Android - How can add horizontal swipe gesture in vertical scroll view like pulse app has screen view - gesture

I am newbie to android please help me, is their any possibility to add swipe action in vertical scroll view of activity screen.I am trying hard, but not getting...

I just converted vertical scroll view to Listview, Its works like a charm... Thanks to omid nazifi and wwyt, for more u can see this link Gesture in listview android
public class MainActivity extends ListActivity {
private OnTouchListener gestureListener;
private GestureDetector gestureDetector;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// As paiego pointed out, it's better to use density-aware measurements.
DisplayMetrics dm = getResources().getDisplayMetrics();
REL_SWIPE_MIN_DISTANCE = (int)(1.0f * dm.densityDpi / 160.0f + 0.5);
REL_SWIPE_MAX_OFF_PATH = (int)(250.0f * dm.densityDpi / 160.0f + 0.5);
REL_SWIPE_THRESHOLD_VELOCITY = (int)(200.0f * dm.densityDpi / 160.0f + 0.5);
ListView lv = getListView();
lv.setAdapter(new ArrayAdapter<String>(this, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1,
final GestureDetector gestureDetector = new GestureDetector(new MyGestureDetector());
View.OnTouchListener gestureListener = new View.OnTouchListener() {
public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
return gestureDetector.onTouchEvent(event);
// Long-click still works in the usual way.
lv.setOnItemLongClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemLongClickListener() {
public boolean onItemLongClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) {
String str = MessageFormat.format("Item long clicked = {0,number}", position);
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, str, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
return true;
/*lv.setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() {
public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position,
long id) {
String str = MessageFormat.format("Item #extra clicked = {0,number}", position);
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, str, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
// Do not use LitView.setOnItemClickListener(). Instead, I override
// SimpleOnGestureListener.onSingleTapUp() method, and it will call to this method when
// it detects a tap-up event.
private void myOnItemClick(int position, View v) {
String str = MessageFormat.format("Item clicked = {0,number}", position);
Toast.makeText(this, str, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
private void onLTRFling() {
Toast.makeText(this, "Left-to-right fling", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
private void onRTLFling() {
Toast.makeText(this, "Right-to-left fling", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
class MyGestureDetector extends SimpleOnGestureListener{
// Detect a single-click and call my own handler.
public boolean onSingleTapUp(MotionEvent e) {
View lv = (View)getListView();
int pos = ((AbsListView) lv).pointToPosition((int)e.getX(), (int)e.getY());
return false;
public boolean onFling(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float velocityX, float velocityY) {
if (Math.abs(e1.getY() - e2.getY()) > REL_SWIPE_MAX_OFF_PATH)
return false;
if(e1.getX() - e2.getX() > REL_SWIPE_MIN_DISTANCE &&
} else if (e2.getX() - e1.getX() > REL_SWIPE_MIN_DISTANCE &&
return false;
private static final String[] m_Starbucks = {
"Latte", "Cappuccino", "Caramel Macchiato", "Americano", "Mocha", "White Mocha",
"Mocha Valencia", "Cinnamon Spice Mocha", "Toffee Nut Latte", "Espresso",
"Espresso Macchiato", "Espresso Con Panna"


go back to previous fragment from another fragment that was started from recyclerview adapter (

