sqlite odbc silent install - sqlite

How to Silent install sqlite odbc driver ?. Found here http://www.ch-werner.de/sqliteodbc/
i found 2 methods to connect to sqlite one is above and the other one is dhSqlite(vbRichclient4.dll,vb_cairo_sqlite.dll and DirectCOM.dll). which is a class library and replacement for ADO it seems for sqlite. but i could not find any documentation for this one.
i like sqliteodbc because it just works with ADO. but dhsqlite can be installed along with the app. Also dhSqlite contains the sqlite3 engine also i suppose. is it true?.
Could you suggest which one i could follow? or is there any other option i could check?. I am looking for it to be a silent install or install as
part of my app. itself; free and supported for vb6

If you use Inno Setup for distributing your application and use sqliteodbc 0.9996 version, we can add script like this:
Source: sqliteodbc0.9996.exe; DestDir: {tmp}; Flags: deleteafterinstall
Filename: {tmp}\sqliteodbc0.9996.exe; Parameters: /S; StatusMsg: "Installing SQLite ODBC Connector..."

Win32 install/remove/shell by RUNDLL32
Each driver DLL provides entry points for ODBC driver installation
and removal which can be invoked from RUNDLL32.EXE, eg
### install sqliteodbc.dll
C:> rundll32 [path]sqliteodbc.dll,install [quiet]
### remove sqlite3odbc.dll
C:> rundll32 [path]sqlite3odbc.dll,uninstall [quiet]


Load SQLite extensions in SchemaCrawler

My SQLite database has a virtual table that is created by using the spelfix1.dll extention.
Is there any solution to load this extention in schemacrawler?
When I try to create the graphic with
schemacrawler --server=sqlite --database=/home/schcrwlr/share/database.db --info-level=minimum --command=list --output-file=/home/schcrwlr/share/output.png
after starting the container with
C:\Users\user> docker run `
-v ${PWD}:/home/schcrwlr/share `
--name schemacrawler `
--rm -i -t `
--entrypoint=/bin/bash `
Schemacrawler execution stop because the extenion is missing according to the log-files
Caused by: schemacrawler.schemacrawler.exceptions.WrappedSQLException: Could not retrieve table columns for table <lang_store>: [SQLITE_ERROR] SQL error or missing database (no such module: spellfix1)
Caused by: org.sqlite.SQLiteException: [SQLITE_ERROR] SQL error or missing database (no such module: spellfix1)
I work in the Windows PowerShell on Win10.
SchemaCrawler 16.16.6
Oracle Corporation OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 17-ea+14
SQLite 3.36.0
This is more a question about the SQLite JDBC driver than about SchemaCrawler. The SchemaCrawler Docker image comes bundled with SQLite JDBC driver and does not allow for reading of external extension libraries for security reasons. If you really wanted to do this, you would have to use the regular distribution of SchemaCrawler and provide the extension DLL file in the lib folder. Or you could build your own Docker image with this extension, based on the SchemaCrawler Docker image. All of this seems like too much work.
Your best bet is the strip the schema of the virtual tables and run SchemaCrawler again. Please take a look at the procedure for doing this in the answer to Reflecting sqlite database with spellfix1 tables
Sualeh Fatehi, SchemaCrawler

