Using Symfony2 with Salesforce PHP toolkit - symfony

I want to use the Salesforce php toolkit( within Symfony2.
Has anyone had experience doing this?
What is the best route to take?
A bundle, entity or service?
If I just namespace my initial Salesforce.php, which will provide the connection to Salesforce and leave the toolkits require_once files for its other classes.
Then, I guess, any bundles I write can use this namesspace and directly use this connection throughout my app?
Sorry this is a bit vague, any guidance would be appreciated!

I haven't tested but you can take a look at


More than one Controller - Beginners guide

I just started with symfony 4 and have a question about "multi-controller", if my application got many routes, should i go for more controllers to keep the files tiny and readable or is one controller enough / recommended?
There is no recommended way about multi-controllers on the official documentation.
If multi-controller is a good choice, how to split?
If there a good documentation on the inet?
Absolutely yes, you should have more than one controller. Symfony's best practices recommend to keep your controllers tiny and delegate much of your application logic to services that you create to handle different actions. For this, it is essential that you have a basic understanding of Dependency Injection, the Container pattern and, more specifically, how Symfony's DI Container works (how you can register services, for example).
There's tons of documentation on Symfony in the intenet. This one on controllers.
KnpUniversity has some really good tutorials to get you started. Start with the Symfony series, then follow with Symfony Internals.
Also, you will greatly benefit from the features of the maker bundle, that will generate code for you really quickly. You can install it with composer require maker. Then, you can create a controller running php bin/console make:controller.

How to handle routing in a DukeScript web application

DukeScript looks like a life saver for we Java guys! I am considering it for a serious project. Was curious to know whether it's production ready and well documented. Also, liked to know what would be the best way to support routing in a web application.
I asked this question at the official google forum, but didn't get a reply. So, thought to re-ask here.
Here's a blog post with a little example. It shows a simple integration of location hash based routing with knockout templates. The full example code is available on github.
You might also use one of the javascript libraries like sammy or pagerjs, which would require integration with these frameworks, but I wanted to keep it simple.

Perform service interception with Fabric3

I´m doing a POC with Fabric3 (Service Component Architecture Framework) and would like to know if there is some native way to proceed interception in my Services? Something like #Interceptors of EJB or a Filter of a web environment.
There are a couple of ways to do this depending on your requirements. One is via binding handlers and the other is by writing a custom interceptor.
We'd be happy to help you further and walk you through this. Could you post a brief description of your requirements to the user list? Instructions for doing so can be found on our support page:

I need help integrating and using elFinder with ASP.NET

I have been playing with this for a day and cannot seem to get it to work.
elFinder has many options for connections, such as PHP and Python among others. Someone made a third party ASP.NET connector for it and it was reported that it worked.
Here is the page for the DLL for it:
I am having tremendous trouble figuring out how to hook the existing elFinder to ASP.NET.
I hope to find someone who has had some experience with this and can assist me. I'm not sure what other information I can give you.
Any help is appreciated.
There's an even better option right now called ElFinder.Net Connector hosted at CodePlex. The coordinator and main developer of the port Evgeny Noskov is a super considerate person and he listens to feedback and acts as you can read here in a discussion I posted:
Add startPath and uploadMaxSize to connector options
I liked elFinder.Net so much that I wrote a post to showcase a simple use case that is a great fit for it:
Manage folders & files in your ASP.NET MVC app with elFinder.Net
Hope it helps.
See here:
For now it provides some basic functionality but seems to be usable.
ElFinder is very easy to configure and use.
I did some research on 'Implementing ElFinder on multiple pages using MVC' and found "ElFinder.Net Connector" NOT AVAILABLE.
Download the simple MVC sample project from here

does mysql security still need other party library for Providers

2 years ago i was using mysql security providers [membership,role] from code-project article:
do we still need that or the current mysql-connector provide that? i saw something called [MySql.Web.dll] so is that a replacement or not!
please en-light and guide me,
You can use the MySQL Providers. They work great. No need for other providers. The advantage of your custom provider is maybe just more flexibility.
We customized our own provider, so we cannot switch.
Not sure what more you wanna know?
I believe you still need a third party or custom build provider to connect to a MySQL database, check out This will walk you through using MySQL .Net connectors
EDIT you can of course use the link you've provided in your question as well. I'm just not sure how out of date that might be.
