Changing z-index on click with an image sprite? - css

If I have a navigation menu using css image sprite, is it possible to change the z-index when the link is clicked on/selected?

You can't really use CSS to change on click (unless you use :active, but that only lasts for a moment, while clicking). Use JavaScript instead.
Let's say your CSS looks like this:
#change_me {
z-index: 1;
Then you can have HTML with some inline JavaScript:
<div id="change_me">My z-index will change</div>
<div onclick="document.getElementById('change_me').style.zIndex='2'">
Click Me!
Clicking the second div will change the z-index of the first (i.e. #change_me).
It doesn't matter what the elements are (they can be div's, span's, p's, etc.)


chosen select in a table with horizontal scroll [duplicate]

I created a jsFiddle which shows the chosen-select control being 'truncated' by it's parent div. And even though the overflow is set to hidden for the y-axis, it's showing the scroll bar anyway when clicking on the chosen-select control.
The height of this parent div is fixed and set to 200px, and needs to remain this way.
How can I make chosen-select go over the parent div when clicked upon?
EDIT: jsFiddle updated with more CSS.
If I comment the div.content, it doesn't mess up the layout.
The chosen-select control is now on top of the 4th header. In this fiddle I can still select the chosen-select control, but in my application I can't.
Is there something I need to do for the header's positions?
EDIT2: jsFiddle. I just noticed that the chosen-select control stays on its place when heading 1/2 are sliding up. For the record, this doesn't happen in my application.
What does happen, is when you slide up the 3rd heading, chosen-select control is visible until it's slided up all the way. Unlike the other heading's, where the input's are slowly hiding.
Simply add this CSS class:
Added border to show you the definition of your other box is staying fixed.
div.content {
View Here:
When you select position:absolute, you are effectively telling it to ignore the constraints of your fixed parent div and be able to bound outside the box.
Does this answer the question? I can elaborate further if you'd like.
absolute positioning will remove it from the flow of the rest of the document and treat it as if it didn't exist (it displays where you tell it to, but will not modify other element flow).
Try just adding a spacer like so:
div.filler {
<div class="filler">
<div class="content">
<select class="chosen-select">
Try this:
JS Fiddle:
Add CSS:
.hider {
Add ID in HTML:
<div id="dropper" class="heading">header 3 <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-up pull-right"></div>
Add jQuery if/else:
I added
border: 1px solid black;
to the parentbox, and removed "overflow: hidden" and the dropdown stays in front of the div.
It was not based on any prior knowledge, just dumb luck. I was trying to figure out the exact borders of the divs...oh well.
It's always something...

Drop-Down Menu On Click

Hello I am trying again for an answer - the first time someone advised me on how to get what I want for hover, but I want it for when you click on the menu link.
I am a relative beginner to web development and am currently redesigning my DJ website.
Within the top-left menu, I want to have a div that drops down upon clicking the Events tab (to show the next event I am DJing at).
I would rather do it without JavaScript/jQuery if possible.
I have tried various ideas but none are working.
Please can you help.
Thanks James
This can't be achieved with pure CSS, if you want your element to be toggle-able.
You can use :active on a link in CSS to change the styling (ex: show the next div ) but this won't work if the style changes should persist once you stop clicking on the element.
A little hack to get this to work is to use the :target selector in CSS. Your HTML would look something like this :
Click to toggle
<div id="your_element">This will show up when you click on the link.</div>
And in CSS ..
#your_element{display: none;}
#your_element:target{display: block;}
Example :
The main issue with this is that your element will be shown until the page is refreshed, I don't think there's a way to hide it again without using some Javascript. The browser support for the :target selector is pretty good, supported by all browsers except IE8 and below.
That being said, I would recommand using Javascript/jQuery for this. It will take only a couple of lines and it will be a lot easier to manage.
CSS has no click event handling. What it does have is the :hover pseudo-element, which you can use with transition to create what you want.
I'd do something like this:
<div class='expandable'>
.expandable {
transition:width 1s ease;
.expandable:hover {
In plain English, this says:
A div that has the class expandable shouldn't have any overflow and
it should be 50 x 50 with a red background. If the width changes,
transition it over 1 second. When it's hovered, change the width to
That should get you started. Good luck!

