Reduce a web site loading time in wordpress [closed] - wordpress

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I created a site in wordpress. Site contains so many long pages, and many java scripts. But after a completion of site, server get so many loading time so that what change should be need to reduce a loading time ?

Follow the instructions
Use CloudFlare or Use Google mod_pagespeed UI
Use W3 Total Cache or WP super cache
Try gzip/http compression your site from w3 total cache
Use db cache reloaded fix
Use Smush-it/Ewww Image Optimizer to decrease image site
You can visit also below sites :

As the mentioned here above, use a CDN like Amazon Cloudfront or Cloudflare.
Use Amazon S3 for store all your medias like images and so.
Try to load all your Javascripts at the bottom of your body-end-tag.
Thats my best tips, that will reduce much.

If your are using W3Total Cache, make sure to use file renaming or query strings to bust cache when pushing updated files:

Use CloudFlare or Use Google mod_pagespeed UI
Use W3 Total Cache or WP super cahe
Try gzip/http compression your site from w3 total cache
Use db cache reloaded fix
Use Smush-it/Ewww Image Optimizer to decrease image site

I highly recommend you look into using W3 Total Cache. Like others have stated, you can minify and cache several of your pages. W3TC also has CDN support. If you'd like to go the easy route, check out its integration with MaxCDN, otherwise I recommend Amazon CloudFront.
Additionally you may want to see if CloudFlare is for you.
Out of the box WordPress is very fast. It only starts to slow down through your choice of plugins and themes. Go through them and delete anything that's unnecessary. Yes, delete even deactivated plugins/themes.
WP has been taken over by WPMU and has improved immensely. Definitely recommend it.

If you're using W3 Total Cache try disabling (if you've turned on) the "Object Cache" feature. I've fixed a lot of problem with site loading disabling this feature and disabling che "Live traffic" on Wordfence

Use wp_enqueue_script to avoid multiple js jQuery css files being called. I mean there are many plugins referring to different versions of jQuery them use wp_enqueue_script.
Try installing W3 Total Cache plugin where you can optimize your site, minimize css and combine jQuery files.
Try loading your site # Analyze the results and work accordingly. Hope this would suffice.
For faster loading try optimizing your code, ask yourself whether each plugin that you have installed is worth keeping, remove them if not needed.
Also try configuring a CDN for your blog, this will surely reduce loading time as well as load on your server.


Optimize Wordpress Nginx Website with Litespeed cache

I'm trying to optimize my website and I've tried many ways like using WP optimizer with minification and cache, w3 total cache with minification and more. The best score I get is whenever I use Litespeed optimization. Cache doesn't work on my nginx server but the optimization is so good that I get 65 without even using cache while I get around 40 with w3 cache. I want to improve my site speed even more and I noticed the only problem whenever I load my site is the server response time which is around 3 seconds. If I activate w3 total cache this gets close to 200ms. The problem is that I want to serve the minified and combinied version of my site from litespeed with w3 total cache or another caching plugin to eliminate that 3s response time. Is this possible and how can I achieve that?
If you want to enable LSCache optimization features to optimize static files, and use the cache feature from the w3-total cache plugin. The answer is yes, it's possible. As long as you have only one full-page cache feature enabled at a time, then it will have no conflict with other tools. Other features from LSCWP like Guest Mode, and Guest Optimization may not work with other tools, so you might want to test them thoroughly. If you want to utilize the cache feature from the LSCache in the future, the easiest way for you is to add the QUIC Cloud CDN in the front. Hope the above information helps.

How do I speed up a WordPress website in terms of SEO?

I Choose WordPress for blogs and news related. But my website load speed is very low, It takes higher time related to SEO friendliness This is my site
I need To reduce time to make it SEO friendly Please give some suggestions
Thank you in advance
Follow the instructions on
For example, to "Serve images in next-gen formats" I use a plugin called WebP Converter for Media. Also consider using plugin called Hummingbird for caching and compressing. But it seems you already get score of 100 for desktop. That's pretty good.
This is a loaded question. Did you create the website yourself? If so, you should be thinking about optimisation while you're developing.
If not, then you're going to have to rely on a combination of plugins, reliable hosting and common sense.
Some things to consider:
Find a plugin that offloads all local assets (images, JS files etc) to a CDN, and also minifies CSS and JS (WP Rocket might be the way to go).
Use a theme that supports lazy loading.
Use fast, reliable hosting (WP Engine for example).
Keep your database lean - don't keep thousands of revisions if you don't need them.
Disable all unnecessary plugins.
Edit your wp-config.php file to allow adequate PHP memory allowance, For example:
define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '96M');
This should improve things. Take some benchmarks here, here and here before you do any of this so you have before/after values to compare.
Good luck.

How do I optimize the speed of my Wordpress, Elementor, and WooCommerce website on Litespeed server?

I'm trying to optimize a website ( but not sure how to proceed further. It's hosted on Litespeed server and I'm using the Litespeed Cache Plugin for Wordpress. I have enabled webp images, combined and minified javascript, minified css, and enabled CDN. I'm also using Modernizr for webp replacement in css but Insights doesn't seem to recognize the change.
There are also a lot of DOM elements (presumably due to Elementor). Some of the theme elements are hidden with css on mobile. I tried to use Mobile_Detect to only load those elements for desktop but the cache seems to be static and is either generated for mobile OR desktop but not both so the Mobile_Detect code is useless. None of this seems to have made any difference in Pagespeed Insights with tests still at around 11 for mobile and 42 for desktop.
Could anyone please provide some pointers on where to go from here? I know a little web development and SEO/optimization but this is beyond me at the moment.
You can try to deactivate the cache, do the Lighthouse Check again, try to get ride of the unused script and styles and activate the cache tool again.
You should combine your css to, not only js.
The Front Page is well cached, but te product are loading up to 6 secs - which is way to long. Maybe yout server is to slow and you should upgrade.
Webpage speed optimization is an art itself. On advanced levels, we look into every piece of code for optimization.
At the beginner level, I would suggest you to use Cloudflare CDN (Free Subscription) and configure Cache and Speed settings.
Second, instead of using PageSpeed Insights, use Solarwinds Pingdom to check the speed of the website.
Third, make sure that all the unnecessary plugins and themes are deleted. Clean up as much as you can. WordPress themes are the usual culprit of a slow website, use the lightest possible theme which is regularly updated and optimized.
Make sure to address Render Blocking Elements (inline critical elements or deffer) and Server Response Time (better web hosting).

Do I Still Need A Cache Plugin e.g. W3 Total Cache or WP Super Cache etc. To SpeedUp WordPress?

On an Ubuntu 18.04 Machine With Apache2,
I'm using mod_pagespeed with default settings except 2 options.
I've installed memcached and enabled the following in "/etc/apache2/mods-available/pagespeed.conf" by removing "#"
ModPagespeedMemcachedServers localhost:11211
ModPagespeedCreateSharedMemoryMetadataCache "/var/cache/mod_pagespeed/" 51200
My question is, do I still need a plugin e.g. Autoptimize, W3TC, WP Super Cache and etc. to cache, minify etc. etc.?
Any help would be highly appreciated.
Cache Plugins in general:
Like alway the world is divided into those who love them and those who curse them.
Ask yourself, if you should use them?
Is there any benefit for your page?
That depends on the page. Noone can decide that for you.
Helpful are some seo tools - e.g. Google PageSpeed.
Disable all cache plugins and check your page speed.
Sometimes a page is blown up with many plugins generating tons of code (sad to say not rare duplicated and included twice or more times).
Check your plugins and also check your page (frontend) with the developer tools.
Mostly there are many loads you do not really need.
You mentioned
minify etc.
You can do that by yourself (e.g. with Brackets and the minifier plugin or online on mifier pages).
Even the includes for most of the plugins can be minified.
The intention:
Check your page and optimize it. If it not really needs the cache plugins for some functionallity or an high increase of page speed - why use them?

How to Improve Server Response Time in WordPress? [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I was using W3 Total Cache Plugin other then this plugin what I want to do to speeding up my WordPress site.
You can also use a CDN, optimise images (there is a plugin called WP-SmushIt), optimise your database (WP-Optimize plugin) and schedule database optimisation (WP-DB Manager plugin), minify and combine (Minit plugin), enable compression, remove any query strings from CSS and JS files (Remove Query Strings From Static Resources plugin), add an expires header to static resources, lazy load images (jQuery Image Lazy Load plugin), control post revisions (Revision Control plugin), and most importantly make sure you choose a good host - shared servers can be very slow.
I would advise to, instead of using more plugin use less plugins, ofcourse how fast you can make your website depends on the speed of your server.
First of all check your page via the console(F12) and go to the network tab. You can see all the elements that are loaded in, and you can check how long it takes for them to load in. So if some load elements load too long check them.(For example you can edit some images if they take too long)
What also helps is the following:
Check all your images, make sure to convert them to .png wich is usually not a large file size and scale them so you won't have ridiculous large images, or load times
Check how many visitors you have, if a lot of people are requesting your pages(aka visiting them) you may want to upgrade your server / hosting so it can handle those users
Reduce the resources used per page, so make sure all your css is in one file.
If you use too many plugins these all have to be loaded in as well, only use those wich you really need instead of installing 20+ plugins in the hope of making your pages faster. It usually won't work and make your website load even slower.
