Access webservice on pageload -

I'm developing a website in VB.Net, visual studio 2010, that requires accessing a webservice to access the user's login information.
They are logged in through a separate page and when they redirect to my page I access their credentials through the webservice and then handle the session through my own scripts.
What I need to know is:
Can a webservice be checked on pageload if a condition isn't met?
I have not worked with webservices before and have no clue how to add parameters or how to get a value from it. Is it possible to add the reference to my login class(or a class in general)?
I have added a reference through the visual studio: website -> add web reference
But this simply generated a bunch of files and I can't find a good tutorial online about how to use the generated references/files.
I thought it was supposed to generate some class files, however it added a folder (.discomap) with the following types:
Finally, can I test this webservice (which is online and running) on my local host?

It sounds like you're wanting to call these services from your code behind.
When you added a web reference it should have generated a bunch of class files you can use to call the service methods. You should be able to do this from localhost.
A WCF service call from the code behind would look something like this
ServiceReference1.Service1Client client = new
string returnString;
returnString = client.GetData(Param);
label1.Text = returnString;


Not able to download file name containing 'aspx' character in asp .net

Am developing asp .Net web application.
In one of my aspx file am using file to download using generic handler. Everything works great. But when am testing i felt a strange problem. That, if am uploading a image or document with file name containing aspx character for Eg; aspxphoto as file name.
Uploading doesnt have any any problem but when i try to download it is throwing error in Generic handler file as
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Can anyone help me why this problem happends and how can i fix it?
You will not be able to do this. The IIS handler wants to "handle" the ASPX. You should simply not allow it, or if you have to, rename it to .aspx.uploaded or something. If you allowed, it you could open yourself to hacking.
As another option, you may be able to create a virtual that implements ("no processing") - possibly using the HTTP Handler under the virtual and just disabling script / execute permissions (under handler >> Edit Feature Permission >> Script OR under Virtual >> Edit permissions >> Special >> Turn Execute off.
I would not recommend the last, since it will add complexity when migrating between test and live AND for recovery (DR).

Cannot route static files in ASP.NET WebForms

We have legacy code to maintain and, to solve a specific customer customization problem, we want to route calls to some files to other files. That is, when the app calls a particular ASPX, it will end up hitting another ASPX.
If you call:
It will actually hit:
This is not a good design but this is legacy code. We just want to solve this.
We are using the System.Web.Routing framework to solve it. This works fine when you set RouteExistingFiles to true, except for static files (CSS, JavaScript and Images).
When I first tried it, it retrieved this error:
There is no build provider register for the extension '.css'.
So I did register a build provider in the web.config file for the .css extension. I used this build provider: PageBuilderProvider because someone recommended it in the internet.
It works! But the CSS is being served with text\html content type.
How do I achieve this?
TL;DR: I want to use routes in ASP.NET Web Forms to make a call for a specific CSS file to actually retrieve another one. A customer needs this for customization.
Try coding a HttpHandler. I had to do something similar but for PDF files, I coded a custom HttpHandler in the end - works very well. You can even set the content type in the HttpHandler code and have a pattern matched path the handler will be used for in the web.config. You can also configure it in web.config not to execute if the path does not point to an existing file e.g. so a 404 is returned without having to code that in the handler itself. I can't post my code (VB.NET) ATM because I'm using a tablet but google search for tutorials. You will also probably need to use the TransmitFile function to actually write out the css file. Is it a web forms project or web site? If its a web site there is a special way of registering the HttpHandler in the web.config.

ASP.NET Configurable Web Service

I have a web service reference in a ASP.NET 2.0 web site project. I'd like to be able to switch between staging and production versions of the service without having to change my code.
However, I'm not seeing how to do that in a clean way. I know that I can change web.config to point to some other service URL, but then isn't my code still hard-coded to one reference or the other?
I saw this post, but how do you edit the proxy class? If I "Go to Definition" on the class, it doesn't take me to any class that I can edit, but it's the object browser... Do I need to run the wsdl.exe utility so that it will generate a proxy class for me that I can then edit?
Edit #1: Here's the code I'm using to instantiate and call the service:
Dim service As New Swan.MagellanLeadSheetService()
Dim response As Swan.MagellanLeadSheetResponse = service.Foo(stuffToSendToService)
Edit #2: Since the web.config already has the URL endpoint address in the appSettings area, can I just simply edit that setting when we deploy to Production to point to the production URL? Is it that simple? I was worried about the potential for breaking changes between the proxy classes of Staging vs. Production, but those should be resolved prior to deploying any changes to Production I think.
The following article explains how you can make the Web Service Reference dynamic by changing the reference properties, adding a key to the web.config file and referencing this key on the application code:
Article Link
Basically you will have 2 versions of web.config file, production and staging with different URLs defined. While the code will point to a unique location.
Now, before the following line, you have to alter the service.URL according to what stands in the web.config.
Dim response As Swan.MagellanLeadSheetResponse = service.Foo(stuffToSendToService)
First of all here is some info how to add a web reference to your project:
How to: Add and Remove Web References
Then instance of your webservice class (the proxy class that derives from SoapHttpClientProtocol) has to have an property called url, with that property you can swith at runtime to your asmx from staging or production.
CountryService service = new CountryService();
service.Url = "http://foo/bar.asmx";
More info: WebClientProtocol.Url Property

ASP.NET AdRotator AdvertisementFile xml file from outside the application

I have an ASP.NET web site, let's call it MySite, and at the same level as the web site, a virtual folder - Data. And in that folder I have the xml file needed in an AdRotator control.
I put "http://localhost/Data/Ads.xml" in AdvertisementFile and I get this error:
'http://localhost/Data/Ads.xml' is not a valid virtual path.
Is there a way to get this working?
The xml file must be on the same website for security reasons, using the control out of the box.
You could write your own methods to read a file from an external server, with an HttpWebRequest for example, then create a server side XML file from that stream and use it with the AdControl.
There is also the AdCreated event to look at, too.

Referencing code in VB.NET

I'm not at all familiar with VB.NET or ASP. I need to create a simple page which makes a call to a remote web service. I used the wsdl utility which comes with the DotNet SDK to generate a service proxy and write it to a VB file. Unfortunately I have no idea how to reference this code in either my ASPX file or the code behind VB file so I can create an instance of the proxy.
Edit: I should have qualified this by noting that I'm not using visual studio. I just coded up a .aspx with a .vb behind it and dropped it into an IIS location. Is there a way to do what you're suggesting outside of VS?
You need to add this code into your project so that it can be consumed.
Right click on your App_Code folder and select "Add Existing Item". This will bring up explorer. Use it to select the generated file and it will add it to your project.
Now you will be able to reference this code from within your page or code behind file
If there isn't an App_Code folder in your project, then right click on the project in solution explorer and select "Add New ASP.Net Folder"->App_Code
Or, instead of the wsdl utility:
In the solution explorer windows, r-click on the project, and select "add web reference". In the dialog that comes up, put in the url to the web service. In the web reference name box (lower right of that dialog), put in whatever you want to local alias for the service to be called.
So, if you put in a url of:
And, a web reference name of:
To use it, your code would look like:
dim x as new xyz
var = x.methodname()
