page gets the QueryString
CertificateTextBox.Text = Request.QueryString["CertificateID"];
the "+" and possible other querystring chars like "?" are stripped!!
so I end up with
"ZnbiS69F2g22OeupHw Xlg=="
the "+" strinpped!
Is there a way to encode these chars so they are not striped by QuesryString()
or do I have to use a session variable??
You need to encode it for URL formatting for example using HttpServerUtility.UrlEncode(), ex:
var encodedCertID = Server.UrlEncode(CertificateTextBox.Text);
Response.Redirect("~/Account/Login.aspx?CertificateID="+ encodedCertID);

Regular expression to convert substring to link

i need a Regular Expression to convert a a string to a link.i wrote something but it doesnt work in couldnt solve and i am new in Regular Expression.This function converts (bkz: string) to (bkz: show.aspx?td=string)
Dim pattern As String = "<bkz[a-z0-9$-$&-&.-.ö-öı-ış-şç-çğ-ğü-ü\s]+)>"
Dim regex As New Regex(pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
str = regex.Replace(str, "<font color=""#CC0000"">$1</font>")
Generic remarks on your code: beside the lack of opening parentheses, you do redundant things: $-$ isn't incorrect but can be simplified into $ only. Same for accented chars.
Everybody will tell you that font tag is deprecated even in plain HTML: favor span with style attribute.
And from your question and the example in the reply, I think the expression could be something like:
\(bkz: ([a-z0-9$&.öışçğü\s]+)\)
the replace string would look like:
(bkz: <span style=""color: #C00"">$1</span>)
BUT the first $1 must be actually URL encoded.
Your regexp is in trouble because of a ')' without '('
work better ?
The first group would capture what you are after.
Thanks Vonc,Now it doesnt raise error but also When i assign str to a Label.Text,i cant see the link too.Forexample after i bind str to my label,it should be viewed in view-source ;
<span id="Label1">(bkz: here)</span>
But now,it is in viewsource source;
<span id="Label1">(bkz: here)</span>
