Optimize Wordpress Nginx Website with Litespeed cache - wordpress

I'm trying to optimize my website and I've tried many ways like using WP optimizer with minification and cache, w3 total cache with minification and more. The best score I get is whenever I use Litespeed optimization. Cache doesn't work on my nginx server but the optimization is so good that I get 65 without even using cache while I get around 40 with w3 cache. I want to improve my site speed even more and I noticed the only problem whenever I load my site is the server response time which is around 3 seconds. If I activate w3 total cache this gets close to 200ms. The problem is that I want to serve the minified and combinied version of my site from litespeed with w3 total cache or another caching plugin to eliminate that 3s response time. Is this possible and how can I achieve that?

If you want to enable LSCache optimization features to optimize static files, and use the cache feature from the w3-total cache plugin. The answer is yes, it's possible. As long as you have only one full-page cache feature enabled at a time, then it will have no conflict with other tools. Other features from LSCWP like Guest Mode, and Guest Optimization may not work with other tools, so you might want to test them thoroughly. If you want to utilize the cache feature from the LSCache in the future, the easiest way for you is to add the QUIC Cloud CDN in the front. Hope the above information helps.


How to improve stylesheet.min.css loading time in WordPress?

Recently have made the website and used WP Fastest Cache and Clearfy plugins to optimize loading speed.
The waterfall indexes become much better, but still are problem with stylesheet.min.css, it still is too long.
How I can to reduce it's time?
Website waterfall image:
I cant see your website so just few recommendations.
you can use gzip compression if your server support it
you can try use some CDN service to speed up delivery of your files
you can try to remove unnecessary parts of you stylesheet.min.css
(off topic you can try to lower the number of your website requests - 146 is quite a lot)

Problem with cache, plugin Litespeed, server Litespeed and optimization

I have been using the wordpress Litespeed plugin on my site Trailer y Estrenos CO. I have the Chemicloud hosting and it uses the Litespeed server, which according to them, it works super well if is used with the plugin of the same name.
On top of that, you started using Cloudflare and I integrated it into the Litespeed plugin.
My problem is the following:
When I measure how optimized the page is after having installed everything mentioned, in GTmetrix at the beginning it gives me a statistic of the B and C range, but soon after in another scan they lower me to C and D.
In the Litespeed plugin I have DNS Prefetch configured and in the first scan of range B and C the DNS Prefetch configuration works as it is, but in the others scans later that go down to ranges C and D, it seems that the DNS Prefetch does not work, since it shows me those external DNS errors.
I don't know if it's my ideas, but it seems that the Litespeed plugin didn't do its job well, although it could be other things.
Should I use another cache plugin? I know that the WP Rocket is very good but the detail is that it is paid.
Any suggestion or help?
Thank you
In the current report, Your scores are mainly dependent on your third-party resources. Everything that is loading from your domain(Litespeed) is pretty quick(Check the Waterfall section). If you expand the results which are causing these scores, you'll see the responsible ones.
Pagespeed Scores
Minimize Redirects is caused by resources from addthis.com,openx.com and soon.
Leverage Browser Caching is also by addthis, google and Facebook resources.
Serve Scaled Images is something to be done during the upload, or a plugin like Shortpixel Adaptive Images can help you.
YSlow Scores
Add Expires Headers is the same as Leverage Browser caching above.
Use a CDN is caused by the same Third-Party Resources.
Use Cookie-Free Subdomains is caused by Cloudflare, since it appends its Cookies on all requests, but if your server is far away from where your visitors are, the benefits of using Cloudflare overweighs the drawbacks.
Reduce DNS Lookups is again due to a lot of third-party resources, from multiple domains, DNS Prefetch can help the users resolve the DNS faster, but won't affect the scores.
Avoid URL Redirects is the same as Minimize Redirects above.
No Cache plugin can edit how third-party requests are being handled by the website, while they can defer the requests or load them after the actual page is loaded to improve user experience, it won't still affect the scores.
What should you do to fix these?
Figure out what you want to keep and remove the rest if not required.
Talk to your developer about storing these external files locally so that they can be optimized and controlled using Litespeed Cache or any other Cache Plugin.
For the Minimize Redirects, get in touch with the provider you're serving these resources from and ask them to improve this behavior.
I hope this helps!

How to reduce ttfb time in wordpress sites?