Connecting to SQL Server using PyQt

How can I use Qt to connect to a SQL Server (developing on a Mac)
I've been trying to first follow this guide to install the ODBC driver but its just not working http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/sql-driver.html#qodbc
On step 2 it says to run
qmake -- ODBC_PREFIX=/usr/local/unixODBC
I've actually changed that path to point to a fresh download of unixODBXC
qmake -- ODBC_PREFIX=/Users/userx/Downloads/unixODBC-2.3.7
The output from that ends up being
Running configuration tests...
Done running configuration tests.
Configure summary:
Qt Sql Drivers:
DB2 (IBM) .............................. no
InterBase .............................. no
MySql .................................. no
OCI (Oracle) ........................... no
ODBC ................................... no
PostgreSQL ............................. no
SQLite2 ................................ no
SQLite ................................. yes
Using system provided SQLite ......... no
TDS (Sybase) ........................... no
Qt is now configured for building. Just run 'make'.
Once everything is built, Qt is installed.
You should NOT run 'make install'.
Note that this build cannot be deployed to other machines or devices.
Prior to reconfiguration, make sure you remove any leftovers from
the previous build.
Then when I run make sub-odbc I get
> make sub-odbc
make: *** No rule to make target `sub-odbc'. Stop.
export PATH=$PATH:/Users/userx/Qt/5.12.0/clang_64/bin
cd /Users/userx/Qt/5.12.0/Src/qtbase/src/plugins/sqldrivers
qmake -- ODBC_PREFIX=/Users/userx/Downloads/unixODBC-2.3.7
make sub-odbc
I'm following this exactly as instructions but it doesn't seem to work, any pointers or suggestions?
I know it's pretty late, but try
export PATH=$PATH:/Users/userx/Qt/5.12.0/clang_64/bin
cd /Users/userx/Qt/5.12.0/Src/qtbase/src/plugins/sqldrivers
echo "" > config.cache
echo "" > config.log
qmake -- ODBC_PREFIX=/Users/userx/Downloads/unixODBC-2.3.7
make sub-odbc

Berkeley DB -ldb_cxx not found

I'm building an application that requires Berkeley DB (http://www.resiprocate.org). I am building on OS X, and I had to install Berkeley DB since the machine did not already have it. However, the reSIProcate package I am trying to build cannot find the db_cxx library (-ldb_cxx). The installed Berkeley DB lib directory only has the following files:
What exactly is db_cxx...is -ldb_cxx outdated? Or is there some option I need to specify when installing Berkeley DB to create and install a db_cxx library?
libdb-cxx is API needed for c++, it is not being built by default.
To build libdb-cxx, go to the directory where you had built Berkeley Db, then
cd build_unix
../dist/configure --enable-cxx
sudo make install

sqlite is not working

i came to know that, when we install php it automatically install sqlite. otherwise we need to enable it. is it correct?
i have installed php in my local server.when i execute the phpinfo it show sqlite enabled. still sqlite is not working. below are the lines came under pdo_sqlite
PECL Module version 1.0.1 $Id: pdo_sqlite.c,v 2006/01/01 12:50:12 sniper Exp $
SQLite Library 3.3.6
apparat from this, anything i have to done. pls reply...
Try to see if you have read/write access to the database you are trying to open. I'm guessing this will solve the problem.

MariaDB on Windows - what is this error when trying to start the database engine?

I am asking this question as an offshoot myself and another SO had from this other MariaDB question:
MariaDB on Windows - getting started help?
When I install MariaDB (v5.2.4), open the command window, navigate to the folder where the files are installed, and type in the following to start the database:
net start mysql
I get the following error:
the service name is invalid
I didn't do anything complex, just ran the installation and tried to get started.
Any ideas?
The error basically tells that installer did not create the service (it currently does not create services), thus you'll need to do it yourself.
start elevated command line
switch to directory of your MariaDB installation (C:\Program Files\MariaDB 5.2.4, something like that)
bin\mysqld --install
and only then
net start mysql
Assuming that there is nothing that runs on port 3306, this will stat.
Alas, the server you will create this way would not be optimized at all.
It is better to create a configuration file my.ini (take a look at MySQL docs and .ini files in the installation directory for examples), and put with performance -related stuff here (innodb bufferpool size etc). With config file, you'll need a different command line to register service (step 3 above):
bin\mysqld --install MySQL --defaults-file=path\to\my.ini
Installer for 5.2.4 is basic indeed. It is being reworked though, new one is going to be better usable.
I installed MariaDB that comes with XAMPP on Windows 10. You will see only mysql in the XAMPP Control Panel. However, if you click Shell on the control panel you can access MariaDB monitor and MariaDB.
Here are some notes:
