wordpress shortcodes show up in preview posts - wordpress

In the third blog post you will see that a shortcode shows up [frame align="none"]Της Εύης Σταθάτου[/frame] which is ugly. Only if you click it, it works fine.
Why is that?, How can you hide the code from the previews posts thingy? Thanks in advance.
P.S I tried to hide the shortcode from the visual mode and enter it in the text mode, but still the same.

As #Ravi suggests, make sure that your plugins are enabled. However, it looks like your shortcodes are appearing within your excerpts (assuming you're using the_excerpt() for the snippets appearing on your homepage?)
I would suggest a handy snippet of RegEx:
$myExcerpt = get_the_excerpt();
$myExcerpt = preg_replace( '|\[(.+?)\](.+?\[/\\1\])?|s', '', $myExcerpt);
echo $myExcerpt;
That should stop the raw shortcodes from appearing.


Opening Wordpress Gallery from a link

Is it possible to open a wordpress gallery using an anchor tag so that the gallery appears on the same page in a lightbox? I cannot figure out how to do so. It seems like it should be such a simple thing to do but I have tried various plug ins and cannot work out a simple solution.
first, install this plugin
Then go to setting->anthing-pop there will be a shortcode http://awesomescreenshot.com/03561dd759
then click to edit it and put the [galley] shortcode
Now use the shortcode on click see screenshot
you can use the shortcode into post or page or in file like this
<?php echo do_shortcode('[AnythingPopup id="1"]'); ?>

The URL added while adding featured image in wordpress

I am working with wordpress latest version.
As in wordrpess, we can add URL while adding a featured image in a post as there are text fields like caption, title, alt text, description, URL etc.
I've added a link like http://example.com/abc-news
I am fine to show the featured image in the blog post but I want that link as
So that, if anyone clicks on the featured image he/she will go to that link.
Any help would be appreciated.
If you are using the default theme with the latest version of WordPress, you can edit content.php in the 2014 theme directory.
You need to wrap <?php twentyfourteen_post_thumbnail(); ?> with the link code pointing to your URL.
This code should be around line 13 in content.php.
<?php twentyfourteen_post_thumbnail(); ?>
To link to the current blog post, you could add this code:
<?php twentyfourteen_post_thumbnail(); ?>
If you are using a different theme than the default, open the file which contains The Loop in your theme, search for the_post_thumbnail or a similarly named function, and change the code as above.
The exact answer will vary depending on theme, but 98% of the time the fix should be similar to the above. Hope this helps.
Edit: Here's some more information: http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/the_post_thumbnail#Post_Thumbnail_Linking_to_the_Post_Permalink
Thanks for your prompt reply.
You are right that it's 98% depending on the theme.
The theme is using a meta_value to add a custom URL for the featured image.
So, I need to get that URL through get_post_meta
I've got from here.
And I am fine with it now. :-)

Wordpress shortcode not working in Retro theme

I am using wordpress retro theme, and using a plugin to show hide text "[wpex Read more]hidden text[/wpex]" but it is not working, data is displaying by custom function i went there and change the code to "retun do_shortcode( $result );" but is working for simple shortcode without parameters, not working with shortcode have partmeters like i mentioned before.
can anyone guide me what to do ?
Thank you very much
You missed the parameter in shortcode, assign the Read More text to a parameter like this
[wpex parameter="Read more"]hidden text[/wpex]

Archive Page in Wordpress?

I want to know how to make an archive page like instantshift has made.. link below..
I have made everything but don't know the query to specify the orderly archives listing
I use Viper Bond's Clean Archives for a similar effect: http://www.viper007bond.com/wordpress-plugins/clean-archives-reloaded. I like that the jQuery effect only shows when you activate the plugin in a page.
You could also use <?php wp_get_archives( $args ); ?> as found here: http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/wp_get_archives
Don't forget to not leave wordpress.stackexchange.com lonely too!

WordPress - displaying posts in a page

I would like to display the posts the way they are shown when you have "show latest post" selected under reading settings.
I've tried using query_posts, but that displays the whole post, not the chunk that appears in the preview with the link at the bottom.
any ideas what I should be querying to get that?
I forgot to mention
I tried using the_excerpt(), but that doesn't show the image in the post. Also the index.php file is using the the_content() and it's displaying it the way I want it to
If you don't want to show the whole post, you should use the_excerpt() instead of the_post()
From codex:
<?php the_content('Read more...'); ?> Displays the content of the post and uses "Read more..." for the more link text when the Quicktag is used.
Basically, use the_content('your text for the link') and add the quicktag to your article, this will automatically just show the text before