How to reduce ttfb time ?
my wordpress site has very long ttfb time.
i tested result several time and result absolutely confuse me sometimes is lower than 200ms sometimes more than 5s !
what is the problem ?
network configuration or server side scripts ? or something else ?
It is not really a Wordpress specific problem as all websites should try to have a ttfb time as little as possible.
Generally speaking when you use a tool like Google page Speed or PingDom (to name a few), you should get some advices on how to improve your ttfb time.
Like using a cache system, compress and regroup JS/CSS files, reduce images size, using a CDN, etc...
Now on Wordpress ecosystem, you have a lot of plugins what can help you with that (especially if you're not a developper).
Here is a list of some I know and have already used that may help you:
W3 Total Cache (caching plugin) - A good free solution for setting a cache system on your WP (realivelly complicated to handle though)
WP Rocket (caching plugin) - an excellent non-free solution. Work pretty well (much easier to handle than W3 Total Cache). Affordable.
Imagify (image compression plugin) - this plugin re-compress and optimize you medias. It is developped by the same company as WP Rocket, you need to create an account on there service to use it. And they have a free plan.
In any case, if you're not a developper, I encourage you to get help from one because some caching options can produce unwanted effects like a JS component that doesn't work anymore of stuff like that so you need to test if your website still works each time you make a change.
Note: long ttfb time can also be related to the server itself (mutualized one for example).
Hope it help.

Do I Still Need A Cache Plugin e.g. W3 Total Cache or WP Super Cache etc. To SpeedUp WordPress?

On an Ubuntu 18.04 Machine With Apache2,
I'm using mod_pagespeed with default settings except 2 options.
I've installed memcached and enabled the following in "/etc/apache2/mods-available/pagespeed.conf" by removing "#"
ModPagespeedMemcachedServers localhost:11211
ModPagespeedCreateSharedMemoryMetadataCache "/var/cache/mod_pagespeed/" 51200
My question is, do I still need a plugin e.g. Autoptimize, W3TC, WP Super Cache and etc. to cache, minify etc. etc.?
Any help would be highly appreciated.
Cache Plugins in general:
Like alway the world is divided into those who love them and those who curse them.
Ask yourself, if you should use them?
Is there any benefit for your page?
That depends on the page. Noone can decide that for you.
Helpful are some seo tools - e.g. Google PageSpeed.
Disable all cache plugins and check your page speed.
Sometimes a page is blown up with many plugins generating tons of code (sad to say not rare duplicated and included twice or more times).
Check your plugins and also check your page (frontend) with the developer tools.
Mostly there are many loads you do not really need.
You mentioned
minify etc.
You can do that by yourself (e.g. with Brackets and the minifier plugin or online on mifier pages).
Even the includes for most of the plugins can be minified.
The intention:
Check your page and optimize it. If it not really needs the cache plugins for some functionallity or an high increase of page speed - why use them?

Reduce a web site loading time in wordpress [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I created a site in wordpress. Site contains so many long pages, and many java scripts. But after a completion of site, server get so many loading time so that what change should be need to reduce a loading time ?
Follow the instructions
Use CloudFlare or Use Google mod_pagespeed UI
Use W3 Total Cache or WP super cache
Try gzip/http compression your site from w3 total cache
Use db cache reloaded fix
Use Smush-it/Ewww Image Optimizer to decrease image site
You can visit also below sites :
As the mentioned here above, use a CDN like Amazon Cloudfront or Cloudflare.
Use Amazon S3 for store all your medias like images and so.
Try to load all your Javascripts at the bottom of your body-end-tag.
Thats my best tips, that will reduce much.
If your are using W3Total Cache, make sure to use file renaming or query strings to bust cache when pushing updated files:
Use CloudFlare or Use Google mod_pagespeed UI
Use W3 Total Cache or WP super cahe
Try gzip/http compression your site from w3 total cache
Use db cache reloaded fix
Use Smush-it/Ewww Image Optimizer to decrease image site
I highly recommend you look into using W3 Total Cache. Like others have stated, you can minify and cache several of your pages. W3TC also has CDN support. If you'd like to go the easy route, check out its integration with MaxCDN, otherwise I recommend Amazon CloudFront.
Additionally you may want to see if CloudFlare is for you.
Out of the box WordPress is very fast. It only starts to slow down through your choice of plugins and themes. Go through them and delete anything that's unnecessary. Yes, delete even deactivated plugins/themes.
WP Smush.it has been taken over by WPMU and has improved immensely. Definitely recommend it.
If you're using W3 Total Cache try disabling (if you've turned on) the "Object Cache" feature. I've fixed a lot of problem with site loading disabling this feature and disabling che "Live traffic" on Wordfence
Use wp_enqueue_script to avoid multiple js jQuery css files being called. I mean there are many plugins referring to different versions of jQuery them use wp_enqueue_script.
Try installing W3 Total Cache plugin where you can optimize your site, minimize css and combine jQuery files.
Try loading your site # whichloadsfaster.com. Analyze the results and work accordingly. Hope this would suffice.
For faster loading try optimizing your code, ask yourself whether each plugin that you have installed is worth keeping, remove them if not needed.
Also try configuring a CDN for your blog, this will surely reduce loading time as well as load on your server.