CSS3 onclick activate another DIV's hide/show

I'm starting in CSS3, I'm trying to make a menu like this:
The idea is when you click the button, it hides the parent div and open the div daughter with the other buttons.
I saw this post CSS3 onclick activate another DIV's animation that points to the example, code:
#box1 {
#box1:target {
Click Me
<div id="box1">test test</div>
that clicking on the link, it opens the div. But I want to click the link, hide the div, open the other and then do the reverse.
I would use only CSS3
tks to help
If you do want to use only css3 to do this you can use the Checkbox hack (
It is far from ideal css usage however setting the boxes as radio boxes will do that quite well as each one deactivates the others. (ie you set "width:0px" by default, change to "width:200px" on check combined with "transition: width 0.5s;-webkit-transition: width 0.5s;" for a bit of animation).
In all honesty however you are better using jquery/javascript as the fallbacks for the checkbox hack are not ideal and it is not the stuff that css is really built to control.
Hope that helps,
This has been already answered you can check out:
CSS3 onclick activate another DIV's animation
This is a very simple technique using the '+' symbol only.Hope you find this useful.

CSS display block and floated elements (css mastery) Can this be done?

So I'm developing a mobile micro site and that said, I want the links on the page, to behave
like ios links/tabs do, that when you click on them, the whole width of the button is active and changes color to display a click/finger over state the WHOLE width of that div behaves like a button so that either on a small phone or a tablet, as long as I don't specify a width, that its active state goes from left to right ALL THE WAY as a "block"
To that effect for example, if I have a regular text link. like this:
<div class="mainBtns">Portfolio</div>
id give it this CSS so that on mouseover/click with finget etc, that it behaves like an ios button/tab.
.mainBtns a{
.mainBtns a:hover{
Now that said. This is the problem im trying to solve.
I have a parent Div called thumbItemW (the content wrapper);
and two child items called galThumb and galThumbtxt
The content block looks like this:
<div class="thumbItemW ">
<div class="galThumb">
<a href="gallery-highrise.php" alt=""><img src="images/thumbs/highrise.jpeg" alt="High rise Gallery" />
</div> **//this is the gallery thumb floated left**
<div class="galThumbTxt">
</div>**//this is the gallery thumb text floated right**
<div class="clearEm"> </div>//clear the float
</div> <!-- thumbItemW ender -->
What I want to do is that, when the user finger clicks the parent div, that the background color changes like in the example above with "mainBtns / mainBtns a:hover"
Problem is that, unlike the first example with mainBtns, since this one has child items, if I do something like:
pseudo CSS:
.thumbItemW a:hover{
or something like this, this doesn't work the way id want it, since the elements are floats inside this parent div.
What I'm wanting to do is make the parent div .thumbItemW be like a display block so that when the user clicks, that they can click ANYwhere along that divs width and still activate the button as oppose to clicking RIGHT ontop of the button or text.
Can this be achieved the way I have it? Can this be achieved with CSS alone WITHOUT javascript/jquery?
Hope it's not too confusing.
why wouldn't you just specify width and height on the a element?

Applying image rounded corners to <li>

I was using jQuery plugins to create a rounded corner for my <li>, but it was not working on a lot of browsers and didn't support mouse over.
I am wondering what is the best way to use two images (left corner and right corner) as the left and right side with using <li>.
The construct that I have seen used most for that is a span inside a link.
so something like:
<li><a><span>Your text here</span></a></li>
you can then target the span and the link using the hover state of the link:
a:hover{some rules here}
a:hover span{some more rules here}
that keeps it kinda semantic, and doesn't add to much junk to the page.
You could put Divs inside your li's like so:
<div class="lefcorner"></div>
<div class='liContent'>Foo</div>
<div class='rightcorner'></div>
That way you will both keep your semantics and will also have the cross-browser support of styling DIVs.
