Testing recurrences and orders in strings matlab - r

I have observed nurses during 400 episodes of care and recorded the sequence of surfaces contacts in each.
I categorised the surfaces into 5 groups 1:5 and calculated the probability density functions of touching any one of 1:5 (PDF).
PDF=[ 0.255202629 0.186199343 0.104052574 0.201533406 0.253012048]
I then predicted some 1000 sequences using:
for i=1:1000 % 1000 different nurses
seq = 1 5 2 3 4 2 5 5 2 5
stairs(1:max(observed_seq_length),seq) hold all
I'd like to compare my empirical sequences with my predicted one. What would you suggest to be the best strategy or property to look at?
EDIT: I put r as a tag as this may well fall more easily under that category due to the nature of the question rather than the matlab code.


Measure similarity of objects over a period of time

I've got a dataset that has monthly metrics for different stores. Each store has three monthly (Total sales, customers and transaction count), my task is over a year I need to find the store that most closely matches a specific test store (Ex: Store 77).
Therefore over the year both the test store and most similar store need to have similar performance. My question is how do I go about finding the most similar store? I've currently used euclidean distance but would like to know if there's a better way to go about it.
Thanks in advance
Metric 1
Is correlation a better way to measure similarity in this case compared to distance? I'm fairly new to data so if there's any resources where I can learn more about this stuff it would be much appreciated!!
In general, deciding similarity of items is domain-specific, i.e. it depends on the problem you try to solve. Therefore, there is not one-size-fits-all solution. Nevertheless, there is some a basic procedure someone can follow trying to solve this kind of problems.
Case 1 - only distance matters:
If you want to find the most similar items (stores in our case) using a distance measure, it's a good tactic to firstly scale your features in some way.
Example (min-max normalization):
Total sales
Total sales (normalized)
After you apply normalization on all attributes, you can calculate euclidean distance or any other metric that you think it fits your data.
Some resources:
Similarity measures
Feature scaling
Case 2 - Trend matters:
Now, say that you want to find the similarity over the whole year. If the definition of similarity for your problem is just the instance of the stores at the end of the year, then distance will do the job.
But if you want to find similar trends of increase/decrease of the attributes of two stores, then distance measures conceal this information. You would have to use correlation metrics or any other more sophisticated technique than just a distance.
Simple example:
To keep it simple, let's say we are interested in 3-months analysis and that we use only sales attribute (unscaled):
Total sales
At the end of March, in terms of distance Store 1 and Store 2 are identical, both having 60 total sales.
But, as far as the increase ratio per month is concerned, Store 2 and Store 3 is our match. In February they both had 2 times more sales and in March 1.67 and 1.6 times more sales respectively.
Bottom line: It really depends on what you want to quantify.
Well-known correlation metrics:
Pearson correlation coefficient
Spearman correlation coefficient

How to fix linear model fitting error in S-plus

I am trying to fit values in my algorithm so that I could predict a next month's number. I am getting a No data for variable errror when clearly I've defined what the objects are that I am putting into the equation.
I've tried to place them in vectors so that it could use one vector as a training data set to predict the new values. Current script has worked for me for a different dataset but for some reason isn't working here.
The data is small so I was wondering if that has anything to do with it. The data is:
Month io obs Units Sold
12 in 1 114
1 in 2 29
2 in 3 105
3 in 4 30
4 in 5
I'm trying to predict Units Sold with the code below
I am expecting to be able to place lmfit in predict and get an output.

K means cluster analysis result using R

I tried a k means cluster analysis on a data set. The data set for customers includes the order number (the number of time that a customer has placed an order with the company;can be any number) ,order day (the day of the week the most recent order was placed; 0 to 6) and order hour (the hour of the day the most recent order was placed; 0 to 23) for loyal customers. I scaled the values and used.
# K-Means Cluster Analysis
fit <- kmeans(mydata, 3) # 5 cluster solution
# get cluster means
However, I am getting a few negative values as well. On the internet they say that this means the differences within group are greater than with that for other groups. However, I cannot understand how to interpret the output.
Can you please give an example of how to interpret?
Group.1 order_number order_dow order_hour_of_day
1 1 -0.4434400796 0.80263819338 -0.04766613741
2 2 1.6759259419 0.09051366962 0.07815242904
3 3 -0.3936748015 -1.00553744774 0.01377787416

CART Methodology for data with mutually exhaustive rows

I am trying to use CART to analyse a data set whose each row is a segment, for example
Segment_ID | Attribute_1 | Attribute_2 | Attribute_3 | Attribute_4 | Target
1 2 3 100 3 0.1
2 0 6 150 5 0.3
3 0 3 200 6 0.56
4 1 4 103 4 0.23
Each segment has a certain population from the base data (irrelevant to my final use).
I want to condense, for example in the above case, the 4 segments into 2 big segments, based on the 4 attributes and on the target variable. I am currently dealing with 15k segments and want only 10 segments with each of the final segment based on target and also having a sensible attribute distribution.
Now, pardon my if I am wrong but CHAID on SPSS (if not using autogrow) will generally split the data into 70:30 ratio where it builds the tree on 70% of the data and tests on the remaining 30%. I can't use this approach since I need all my segments in the data to be included. I essentially want to club these segments into a a few big segments as explained before. My question is whether I can use CART (rpart in R) for the same. There is an explicit option 'subset' in the rpart function in R but I am not sure whether not mentioning it will ensure CART utilizing 100% of my data. I am relatively new to R and hence a very basic question.

Excel: Select data for graph

To put it simple, I have three columns in excel like the ones below:
Vehicle x y
1 10 10
1 15 12
1 12 9
2 8 7
2 11 6
3 7 12
x and y are the coordinates of customers assigned to the corresponding vehicle. This file is the output of a program I run in advance. The list will always be sorted by vehicle, but the number of customers assigned to vehicle "k" may change from one experiment to the next.
I would like to plot a graph containing 3 series, one for each vehicle, where the customers of each vehicle would appear (as dots in 2D based on their x- and y- values) in different color.
In my real file, I have 12 vehicles and 3200 customers, and the ranges change from one experiment to the next, so I would like to automate the process, i.e copy-paste the list on my excel and see the graph appear automatically (if this is possible).
Thanks in advance for your time and effort.
EDIT: There is a similar post here: Use formulas to select chart data but requires the use of VB. Moreover, I am not sure whether it has been indeed answered.
you should try this free online tool - www.cloudyexcel.com/excel-to-graph/
