ASP.NET AdRotator AdvertisementFile xml file from outside the application -

I have an ASP.NET web site, let's call it MySite, and at the same level as the web site, a virtual folder - Data. And in that folder I have the xml file needed in an AdRotator control.
I put "http://localhost/Data/Ads.xml" in AdvertisementFile and I get this error:
'http://localhost/Data/Ads.xml' is not a valid virtual path.
Is there a way to get this working?

The xml file must be on the same website for security reasons, using the control out of the box.
You could write your own methods to read a file from an external server, with an HttpWebRequest for example, then create a server side XML file from that stream and use it with the AdControl.
There is also the AdCreated event to look at, too.


How to Make My Data File (JSon) Available in ASP.NET Project

How can I add a static data file to my web project? It doesn't work in debug mode with IIS Express, and I don't have a web site to deploy to yet.
I have a data file that I want to expose on my web site. I have added that file to my ASP.NET project. When I run the project and attempt to view the file, I get a 404. In other words, I debug the project and type the file url into the browser. That url looks like 'https://localhost:44378/Data/widgetConfigMap.json'.
I need the data file to feed a javascript method. That method has an input parameter for a url with data, i.e. my file. The API in question is Bing Maps. The method name is 'createFromConfig'.
Unsatisfactory Alternative
I can generate the file 'on-the-fly' (via a method in my controller), but that method is slow. Slow enough that it timed-out once.
What I have tried
I tried updating the file properties. Initially, the file Build Action was 'Content', I changed that to 'Page', then to 'Resource' → neither worked. The other property choices look wrong.
I feel like there should be some way to configure my project, or IIS Express to serve-up the data file, but I can't find it.
It sounds like you just add the json file to your project folder instead of importing the json item into your project.
You can access json file directly when you have imported either new json item or existing json file to your /Data folder under your application.
Besides, please ensure you have let your route ignore the URL so static file handler will handle this.
Of course, you can try to publish it to local IIS not IIS express. Then import the data file and it shouldn't be limited.

How to deploy XML file with my web application?

I've written an web application. In the interest of following the advice in "The Pragmatic Programmer" to put application logic in configuration, I wrote a large XML file that describes various business rules.
When I test the application on my local development workstation, I copy the file to c:\xxxxx\myfile.xml and then write the code to read the file from this location.
What is the correct way to deploy this xml file as part of my web application so that it gets read from the directory in which the web application is deployed?
Update: The XML file in question is for server-side configuration and should never be available for download to the end-user.
If you're not embedding this as a resource, you should:
Create a directory under which this file will reside.
Create the file and set its Build Action to Content.
Create a web.config file in that directory which forbids access to the directory so you don't expose your business rules to the Internet.
Add a setting in your application's main web.config that gives the path to this file relative to the root of the application, i.e. "~/MySecureFolder/MyBusinessRules.Xml".
Have some code that calls HttpServerUtility.MapPath Method to convert the value from the setting in web.config to a virtual path.
I don't know if this is what you want - Click on the XML file, then open the Property Window and find the "Build Action" property. Set the value to "Embedded Resources"
I think what you need to do is:
Add the XML file to your web application project in Visual Studio
Right click on the file and select 'Properties...'
Set the Build Action to 'Content' and Copy to Output Directory to 'Do not copy'
this will ensure that your XML file is deployed along with the rest of your web app.
If you want to make available your XML file from http requests to your server, you should
place it in your web publication folder.
This ASP instruction should help you to find your publication path:

File browser control to replace <input type="file">

I'm working on an ASP.NET web application for our corporate intranet users. I have a form where a user should provide a path to the file on the local network (something like "\localServer\someFolder\someFile.ext") without uploading the actual file. The issue is that users don't want to type the whole file path and want to use some kind of visual browse dialog.
The standard HTML <input type=file> element allows to browse for a file, but most of the browsers (except for IE) don't allow to access file's full path, so I think it should be done by some external component like Silverlight, Flash, Java applet etc.
I tried to do it with Silverlight, but I'm getting a SecurityException when trying to access file's full path using Silverlight's OpenFileDialog class.
This java applet seems to do something similar to what I'm looking for, but it's focused on uploading files - I only need to be able to get file's full path and pass it to the server as a string.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Telerik ASP.NET AJAX RadFileExplorer has the functionality you're looking for:
You can use their Custom File Content Provider to hook the GUI to your server's file system.
This should be possible with Flash's uploading capabilities. SWFUpload has an API that you may be able to access from JavaScript to extract the selected file name without actually uploading anything. See docs here, for example getFile():
getFile is used to retrieve a File Object from the queue. The file retrieved by passing in a file id (the id property from a file object) or a file index (the index property from a file object).

How do I download an msi file via an button?

So, I've created my wonderful winforms app that I want to unleash upon the world, and now I am trying to create a simple website to host some basic information and link to the setup file (msi installer file )....
I have a button on the page and the setup file setupApp.msi in same folder as the page. I am currently trying the following:
But this best guess at what to do is not working. Is there something wrong with Mime types here? What do I need to put in the click event to allow users to download this file?
The path you are passing in to the method is not valid (there's no server name called ".").
You can pass in a relative path and it should work fine because ASP.NET will resolve the path:
Or if it's not in the same folder, try one of these:
Keep in mind that you don't necessarily have to do the whole redirect at all. Instead of writing code in an ASPX file you could just have a link to your MSI:
Download my app!

Programmatically deciding what file a URL should point to with ASP.NET 3.5 and IIS 7

Is it possible to programmatically resolve a URL to a file using ASP.NET and IIS? Specifically I'd like the file to be outside of my Virtual Directory (could be anywhere on the local file system). So if a URL comes in like http://mysite/somepicture.jpg I'd like to be able to return c:\mypicture.jpg. I looked into creating an IHttpModule for URL rewriting but that isn't quite what I need - it's limited to URLs within the existing site.
You cannot achieve it by URL rewriting as the file is not hosted on your Web site. You should use Response.WriteFile method in an HttpModule or HttpHandler to manually stream the file to the user.
I would like to add to Mehrdad's response by saying that you need to make sure your app has rights to the folder the files you want live in. That way you can dish it out as Mehrdad suggested.
