RadDock and Chrome Version 26.0.1410.43 Massive Slow DOwn issue - asp.net

I am using RadDock to open a popup. and when i post back any drop down it hangs for some time and i am retrieving data on other fields after some time.
This issue is only with this new version of chrome in the previous version it was working fantastic.
And also it is working fine with every other browser.
Can anybody give an idea what has been happing?

This is a bug in Chrome: http://www.telerik.com/community/forums/aspnet-ajax/general-discussions/google-chrome-26-performance-issue.aspx and hopefully they will fix it with their next version.


How to debug "Aw, Snap!" Chrome (when opening multiple tabs)

If I ctrl-click a link in my app and open ~10 tabs, for 2-3 of them I get the
I have no idea where to start investigating this 🤷
I am working on ASP.NET (.NET6) MVC + Knockout, dunno if this is relevant.
Looks like a memory leak of some sort, that Chrome can't handle.
Chrome Error code: STATUS_BREAKPOINT
Edge (also based on chromium) Error code: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION
Try making sure Chrome has all the permissions, also make sure you singed in before you started using it. If this doesn't work. Unistall it and install it again. If you have the same problem. Debug it with Python/Pycharm. Hope it helps.

Flicker on Postback in Chrome Browser

In this web application,there is a huge flicker on postback when accessed in Chrome browser. However, it does not happen in IE and Firefox.
What can be the possible cause?
Here is the video that shows flicker in Chrome and here is the video that shows smooth navigation in Firefox.
Any help will be highly appreciated.
ps: this web application uses Telerik controls.
Just try this
switch off 'Hardware acceleration' from the Advanced Settings > System
This might solve your issue. This issue was raised as a bug in Chromium project earlier.
Also try to see the console if any errors are coming up.
I know that this is not a specific answer but hope this helps you.

RadlistBox fails in google chrome

I have radlistbox in pop-up which is causing a run-time Error "System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format error is thrown." .when the same pop-up is been opened in IE or FireFox it works properly without any error or interruptions.Please Provide solution to this problem.
HTML and JavaScript and the way they work differ from browser to browser, so you need to post the code that causes the problem so someone can help you. For example, Chrome provides float numbers for dimensions and positions when zoomed, so this may be the cause. This broke some controls that store such numbers in the client state. This page offers workarounds and the easier way to get a fix is to upgrade your Telerik controls version http://feedback.telerik.com/Project/108/Feedback/Details/144661-fix-system-formatexception-input-string-was-not-in-a-correct-format-thrown-o
Due to Anti-virus the pop-up was acting weird.After Disabling the anti-virus it worked fine.

Css for popup kendo grid is corrupted on chrome

I have added those to my rezor view
and one script for culture
here it is on Chrome
and on fire fox it's ok
Can you please suggest any thing do solve this problem ?
I was also facing some what the same problem.
Its work fine when i updated kendo.web.min.js and kendo.common.min.css file.
May be you should update kendo package to latest version and have a test.

Refreshing dojo datagrid not always working in FF9

I have a Dojo EnhancedGrid connected to a JsonRestStore. clearOnClose is set to true on the store. Usually I refresh it by doing
This works fine in every browser, but not in the newest version of FF9 (in version 4,5 it worked well).
In FF9, nothing happens at all and the store is not cleared or refreshed. Oddly, it does work after trying a few times and debugging it. But when I clear the browser history and cache and then try to refresh, it never works.
Does anyone have a clue what happens? What could be different in FF9 and is there another way to definately refresh the grid?
Are You using Firebug. If yes, then try switching it off and reloading the page. Dojo grids don't get along very well with Firebug.
Thanks for the suggestion. I found the reason now, it was some screwed hashtag logic which caused the grid to be refreshed twice at a time in Firefox. I corrected it and now it works.
