Safely remove chunks of CSS from webapp - css

I know there are several questions concerning unused CSS already, e.g.
How can I find unused images and CSS styles in a website?
how can i find unused css in ajax app?
As I understand from these questions and the answers given there it is currently not possible to automatically check for unused CSS for a complete webapp. The problem seems to be that it is nearly impossible to get all HTML that could ever be generated, even if you have access to the source code.
Also note that in my case I want to verify that some CSS is not used rather than finding it in the first place.
Still I guess removing unused CSS is a common task. So how is it done in real-life? I actually have to do this for a larger project. My current plan is to remove some CSS, test it manually and then wait for bug reports. I really hope there is a better way.
Edit: I just realized that this question is not really CSS specific. So when I broadened my search I found What is the best way to remove dead code from your application?. The answer given there mainly says it "is only possible with a really extensive set of tests" (which is not an option for me).

There is no exact solution, but a good workaround I found on css wizardry:
Add something like this to your css:
#suspicious_selector {
background-image: url('/assets/img/dead/suspicious_selector.gif');
After some time check for requests to that file. If there were no requests, it is mostly safe to remove the selector.


Is a CSS virus possible? (or any security breach)

Is it possible to have a CSS virus, or what could be the closer of it? (=a non virus but something harmful for the security)
What kind of security breaches could it exploit?
Not a virus, that would not be possible. The only thing that comes to mind is this:
It abuses the fact that you can select an element based on an attribute's value.
Really clever!
Edit: There is a deprecated CSS property that was usable in IE5.5 (I think) that allowed you to define arbitrary js to be executed at run time. Someone demonstrated that you could put the entirety of jQuery in the property value and it ran. Obviously, this is not very useful today, but interesting, nonetheless. If I find this I will add it to this response.
CSS is a browser side language there for the only way you would be able to execute harmful code in it would be to re-name the file to something like .exe or .php.
You can't get a virus via css. But this is an interesting article about fetching userdata with it
The answers that you have gotten stating it is not possible, are correct,
as long as everything works the way it is supposed to.
But since, at least with respect to security, everything on the internet is broken (and most other code as well) in one way or another, it is certainly possible for CSS to be a
carrier of maleficent CSS that exploits security holes either in the CSS parser or the execution of CSS script content.
Then again, that is of course not specific to CSS, but also true for HTML/JS/images etc,
or basically any input from an unsecured source being parsed by any piece of software on your machine.
The access gained from these attack vectors can then be used to inject or
create a virus on the fly.

How can quickly tell what parts of a CSS file are being used on a page?

I have a massive CSS file that is applied to several pages. I'm hoping to break it down to a common CSS file and several page-level CSS files, since it is becoming difficult to work with. Unfortunately, it's not easy to tell what exactly is common. I was hoping there was a way to quickly see what lines/selectors were being used on a given page. Does anyone know of a tool that can do this? I don't want to use developer tools and go through the DOM elements one by one. I'd like to look at the CSS file and see unused selectors grayed out or something. Thanks!
You can use, at least in Chrome, the Audits tab in the developer tools. Once you run it, it says you which styles aren't used in the current page.
Testing it on this site:
And for Firefox there an add-on called CSS Usage – might be worth a look too.

What are some client-side tricks to get around IE7's absurd 32-stylesheet limit?

I just worked out, by trial-and-error, that IE 7 has an upper limit of 32 stylesheet includes (i.e. tags).
I'm working on the front-end of a very large website, in which we wish to break our CSS into as many separate files as we wish, since this makes developing and debugging much easier.
Performance isn't a concern, as we do compress all these files into a single package prior to deployment.
The problem is on the development side. How can we work with more than 32 stylesheets if IE 7 has an upper limit of 32?
Is there any means of hacking around this?
I'm trying to come up with solutions, but it seems that even if I loaded the stylesheets via Ajax, I'd still be writing out tags, which would still count towards the 32-stylesheet limit.
Is this the case? Am I stuck with the 32-file limit or is there a way around it?
NOTE: I'm asking for a client-side solution to this. Obviousy a server-side solution isn't necessary as we already have a compression system in place. I just don't want to have to do a re-compress every time I make one little CSS change that I want to test.
Don't support IE7.
To avoid confusion: I'm not seriously suggesting this as a real solution.
Create CSS files on the server side and merge all files that are needed for this certain page.
If you are using Apache or Lighttp consider using mod_concat
Write your stylesheet into an existing style block with JavaScript using the cssText property, like this:
document.styleSheets[0].cssText += ourCss;
More info here:
At my last company we solved this by mashing all the CSS into one big document and inserting a URL in the web page that referenced that one-shot document. This was all done on-the-fly, just before returning the page to the client (we had a bunch of stuff going on behind the scenes that generated dynamic CSS).
You might be able to get your web server to do something similar, depending on your setup, otherwise it sounds like you're stuck with only 32 files.
Or you could just not support IE7 ;)

clean up css automaticly with dreamweaver or other tool

It's not really a coding question, but I don't know where to ask it elsewhere.
I'm looking for a tool to clean up unused css selectors.
I know this tool Dust-Me selectors, but I want it to clean it automaticly.
Can anyone help me with this?
Depending on the complexity of your site, I don't think it's a good idea to clean up CSS automatically. I've used those tools myself (DustMe-Selectors mostly) but as soon as it comes to dynamic pages (and sites), all of the tools lack the ability to really find out what is used and what not.
Consider a site using selectors like "item-selected", "item-soldout", "item-bargain", etc. If the site will apply selectors dynamically to e.g. items in a shop, tools may not find those selectors in your markup because they are not used at the moment but maybe used as soon as the shop-configuration changes.
So I'd suggest to go with one (or more) of the tools suggested here and carefully evaluate the suggestions for unused selectors, but rather not use something to clean my code automatically.
There's a windows based utility called CSS Cleaner available here. Obviously the issue is that it has to run through every pages in your project to determine which selectors aren't used. And it can't see into any CSS generated by your code.
Be careful with auto-clean up. If you are not 100% familiar with the site -- don't do it. There may be classes or IDs in your code that are there for JS and not CSS.

Remove unused CSS on the Fly?

Having a problem at the moment that many of my pages load [using GooglePageSpeed] and seem to load a lot of unused CSS.
If I try and split the CSS - then I get the error that "too many CSS files". I am wondering whether there are any jquery plugins [or other] that are able to RENDER only the CSS for the page that is being loaded and ignore the rest ?
It's sort of like a dynamic CSS interchanger ? Would really help ....
Unless you are sending hundreds of kb of css then it shouldn't really matter.
A dynamic CSS changer would destroy the caching ability of the browser resulting in higher transfers.
I would suggest you to go for Dust-Me Selectors (addon of firefox) to check unused css and delete it for specific pages. Note this is not something allowing you to delete on-the-fly though.
There is a really handy plugin for Grunt called UnCSS. It will automatically remove unused CSS on the fly. Check out this link for more info:
Remove Unused CSS automatically
Seems to me, that it will be bad practice to optimize your css on the fly. Neither on server's side, nor on the client's because it will decrease performance of server/user's browser.
If CSS size is so important for you, it would be a better way to manually create some pre-optimized stylesheets for each global types of pages used in your web application and switch between them.
For this needs, there is one more useful addon for Firefox's Firebug, named CSS Coverage. It allows you to scan multiple pages of your site to see which CSS rules are actually used in your site per each page or per many.
Scaffold might help. It doesn't remove what you don't need, but it does compile it to one small file.
Removing unused CSS would need some JavaScript which would slow down more than the solution above.
