Website Likebutton admin page not accessible - button

First, i've read all other related topics but did not found a solution for my problem.
I've many normal Websites with Like buttons integrated but i can't get access to the Adminpage to publish Messages to the Newsfeed of Users who liked the page (i can't see the "Admin Page" Link anywhere).
I have done the this instructions but i does not work for me.
For only a few page i can find the admin link under , there i can see the request (red box) to migrate my page and everything works fine.
So my question is how to obtain the Admin-Link for my page to get these migrated to normal FB-Pages?


Can't access the Wordpress dashboard when logged in

I migrated the company's website on a new hosting server. Since then, I cannot access my Wordpress dashboard when I'm logged in.
When connected, I see my website and the classic Wordpress top bar. But when I click on the button with the name of my website (usually that sends me to the dashboard) it just sends me back to the home page.
I add that the top bar isn't really like the classic top bar since it doesn't contain any option.
Here's a screenshot.
The top of my website when logged with the top bar of the admin wordpress
Clicking "Bonjour Signature_Beta" doesn't do anything. I can only log out.
Going to the /wp-admin page gives me an error saying "Sorry, you do not have authorization to reach this page". Except, I'm supposed to have authorization since my profile has a wp_content value of a:1:{s:13:"administrator";b:1;} and wp_user_level of 10.
I have tried multiple things I found online that didn't come to fruition sadly :
Renaming plugin's folder (nothing changes except page breaking because they're made with Elementor)
Renaming theme's and child theme's folder (page goes blank, top bar still there though)
Replaced .htaccess file (nothing)
Checking my account didn't lose admin privilege through phpmyadmin (it didn't, it's at level 10 + it has the weird administrator code
Added a new admin account through function.php (can log in with it, still can't access dashboard)
Increased memory limit
Repair database tables
Kind of desperate and frustrated about it.
Thank you in advance for the help :)
Ok with a fresh pair of eyes, I found out what was the problem. Tables prefix! I followed what was described here : After moving Wordpress, login works, but no admin access anymore
For the record, I never found it when googling or searching my answer here before posting. When posting my question I review the post stackoverflow suggested and it wasn't there either. But now it's suggested next to my post, so... great!

Why is my WP website redirecting the register page, to the login page

I have somewhat recently become the admin for a friend's website. When I came on he had about 80 different plugins and I have recently gotten rid of a lot of the useless one. The website was working perfectly fine afterwards. Then I found out (a bit before the WordPress 5.5 update) that the register page wasn't working properly. I went ahead and cleared a lot more things and have been troubleshooting it nearly everyday. The website is now at the point where you can go to the login page, but attempting to go to the register page will redirect the user back to the login page. If I visit as an admin I can access the page, but the form displays the text that I am already registered (correctly, but not useful).
The plugins that are currently enabled related to logins are: Ultimate Member, Gamipress, Jetpack, Loginizer, and various Gamipress and Ultimate member integration plugins. If you want to see the site for yourself you can find it here:
I cannot comment for more information, so I use the answers... In admin, then "Settings", then "General", does the box "Membership: Anyone can register" is checked? If the answer is no, I think that redirects to the login page.

Unable to "login" via twitter API

I have implemented a twitter login for my site, using a plugin called "Simple Twitter Connect".
Now what this plugin does is create a twitter login function for my site above the the comments section which allows users to use their twitter details rather than filling out name and email boxes.
Now the problem I am having with it is when it gets to the authorize page on, after entering the details and then going back to the site it loads page.
On the contents of the page it says
Failed connecting. Please try again later
I initially thought it must simply be something wrong with the plugin, however I have contacted the plugin author and he as said that gigya has nothing to do with his plugin nor does his plugin link to it.
I havent signed up to gigya nor implemented any of their functions on my site, so I'm not sure how this site gets into the equation.
If anyone wants to recreate the issue, the click here and login via twitter.
Can anyone suggest what the issue may be?
After the successful OAuth-Login you are redirected to the Callback URL associated with your Consumer key. The Callback URL can be configured - here's how you do it:
Log in to
Select the application which you are using in your blog
Go to the "Settings" tab and you'll find the Callback URL under "Application Type"
Set the URL to your blog base directory (where the index.php is).

Facebook for WordPress plugin unable to submit Opengraph Action

I try to follow the Instructions here but I also consulted this. I was able to install the plugin, create my Facebook app, get the namespace, icon etc. even a test post worked, but when I click "submit", I get a dialog box that says this:
Built-in Action Types require that you provide instructions for using your app's Open Graph integration as your Open Graph Test User in a functioning test environment. Failure to provide a functioning test environment will result in rejection of your Action Type.
I've tried typing in the box, but when I click continue I just get this box again. I wanted to setup auto syncing and ditch Networked Blogs, but maybe I should have stayed with a working solution, given this has gone far from smoothly. How do I get the publish article action submitted and approved?
I actually got the Facebook for WordPress plugin to work, but I didn't find it actually made my blog better. It seemed to run slow, unexpectedly stopped working at times, and did not result in increased traffic. If you want to share your posts to Facebook and you can stand clicking the button yourself after you hit publish, I recommend the Professional Share plugin. If you want related posts, I recommend the Yet Another Related Post Plugin.
The Facebook for WordPress plugin and JetPack are just too big, they have too much cruft, they are not worth running in my opinion and I've been using WordPress since 2005. Just because a big corporation makes an official plugin, doesn't mean it is the best.

Page Administration & Open Graph

I'm an Admin for this page
and I've also specified that my App can administer it too. I've Liked this page so I thought I should be able to access the admin screen for the page but I can't seem to. Any ideas on how I access the admin screen for this page in FB, so I can manually publish updates?
Additionally, when I try to update page programmatically I get the message
(OAuthException) (#200) The user hasn't authorized the application to perform this action
but the page has my App listed here
This was definitely a bug rather than a programming or setup issue. The bug has been marked fixed by Facebook as of 1/18/2012 and everything now works as it is supposed to! Bug report:
Until this recent fix, there was a problem where OpenGraph pages did NOT allow the admins of those pages to retrieve page access tokens for them. Which means they were locked out of posting "as the page" and apparently also locked out of the Admin area for their own pages as well.
I know that this is fixed for me now with this bugfix, and hopefully it will also be fixed for everyone else.
You will need to ask for manage_pages, read_stream and publish_stream. Once your admin accepts those permissions, the app can call me/accounts on the Graph (play here In there will be a list of all the pages they admin. In each listing will be a unique access token. This is called the page access token. Using that token you should be able to read and write to the me/feed for that page.
