How to change default styles for IE required elements? - css

IE 10 is giving me undesired UI for input elements that include a required attribute. For type=text, it’s a tooltip and for checkboxes, a red border.
I’ve figured out how to prevent such things in Chrome and Firefox (via pseudo-selectors). Are there selectors for these in IE, or other methods?

What looks like red border seems to be just an outline, which can be modified or removed using outline properties in CSS, e.g. set to one pixel wide using outline-width: 1px or removed using outline: none.
The tooltips might be something that you cannot style. Note that there are two kinds of tooltips for a required field on IE: one that you get on mouseover (a small simple box), and one that you get when trying to submit the form without a value for the required field (a larger box with a little arrow-like part, as in the screenshot).


Gtk inspector cant find part of widget

I'm working on a Gtk3 theme using css. I want to style a dialog so I used gtkinspector to check what widgets are inside there. Works well, the inspector recognizes the dialog. But it is apparently unable to identify a border sitting around the dialog. (See image below).
The border around the entire widget doesnt get hilighted by the inspector. .. so what does this consist of?
This is reflected in the css: if I put something like dialog * {green} in the css, everything colors green, except for the border. If I put .background {green} then the border also colors green....
I tried to find 'padding' 'margin' and 'border' entries that could be causing the border, but cant seem to find any....Any ideas?
Without code or a glade file one can't say for sure which properties are being used to add that border.
The border itself isn't a widget but a GtkContainer property. So you must look to the parent, GtkDialog, for the correct properties being used. Most probably its the empty border around the container child (see GtkContainer "border-width") but could be alignment or padding.
If your goal is to change the color of the background color then you should change it via GtkDialog.

How do I get rid of PNG invisible borders?

I'm new to web programming, recently I've been asked to make some home pages for someone.
Unfortunately I've run into some problem, the homepage will be on a touch screen for touch input, I've got reports like buttons most of the time doesn't work when clicked on, one of my suspects is invisible borders caused by PNGs.
TL;DR - The corner of the red button is being blocked by the invisible border of the purple button, are there any ways to fix that?
EDIT: No I'm not asking for how to remove the dotted line, I made them visible to show you.
It seems like what you are referring to is not an 'invisible border' but an 'invisible background'.
Your PNG files are rectangular shaped when it comes to event handling, even if some parts are transparent.
If you need to disable some elements from being clicked, you can go about it few ways:
Disable pointer-events with CSS to make sure that a specific
element does not caputre clicks.
#mypurplediv {pointer-events: none;}
Use Z-index to decide the hierarchy of your elements:
#mypurplediv {z-index: 0;}
#myrediv {z-index: 1;}
Per your comments, it seems that you need to retain the abiity to click on ALL elements.
As I mentioned above , your current PNGs are actually rectangles with some parts being transparents.
So you have these options:
1) Use SVG which are vector based shapes (that will by default not have invisible backgrounds). Good tutorial here.
2) Use image mapping and area to create your shapes and give them href. This is a good tutorial about image mapping.
example - <area shape="poly" coords="74,0,113,29,98,72,52,72,38,27" href="index.htm">
3) Use 3rd party javascript/jQuery libraries such as ImageMapster.
Hope this helps!
That dotted border is called focus outline. You can turn it off by applying CSS to the image.
img { outline: none; }

CSS3 PIE Styling Select

CSS3 Pie has some odd functionality when styling select tags. The border radius and box shadow seem to apply the effect and then place the non-styled select box overtop of the effect. Is this an issue anyone has come across and worked around before?
I was actually having this issue, but figured out a fix.
Initially, with
behavior: url(stylesheets/;
the select would open at first, but if I applied a class of error on it with javascript during validation to make the border and background color change to red, it would no longer open properly. To get it to still work properly, you need to add 3 additional pie properties to the select. After adding
.ie select{
behavior: url(stylesheets/;
I was able to get it to work and function 100% properly.
Do you mean to style it like this?
If you check this in IE7/8, the select box will not function properly.
When you need rounded corners and box shadows for select box, it is better to use a javascript method -

IE gradient filter doesn't respond to click event

I want to have a transparent background-color and I use gradient filter as a fallback of RGBA in IE. The code is like this:
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#bfffffff,endColorstr=#bfffffff);
I also want to trigger an event when the user clicks the background, but it seems like the click event doesn't get triggered after I set the filter. Everything is ok without the filter.
So is it another IE bug? How can I solve the problem?
This is probably related to the IE bug that makes links with transparent background no longer clickable: I came across it today. I had a link with a transparent background and display set to block: the main area of the link wasn't clickable, but a 10px border I set on it was. It seems IE also has problems with filters.
This kind of bug is discussed here and here. The first guy's solution is to give a fake background image to the element before setting the filter. The second guy's is to give the element a background colour and set the opacity to 1%, which will make it practically invisible in IE. Hopefully you'll be able to get round it using one of these.
This is not the deal.
Internet explorer creates the filters on a separate layer which is placed above your element and since the new graphic layer is not part of the element - which you have the click event on - there will be no event bubbling.
Recently I made a label element with a nice gradient filter for IE. Only the text can be clicked. If I analyze the label layers from the side with and without the gradient layer, then you will understand the problem.
without gradient filter:
text layer
background layer
with gradient filter:
text layer
gradient layer
background layer
By the way, that is the reason, why you cannot put a border radius on a gradient filter too. Try it. Create an element, and style it with border radius and give it a gradient filter and run it in IE 9. No matter how you try to force the gradient to stay inside the round borders - with for example overflow:hidden -, it will never obey. Its like a separate element which is positioned absolute and right above your element to cover it up and right under the text.

Prevent Chrome/Browsers from resizing/restyling form elements

Chrome has some cute features to make the selected form element (input ect) stand out like adding a border color and, more annoyingly, it slightly reduces the margins on some of my form elements after they've been selected, shifting the page slightly each time a text entry box is selected.
It's not the textarea draggable resize effect that chrome has, it's effecting input elements that should have a constant size, but they automatically change once selected.
Is there any CSS to disable this feature, or do I simply have to make sure my text box margins/padding are set up such that Chrome doesn't resize them?
Here it is
textarea { resize:none; }
I love working on other people's sites...the problem was javascript they were using to restyle form elements after click and I have no idea why. Solution was to remove that junk.