so I have an application that is as follows:
login page where the user enters his credentials and can access the main app if his credentials are correct. and if he checks the remember me checkbox, his username and password will be saved in shared preferences so that he can directly go to the main app in the second time.
the main app has a tabbed layout with a viewpager. in one of the tabs, which is a fragment, I use a recyclerview to display data, that I get from a database, in rows.
now in each row there is a reply button that will show details corresponding to each row when clicked. the details will be shown in a new fragment.
so the point is that I managed to replace the tab's fragment with the new fragment using this code in the recyclerview's adapter:
public class recyclerviewAdapter : RecyclerView.Adapter
// Event handler for item clicks:
public event EventHandler<int> ItemClick;
List <summary_request> summary_Requests=new List<summary_request>();
//Context context;
public readonly stores_fragment context;
public recyclerviewAdapter(stores_fragment context, List<summary_request> sum_req)
this.context = context;
summary_Requests = sum_req;
public override RecyclerView.ViewHolder
OnCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent, int viewType)
View itemView = LayoutInflater.From(parent.Context).
Inflate(Resource.Layout.recycler_view_data, parent, false);
recyclerview_viewholder vh = new recyclerview_viewholder(itemView, OnClick);
return vh;
public override void
OnBindViewHolder(RecyclerView.ViewHolder holder, int position)
recyclerview_viewholder vh = holder as recyclerview_viewholder;
vh.by_user.Text = summary_Requests[position].By;
vh.warehousename.Text = summary_Requests[position].warehousename;
vh.project.Text = summary_Requests[position].project;
vh.operations_note.Text = summary_Requests[position].destination_Note;
vh.source_Note.Text = summary_Requests[position].source_Note;
vh.stockType.Text = summary_Requests[position].stockType;
vh.requestStatus.Text = summary_Requests[position].requestStatus;
vh.reply.Click += delegate
summary_detail_req fragment = new summary_detail_req();
var fm = context.FragmentManager.BeginTransaction();
fm.Replace(Resource.Id.frameLayout1, fragment);
int nb = context.FragmentManager.BackStackEntryCount;
Toast.MakeText(context.Context, nb.ToString(), ToastLength.Long).Show();
private void Reply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Toast.MakeText(context.Context, "reply" , ToastLength.Long).Show();
public override int ItemCount
get { return summary_Requests.Count; }
// Raise an event when the item-click takes place:
void OnClick(int position)
if (ItemClick != null)
ItemClick(this, position);
but my context.FragmentManager.BackStackEntryCount remain zero! I don't get it. in my main activity, I am using this code for the backpress function:
stores_fragment.recyclerviewAdapter adapter;
public override void OnBackPressed()
string userName = pref.GetString("Username", String.Empty);
string password = pref.GetString("Password", String.Empty);
if (userName != String.Empty || password != String.Empty && adapter.context.FragmentManager.BackStackEntryCount == 0)
but i'm not getting what i want. this function is getting me out of the whole app.the first part of the if statement is because without it, when the I press the back button from the main activity it takes me back to the login page and I don't want that.
my question is what should I do to manage my fragments and the backpress function?
thanks in advance.
so the point is that I managed to replace the tab's fragment with the new fragment using this code in the recyclerview's adapter
According to your description, you want to open another fragment from recyclerview, if yes, please take a look the following code:
on OnBindViewHolder
int selectedindex;
// Fill in the contents of the photo card (invoked by the layout manager):
public override void
OnBindViewHolder(RecyclerView.ViewHolder holder, int position)
selectedindex =position;
PhotoViewHolder vh = holder as PhotoViewHolder;
// Set the ImageView and TextView in this ViewHolder's CardView
// from this position in the photo album:
vh.Caption.Text = mPhotoAlbum[position].Caption;
vh.btnreply.Click += Btnreply_Click;
To show detailed activity. MainActivity is the current activity for recyclerview.
private void Btnreply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void Showdetailed(int position)
var intent = new Intent();
intent.SetClass(MainActivity.mac, typeof(DetailsActivity));
intent.PutExtra("selectedid", position);
The detailedactivity.cs:
public class DetailsActivity : Activity
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
// Create your application here
var index = Intent.Extras.GetInt("selectedid", 0);
var details = DetailsFragment.NewInstance(index); // Details
var fragmentTransaction = FragmentManager.BeginTransaction();
fragmentTransaction.Add(Android.Resource.Id.Content, details);
The DetailsFragment.cs:
public class DetailsFragment : Fragment
public int ShownPlayId => Arguments.GetInt("selectedid", 0);
public static DetailsFragment NewInstance(int index)
var detailsFrag = new DetailsFragment { Arguments = new Bundle() };
detailsFrag.Arguments.PutInt("selectedid", index);
return detailsFrag;
public override View OnCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState)
// Use this to return your custom view for this Fragment
// return inflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.YourFragment, container, false);
if (container == null)
// Currently in a layout without a container, so no reason to create our view.
return null;
var scroller = new ScrollView(Activity);
var text = new TextView(Activity);
var padding = Convert.ToInt32(TypedValue.ApplyDimension(ComplexUnitType.Dip, 4, Activity.Resources.DisplayMetrics));
text.SetPadding(padding, padding, padding, padding);
text.TextSize = 24;
Photo photo =PhotoAlbum.mBuiltInPhotos[ShownPlayId];
text.Text = photo.Caption;
return scroller;
About implementing fragment, you can take a look:

