Integrate MVC4 with Orchard CMS 1.6 as seperate sites -

I would like an existing MVC4 site to showpartials views from Orchard CMS. Is there a way I could have multiple MVC4 sites talking to one Master Orcharch CMS website in a different domains?
I DO NOT want to create MVC4 site as seperate module and integrate it into Orchard CMS website. I would like to have on Master Orchard CMS and have other websites to show partial views of Orchard CMS. Is this scenario possible with latest Orchard CMS website or is there any other .NET CMS systems that supports this scenario?

MVC 4 is only supported in Orchard in version 1.6 and you should upgrade to 1.6.1 for security reasons.
I am pretty certain that what you are asking for is not in line with how Orchard is designed to work - and hence is not supported.
Very simply put the website IS Orchard CMS and MVC projects ARE modules within it; making a master is silly when modules are extensible.
A possible solution to your problem is to create some web service (AKA master) that services other Orchard sites.
Better still, decouple your base website application, and enable the parts you need on a per site basis.


episerver cms integration with mvc5

First of all I'm using MVC5 Entity Framework 6 with code first database.
I want to ask about integrating Episerver CMS with mvc5 application to change content of the website, i have multiple questions:
Is it a good way to use Episerver to change the content, if my website is for articles and images(it's like news website)?
In deploying stage is there any issues(for those who use the Episerver extension).
If i'm using code-first sql server database, is there any issue with this?
I noticed that there is a useful explanation on youtube for this extension:
Episerver CMS 9 tutorial with mvc 5 och twitter bootstrap 3 part 1
the forth question, is there any better way to create CMS for MVC5 application.
If you implement Episerver CMS this will typically be your main application and content provider. Episerver is code first, Episerver uses EF, Episerver do support mvc5. Setup Episerver standalone and adapt and export your old datastructure and datamodel to fit that of a modern CMS.

Orcahrd CMS(WebForm)

Is there any approach to integrate the web from on orchard Themes?
I'm working on orchard application.To that application I needs to integrate some web forms. I was able to integrate, But I'm not able to see the inside the orchard theme. the page is rendering as a common webform(aspx) page as I need it on orchard theme.
WebForms are not supported in Orchard. Orchard is built on MVC, and its views must be built using Razor.

.net cms for QnA that can be integrated with existing web form application

i have a working web form website build in 3.5.
i want a QnA section or pages or module in my website.
i have searched for cms in .net which can fulfill this requirement and can be integrated with my existing website (not in MVC) but have not found a suitable one.
can u guide me some cms for this.
If you have usercontrols in your application, I would suggest that you use dot net nuke. You can easly convert your usercontrols in DNN modules.

integrate dotnetnuke module in web application

i have existing web application it includes membership and roles and admin section,etc. Now i would like to integrate dotnetnuke journal module in my web application.
is it posible to integrate dotnetnuke module in my web app? i download dotnetnuke source and i compiled journal module.
can any one update me how to integrate dotnetnuke module in my web app..i don't want to switch to dotnetnuke for now.
Your best bet would be to utilize the APIs to access the journal from your custom application.
The module itself is dependent upon DNN and its context (users, pages, modules, etc) in order to function properly.
I am sure you could rip a lot of that out, but I am not exactly sure what you are trying to do.
is it posible to integrate dotnetnuke module in my web app?
Your only way to succeed in your quest would be to convert your ASP.NET application into the DotNetNuke application. To do that, you're going to have to merge the authentication side of the two sites. This shouldn't be impossible since DNN uses the ASP.NET authentication provider.
If you can merge the user database into a DotNetNuke installation properly, you're halfway there. You could then use the DotNetNuke page management features to load your custom pages by linking to them directly, and gradually merge your existing application.
Otherwise, you have no hope of integrating the Journal module. And you're up for hundreds if not thousands of hours of coding to try and replicate it.

CMS integrating ASP.Net MVC 2 application

I have created ASP.Net MVC 2 application. To manage the content on ViewPages I want to integrate with Content Management System.Is there any such CMS?
You may take a look at Orchard CMS which is built on top of ASP.NET MVC. There are also N2Cms and Kooboo to name a few.
