CMS integrating ASP.Net MVC 2 application -

I have created ASP.Net MVC 2 application. To manage the content on ViewPages I want to integrate with Content Management System.Is there any such CMS?

You may take a look at Orchard CMS which is built on top of ASP.NET MVC. There are also N2Cms and Kooboo to name a few.


Design a CMS site using ASP.NET MVC 5

I'm building a site which mainly has articles and I'm using ASP.NET MVC 5 framework. I want to have an admin page where I can add, edit these article content.
I'm having a problem with designing the structure of this project.
I'm thinking of having a controller class called 'adminController', where I handle all the requests related to content management.
Is that approach conceptually correct in ASP.NET MVC? Because If this was an ASP web forms project, I would simply have two different projects called Public and Admin in a single solution.
I'm quite new to ASP.NET MVC framework and I'd appreciate any help.
You can do 2 separate projects and can do one.
Since ASP.NET MVC 4 whe have Areas and i suggest you to use it if you want structure your project and separate admin logic from public.
Here is a tutorial that you can check that explain whar areas is and how you can work with them.

Using umbraco 7.x for webform projects

Is it possible or is it suitable to use umbraco 7.x for webform projects?
I'm a beginner in ASP.NET MVC and I'm learning about it, now.
Now I get a website project that I should do it immediately.
I just can do project with ASP.NET Webform, but I'll immigrate from Webform to MVC in the future.I want to have less problems when I decide to immigrate to MVC.Then I want to use Umbraco 7.x for my project in order to my plan.
Now, my question:
Is it possible or is it suitable to use umbraco 7.x for webform projects?
Short answer is yes, you can mix MVC and Webforms within an Umbraco 7 project. The rendering engine is determined by the template.
If an MVC template is found then it will use MVC as the rendering engine, otherwise it will look for a .master template (in the masterpages folder) and if it finds one it will use Webforms

Does umbraco 6.1.4 supports PURE MVC implementation

Currently I am using umbraco 4.7.1 and planning to upgrade to version 6. But I will only go ahead it it allows PURE MVC approach. Here what I mean is I DON'T want to use any of ASP.NET like master page for templates. Everything should be in MVC
You can create a site in Umbraco 6 using just MVC including layout pages and all the other MVC bits, i.e. not master pages.
The administration section of Umbraco isn't MVC though, but that just works as usual. I havn't tried to add any MVC admin sections myself yet.
I'm building a pure MVC site in Umbraco 6, it's my first MVC site but it's all pretty much like the MVC book says.
When I create views etc. in Visual Studio, sub folders don't work well in the Umbraco admin section, it doesn't do sub folders very well. Also you have to set up your own version of the application start, which is no real problem but apart from that it's all sweet.
Currently I use Umbraco 6.1.3 and master pages are there. You can use old ASP.NET approach or MVC approach.

Integrate MVC4 with Orchard CMS 1.6 as seperate sites

I would like an existing MVC4 site to showpartials views from Orchard CMS. Is there a way I could have multiple MVC4 sites talking to one Master Orcharch CMS website in a different domains?
I DO NOT want to create MVC4 site as seperate module and integrate it into Orchard CMS website. I would like to have on Master Orchard CMS and have other websites to show partial views of Orchard CMS. Is this scenario possible with latest Orchard CMS website or is there any other .NET CMS systems that supports this scenario?
MVC 4 is only supported in Orchard in version 1.6 and you should upgrade to 1.6.1 for security reasons.
I am pretty certain that what you are asking for is not in line with how Orchard is designed to work - and hence is not supported.
Very simply put the website IS Orchard CMS and MVC projects ARE modules within it; making a master is silly when modules are extensible.
A possible solution to your problem is to create some web service (AKA master) that services other Orchard sites.
Better still, decouple your base website application, and enable the parts you need on a per site basis.

.net cms for QnA that can be integrated with existing web form application

i have a working web form website build in 3.5.
i want a QnA section or pages or module in my website.
i have searched for cms in .net which can fulfill this requirement and can be integrated with my existing website (not in MVC) but have not found a suitable one.
can u guide me some cms for this.
If you have usercontrols in your application, I would suggest that you use dot net nuke. You can easly convert your usercontrols in DNN modules.