Handle multiple JavaFX application launches within a loop

My code currently reads my Gmail inbox via IMAP (imaps) and javamail, and once it finds an email with zip/xap attachment, it displays a stage (window) asking whether to download the file, yes or no.
I want the stage to close once I make a selection, and then return to the place within the loop from which the call came. My problem arises because you cannot launch an application more than once, so I read here that I should write Platform.setImplicitExit(false); in the start method, and then use primartyStage.hide() (?) and then something like Platform.runLater(() ->; when I need to display the stage again later.
The problem occuring now is that the flow of command begins in's doit() method which loops through my inbox, and launch(args) occurs within a for loop within the method. This means launch(args) then calls start to set the scene, and show the stage. Since there is a and fxml associated, the Controller class has an event handler for the stage's buttons which "intercept" the flow once start has shown the stage. Therefore when I click Yes or No it hides the stage but then just hangs there. As if it can't return to the start method to continue the loop from where launch(args) occurred. How do I properly hide/show the stage whenever necessary, allowing the loop to continue whether yes or no was clicked.
Here is the code for and Thanks a lot!
[Other variables set here]
public static int launchCount = 0;#FXML public Text subjectHolder;
public static ReceiveMailImap obj = new ReceiveMailImap();
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, MessagingException {
public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception {
loader = new FXMLLoader(getClass().getResource("prompts.fxml"));
root = loader.load();
controller = loader.getController();
scene = new Scene(root, 450, 250);
primaryStage.setTitle("Download this file?");
public static void doit() throws MessagingException, IOException {
Folder inbox = null;
Store store = null;
try {
Properties props = System.getProperties();
Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null);
store = session.getStore("imaps");
store.connect("", "", "Password");
inbox = store.getFolder("Inbox");;
Message[] messages = inbox.getMessages();
FetchProfile fp = new FetchProfile();
inbox.fetch(messages, fp);
int doc = 0;
int maxDocs = 400;
for (int i = messages.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
Message message = messages[i];
if (doc < maxDocs) {
if (!hasAttachments(message)) {
String from = "Sender Unknown";
if (message.getReplyTo().length >= 1) {
from = message.getReplyTo()[0].toString();
} else if (message.getFrom().length >= 1) {
from = message.getFrom()[0].toString();
subject = message.getSubject();
if (from.contains("")) {
message.setFlag(Flags.Flag.SEEN, true);
} finally {
if (inbox != null) {
if (store != null) {
public static boolean hasAttachments(Message msg) throws MessagingException, IOException {
if (msg.isMimeType("multipart/mixed")) {
Multipart mp = (Multipart) msg.getContent();
if (mp.getCount() > 1) return true;
return false;
public static void saveAttachment(Object content)
throws IOException, MessagingException {
out = null; in = null;
try {
if (content instanceof Multipart) {
Multipart multi = ((Multipart) content);
parts = multi.getCount();
for (int j = 0; j < parts; ++j) {
part = (MimeBodyPart) multi.getBodyPart(j);
if (part.getContent() instanceof Multipart) {
// part-within-a-part, do some recursion...
} else {
int allow = 0;
if (part.isMimeType("application/x-silverlight-app")) {
extension = "xap";
allow = 1;
} else {
extension = "zip";
allow = 1;
if (allow == 1) {
if (launchCount == 0) {
} else {
Platform.runLater(() ->;
} else {
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
if ( in != null) { in .close();
if (out != null) {
public static File createFolder(String subject) {
JFileChooser fr = new JFileChooser();
FileSystemView myDocs = fr.getFileSystemView();
String myDocuments = myDocs.getDefaultDirectory().toString();
dir = new File(myDocuments + "\\" + subject);
savePathNoExtension = dir.toString();
System.out.println("Just created: " + dir);
return dir;
public class Controller implements Initializable {
private Text subjectHolder;
public Button yesButton, noButton;
public ReceiveMailImap subject;
public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle rb) {
subject= new ReceiveMailImap();
public Stage primaryStage;
public Scene scene;
ComboBox<String> fieldCombo;
public void setPrimaryStage(Stage stage) {
this.primaryStage = stage;
public void setPrimaryScene(Scene scene) {
this.scene = scene;
public String buttonPressed(ActionEvent e) throws IOException, MessagingException {
Object source = e.getSource();
System.out.println("How to tell that user clicked Yes?");
return "POSITIVE";}
System.out.println("How to tell that user clicked No?");
return "NEGATIVE";}
There are a lot of issues with the code you have posted, but let me just try to address the ones you ask about.
The reason the code hangs is that Application.launch(...)
does not return until the application has exited
In general, you've kind of misunderstood the entire lifecycle of a JavaFX application here. You should think of the start(...) method as the equivalent of the main(...) method in a "traditional" Java application. The only thing to be aware of is that start(...) is executed on the FX Application Thread, so if you need to execute any blocking code, you need to put it in a background thread.
The start(...) method is passed a Stage instance for convenience, as the most common thing to do is to create a scene graph and display it in a stage. You are under no obligation to use this stage though, you can ignore it and just create your own stages as and when you need.
I think you can basically structure your code as follows (though, to be honest, I have quite a lot of trouble understanding what you're doing):
public class Mail extends Application {
public void start(Stage ignored) throws Exception {
Message[] messages = /* retrieve messages */ ;
for (Message message : messages) {
if ( /* need to display window */) {
private void showMessage(Message message) {
FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader(getClass().getResource("prompts.fxml"));
Parent root = loader.load();
Controller controller = loader.getController();
Scene scene = new Scene(root, 450, 250);
// showAndWait will block execution until the window is hidden, so
// you can query which button was pressed afterwards:
if (controller.wasYesPressed()) {
// ...
// for IDEs that don't support directly launching a JavaFX Application:
public static void main(String[] args) {
Obviously your logic for decided whether to show a window is more complex, but this will give you the basic structure.
To check which button was pressed, use showAndWait as above and then in your controller do
public class Controller {
private Button yesButton ;
private boolean yesButtonPressed = false ;
public boolean wasYesPressed() {
return yesButtonPressed ;
// use different handlers for different buttons:
private void yesButtonPressed() {
yesButtonPressed = true ;
private void noButtonPressed() {
yesButtonPressed = false ; // not really needed, but makes things clearer
private void closeWindow() {
// can use any #FXML-injected node here:

Why is JavaFX WebEngine getLoadWorker looping?

I'm not very sure how to word this question but I'll try. My application runs commands against a website with a click of a button. The issue is during each loop the getLoadWorker increases by 1. In the load worker i set listeners. Here is how it works.
MenuItem executeToHere = new MenuItem("Execute to here");
executeToHere.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
public void handle(ActionEvent event) {
listViewStepItem item = stepListView.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem();
int selectedIndex = stepList.getSelectionModel().getSelectedIndex();
WebBrowser browser = new WebBrowser(item.getWebView(), item.getListView());
for(int i=0; i < selectedIndex; i++){
listViewStepItem item2 = stepList.getItems().get(i);
} else if(item2.comboBoxSelected.contains("enter")){
} else if(item2.comboBoxSelected.contains("click")){;
public class WebBrowser{
public WebBrowser(WebView fxmlWebView, WebEngine webEngine){
this.view = fxmlWebView;
this.engine = webEngine;
public void loadUrl(String url){
public void enterText(){
System.out.println("ENTER TEXT");
public void click(){
public void setWorker(){
webEngine.getLoadWorker().stateProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<State>(){
public void changed(ObservableValue ov, State oldState, State newState){
if(newState == javafx.concurrent.Worker.State.SUCCEEDED){
listener = new EventListener(){
public void handleEvent( evt) {
setListenerByTagNames(listener, "a");
private void setListenerByTagNames(EventListener listener, String tagName){
Document doc = webEngine.getDocument();
NodeList elements = doc.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
for(int i=0; i < elements.getLength();i++){
((EventTarget) elements.item(i)).addEventListener("click", listener, false);
System.out.println("Listening on :"+tagName);
the first time i run it the output looks like this
Listening on : a
second time
Listening on : a
Listening on : a
third time
Listening on : a
Listening on : a
Listening on : a
I don't see how the worker is increasing but it causes the page to reload/refresh somehow and therefore all the changes to the page DOM is reset.

