How to update a Kentico Aspx Template Page? -

I created a template page, and a page that uses that template in Kentico. So I edited the aspx template file, but the changes arent being updated when viewing the page in the CMS. I turned off caching and everything, but I cannot get my changes viewable.

If you use web application (there are .designer.cs files in your solution) you have to rebuild the app. Or you can try changing Codebehind to CodeFile in your aspx markup.(Not really clean method but will ensure file gets build dynamically as they do under web site).
If you use web site and you tried to delete cache (CMS Site Manager->Administration->System->Clear cache) you are doing something wrong, believe me.
As a last resort you can try to clear temporary files
(C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\your version\Temporary ASP.NET Files). This will need IIS to be restarted.
Differences between web app. and web site are described here.


Publishing a website in changes the spacing/size of the controls in the master page

I published my website on IIS and the formatting of the master page controls are changed. Also I am not able to access the submenus on the master page after I put the page on IIS. How do I resolve it ?
Have you included all required CSS in the published folder ? Do you link you CSS files in a correct manner in the code or the links break when the directory structure changes under the published directory ? Post complete details for a robust answer. updated pages compilation

I need to ensure that when some individual pages are updated/modified, the time required to load the other pages to the Web site remains unaffected.
A. Create the application as a Web site project.
Copy the entire application to the deployment server.
Copy only the updated files to the deployment server when a page is updated.
B. Create the application as a Web site project.
Pre-compile the application by using the update able option.
Copy only the updated files to the deployment server when a page is updated.
is Pre-compile option available for web site or its available for web app?
I can simplify this question by some ifs that contains your answer.
If you update just the ASPX files and rarely you change the code files : then
Use Website and publish it using
Allow this precompiled site to be updatable
Using this option you can change ASPX files
Use fixed naming and single page assemblies
Using this option you can change code files, and replace them with their friendly name
Update required published dlls and ASPX files when ever you need.
Note: any changes to bin folder contents may cause application restart and that means all sessions will be lost, so in this case you must consider using other session state modes like SQLServer and StateServer and once you do you need to annotate all your session classes with Serializable attribute
If you will update just the ASPX files : then
Use Website and publish it using
Allow this precompiled site to be updatable
Using this option you can change ASPX files
Else if you just need to update the ASPX HTML content : then
You might reconsider your application scenario
because you need to use data-base to rectify the update problem as any body else do
And finally if you will update web-site code-files very rarely or your changes are at application level rather than page level : then
Use web-application build or publish it if you like.
Using this option you still have the ability to change the ASPX files

Changes in aspx files won't show until rebuild

As I understand it, I should be able to change an aspx file in VS, update in the browser and then see the changes without rebuilding the entire solution. For me thats not the case...
Any ideas?
I use VS 2008, .NET 3.5 and development server. It is a Web Application project and I always need to rebuild to see the changes in the aspx files. I use master pages and aspx controls. I use edit and continue and have no problem updating the code behind files without rebuilding.
If the change is affecting code behind in any way, you need to rebuild.
If not, can you give an example of what you change so we have a little more to go by ;)
If you are using the Web Application Template (versus the web site template) and you add controls to the aspx front-end code, it will automatically add it to the <file_name>.cs.designer partial class auto-generated code behind. since this is part of the class, it needs to be compiled.
I think you need put more information into your question, like what change are you making? What version of IIS are you using? Are you using IIS or Cassini (Visual Studio Web Development Server)?

On IIS 7.5, can a classic ASP page share session variables with an ASP.NET application?

If you have seen my previous questions, you're aware that I'm in the process of updating some existing ASP pages, in an effort to move them from a Windows 2000 environment to a Windows server 2008 R2 environment. One of the pages offers the end-user the ability to upload a file to be processed later.
I re-wrote the original page that handled the uploading, using ASP.Net's file upload object. It works fine, but I'm running in to a snag when trying to integrate the new aspx pages in with the existing asp pages. The new aspx pages live in a subdirectory of the main application, along with a few other asp pages, but in order for the pages to function, I had to use the "convert to application" option on on the folder. When I did that, I think it broke the ability for the new aspx pages (and any other asp pages in the folder containing the aspx pages) to use the Session variables that the parent pages use.
I tried creating an application pool for the new folder's application, but that didn't make any difference. I also changed the managed pipeline from Integrated to Classic, both on the parent folder and on this folder with the aspx pages, but that also doesn't appear to have made any difference.
If anyone can shed some light on this, I'd be very grateful.
The main asp files live in folder named "dcn". There are several child folders in the "dcn" folder, many of which contain asp pages. Asp pages in those folders continue to work correctly. The folder which contains the aspx pages is called "CNAM", and it has now been converted to an application. Any asp page in this folder no longer seems to see the session variables that are available to the other folders/pages.
Thanks in advance for any insights or suggestions regarding this. Again, I really appreciate any assistance.
How to Share Session State Between Classic ASP and ASP.NET

adding pages in live site dynamically without redeploying or recompiling?

Is there some way to add .aspx pages in live site without need to recompile or redeploy ? Please guide me.
I do not exactly understand what do you mean by "no recompile or redeploy", but:
If you use Asp.Net web site(and not web application) you can just copy aspx file with it's cs file to the web site directory and it will work.
You can simply upload aspx and cs page to the given location. If you publish your site you can upload only page related dll and aspx page.