javafx previous tabs affect newest tab

Everything works fine until I create a new tab. Then when I go to the previous and try to use any of the buttons they affect the latest tab not the one I have selected. But if I go to the latest tab it works like normal. Here is the class that I use to make my tabs. So, why is the previous tabs affecting the lastest? And how do I fix it?
public class JTab {
private javafx.scene.control.Tab tab;
private ImageView imgView;
private Image logo;
private BorderPane root;
private Button reloadButton, backButton, forwardButton;
private TextField field;
private WebView view;
private WebEngine engine;
private static JTab instance;
private JBrowser jBrowser;
private JTab(JBrowser jBrowser) {
this.jBrowser = jBrowser;
public static JTab getInstance(JBrowser browser) {
if(instance == null)
instance = new JTab(browser);
return instance;
public javafx.scene.control.Tab addTab() {
tab = new Tab();
tab.setText("New Tab");
tab.setOnClosed(event2 -> {
if(jBrowser.getTabPane().getTabs().size() == 1) {
logo = new Image("unknown-document.png");
imgView = new ImageView(logo);
HBox hBox = new HBox(5);
reloadButton = new Button("Reload");
backButton = new Button("<");
forwardButton = new Button(">");
reloadButton.setOnAction(event1 -> engine.reload());
backButton.setOnAction(event1 -> loadData(goBack()));
forwardButton.setOnAction(event1 -> loadData(goForward()));
//The TextField for entering web addresses.
field = new TextField("Enter URL");
field.setPrefColumnCount(50); //make the field at least 50 columns wide.
field.focusedProperty().addListener((ObservableValue<? extends Boolean> ov, Boolean t, Boolean t1) -> { //When click on field entire thing selected
Platform.runLater(() -> {
if (field.isFocused() && !field.getText().isEmpty()) {
field.setOnKeyPressed(event -> { //When ENTER is pressed it will load page
if (event.getCode() == KeyCode.ENTER) {
if (!field.getText().isEmpty()) {
//Add all out navigation nodes to the vbox.
hBox.getChildren().addAll(backButton, forwardButton, reloadButton, field);
view = new WebView();
engine = view.getEngine();
(ov, oldState, newState) -> {
if (newState == Worker.State.SUCCEEDED) {
//TODO setGraphic
root = new BorderPane();
root.setPrefSize(1024, 768);
return tab;
public void loadData(String URL) {
if(!URL.startsWith("http://")) {
URL = "http://" + URL;
private String getTitle() {
Document doc = engine.getDocument();
NodeList heads = doc.getElementsByTagName("head");
String titleText = engine.getLocation() ; // use location if page does not define a title
if (heads.getLength() > 0) {
Element head = (Element)heads.item(0);
NodeList titles = head.getElementsByTagName("title");
if (titles.getLength() > 0) {
Node title = titles.item(0);
titleText = title.getTextContent();
return titleText;
private String goBack() {
final WebHistory history = engine.getHistory();
ObservableList<WebHistory.Entry> entryList = history.getEntries();
int currentIndex=history.getCurrentIndex();
Platform.runLater(() -> history.go(-1));
return entryList.get(currentIndex>0?currentIndex-1:currentIndex).getUrl();
private String goForward() {
final WebHistory history = engine.getHistory();
ObservableList<WebHistory.Entry> entryList=history.getEntries();
int currentIndex=history.getCurrentIndex();
Platform.runLater(() -> history.go(1));
return entryList.get(currentIndex<entryList.size()-1?currentIndex+1:currentIndex).getUrl();
Remove getInstance(jBrowser) method
Make the constructor public.
Then to add a tab to a tabPane do
tabPane.getTabs().add(new JTab(jBrowser).addTab());

offset of HitArea after zooming and scrolling

What will be the offset of the getHitRect after zooming and scrolling. Offset of the hit area after zoom can be calculated - (event.getX() / ZoomLayout.mScaleFactor + ZoomLayout.mClipBound.left) But i have not still figured out the offset of hit area after zooming and scrolling.
public class ZoomLayout extends RelativeLayout implements OnDoubleTapListener, OnGestureListener{
//ScalingFactor i.e. Amount of Zoom
static float mScaleFactor = 1.0f;
// Maximum and Minimum Zoom
private static float MIN_ZOOM = 1.0f;
private static float MAX_ZOOM = 2.0f;
//Different Operation to be used
private final int NONE_OPERATION=0;
private final int DRAG_OPERATION=1;
private final int ZOOM_OPERATION=2;
private float mWidth= 1280;
private float mHeight=800;
// Mode to select the operation
private int mode;
//Track X and Y coordinate of the finger when it first touches the screen
private float mInitialX = 0f;
private float mInitialY = 0f;
// Track the Bound of the Image after zoom to calculate the offset
static Rect mClipBound;
// mDetector to detect the scaleGesture for the pinch Zoom
private ScaleGestureDetector mDetector;
// mDoubleTapDetector to detect the double tap
private GestureDetector mDoubleTapDetector;
//Pivot point for Scaling
static float gx=0,gy=0;
boolean mdrag=false,mZoom=false;
public ZoomLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
super(context, attrs);
mClipBound = new Rect();
// Intialize ScaleGestureDetector
mDetector = new ScaleGestureDetector(getContext(), new ZoomListener());
mDoubleTapDetector = new GestureDetector(context,this);
public ZoomLayout(Context context) {
mClipBound = new Rect();
// Intialize ScaleGestureDetector
mDetector = new ScaleGestureDetector(getContext(), new ZoomListener());
mDoubleTapDetector = new GestureDetector(context,this);
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
// Handles all type of motion-events possible
switch(event.getAction() ) {
case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
// Event occurs when the first finger is pressed on the Screen
Log.d("ZoomPrint", "Event: Action_Down " );
mInitialX = event.getX();
mInitialY = event.getY();
//Event occurs when the second finger is pressed down
Log.d("ZoomPrint", "Event: Action_Pointer_Down " );
// If second finger is pressed on the screen with the first set the Mode to Zoom operation
case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP:
Log.d("ZoomPrint", "Event: Action_Pointer_UP " );
case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
//Event occurs when all the finger are taken of the screen
Log.d("ZoomPrint", "Event: Action_UP " );
//If all the fingers are taken up there will be no operation
// give the event to the mDetector to get the scaling Factor
// give the event to the mDoubleTapDetector for the doubleTap
return true;
public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {
return super.onInterceptTouchEvent(ev);
// return true;
public ViewParent invalidateChildInParent(int[] location, Rect dirty) {
return super.invalidateChildInParent(location, dirty);
protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int l, int t, int r, int b)
int count = getChildCount();
for(int i=0;i<count;i++){
View child = getChildAt(i);
RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params = (RelativeLayout.LayoutParams)child.getLayoutParams();
(int)(params.leftMargin ),
(int)(params.topMargin ),
(int)((params.leftMargin + child.getMeasuredWidth()) ),
(int)((params.topMargin + child.getMeasuredHeight()))
protected void dispatchDraw(Canvas canvas) {
//Save the canvas to set the scaling factor returned from detector;
canvas.scale(mScaleFactor, mScaleFactor,gx,gy);
mClipBound = canvas.getClipBounds();
private class ZoomListener extends ScaleGestureDetector.SimpleOnScaleGestureListener {
public boolean onScale(ScaleGestureDetector detector) {
// getting the scaleFactor from the detector
mScaleFactor *= detector.getScaleFactor(); // gives the scaling factor from the previous scaling to the current
// Log.d("ZoomPrint", "detector scaling Factor" + mScaleFactor);
gx = detector.getFocusX();
gy = detector.getFocusY();
// Limit the scale factor in the MIN and MAX bound
mScaleFactor= Math.max(Math.min(mScaleFactor, MAX_ZOOM),MIN_ZOOM);
// Log.d("ZoomPrint", "Bounded scaling Factor" + mScaleFactor);
/*//Force canvas to redraw itself only if the one event is to happen (say Zooming only ) else do not invalidate here for multi operations
As what we de for scrolling or panning will not reflect here. So we will add this in onDraw method
// Here we are only zooming so invalidate has to be done
// invalidate();
// requestLayout();
// we have handle the onScale
return true;
public boolean onDoubleTap(MotionEvent e) {
// Make the mScaleFactor to its normal value
// Force the canvas to redraw itself again as the changes has been occured.
return false;
public boolean onDoubleTapEvent(MotionEvent e) {
// Log.d("ZoomPrint", "OnDoubleTapEvent");
return false;
public boolean onSingleTapConfirmed(MotionEvent e) {
// Log.d("ZoomPrint", "OnSingleTap");
return false;
public boolean onDown(MotionEvent e) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return false;
public boolean onFling(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2,
float velocityX, float velocityY) {
return false;
public void onLongPress(MotionEvent e) {
public boolean onScroll(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2,
float distanceX, float distanceY) {
int distX= (int) distanceX, distY =(int) distanceY;
//Log.d("Print"," X " + this.mClipBound.left +" Y " + this.mClipBound.right + " b "+ this.mClipBound.bottom + " g" + ;
Log.d("Print", "Scroll X " + distanceX + " Y " + distanceY);
this.scrollTo(-280, 0);
else if(<=0)
this.scrollTo(0, -250);
else if (this.mClipBound.right>=1047)
this.scrollTo(280, 0);
else if (this.mClipBound.bottom>=800)
this.scrollTo(0, 250);
return true;
public void onShowPress(MotionEvent e) {
public boolean onSingleTapUp(MotionEvent e) {
return false;
You need to translate the canvas during the scroll functionality. I have done it in this way in my code:
canvas.translate(getScrollX(), getScrollY());
getScrollX and Y are the amount of scroll.
