ColdFusion - DateTime Format with GMT offset - datetime

I am using ColdFusion 10 to make some REST calls and the date returned is using a GMT offset.
Example: 2013-03-25T14:30:40-04:00
I need this formatted for 2 purposes:
Screen Display so it looks something like mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss
To Insert into mySQL.
I have tried a variety of the CF time/date functions but continue to get the "is not a valid date format"
I thought maybe the #ParseDateTime(i.submitted_at,"pop")# would handle it with POP but same issue.
Spent a few hours now trying multiple variations and googling around now just going in circles. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Have a look at the UDF DateConvertISO8601() on CFLib.
DateConvertISO8601(ISO8601dateString, targetZoneOffset) on CFLib
This function take a string that holds a date in ISO 8601 and converts it to ODBC datetime, but could be adapted to convert to whatever you like. It also will convert to a datetime in a timezone of your choice by specifying the offset, i.e. it could take a datetime in GMT and convert to PT. See for description of ISO 8601, the International Standard for the representation of dates and times.
Return Values:
Returns a datetime.
The source code is viewable at the link I provided.

This, 2013-03-25T14:30:40-04:00, is a string. If you run this:
x = left(2013-03-25T14:30:40-04:00, 19);
you get 2013-03-25T14:30:40. You can use the replace function to replace the T with a space. You can then to this
DateTimeVar =parsedatetime('2013-03-25 14:30:40');
Now you have a datetime variable that you can format. If necessary you can do a datediff with the offset from GMT.

This is an informational answer, not a direct answer to the question.
ColdFusion 11 has updated the ParseDateTime() function so that it will correctly convert the ISO-8601 date/time strings to a ColdFusion datetime object.

With a number of remote requests and responses, the date / time values can often be returned in ISO format. In your case, the mask looks like this:
YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD (eg 1997-07-16T19:20:30+01:00)
In this ISO format, the T string is a literal representation of a marker where the time stamp starts in the string (with the offset following directly).
Below is a reusable function that will convert an ISO date format into a useable ColdFusion date time object:
<cffunction name="ISOToDateTime" access="public" returntype="string" output="false"
hint="Converts an ISO 8601 date/time stamp with optional dashes to a ColdFusion
date/time stamp.">
<cfargument name="Date" type="string" required="true" hint="ISO 8601 date/time stamp." />
<cfreturn ARGUMENTS.Date.ReplaceFirst(
"$1-$2-$3 $4"
) />
You can then call the function like so to output or return a ColdFusion-friendly version of the date time:
ISOToDateTime( "2013-03-25T14:30:40-04:00" )
That function is courtesy of Ben Nadel. The original blog post can be found here:
You can also convert the date time value using the offset, if required. Again, Ben Nadel has a great blog post outlining how to accomplish this:

CF10 can use this code as stated in the example of the parseDateTime() doc.
<cfset string = "1997-07-16T19:20:30+01:00">
<cfset date = parseDateTime(string, "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssX")>


Issue with luxon date time parsing when zone is present in string

I am seeing error the input "06/09/22 02:14 CDT" can't be parsed as format MM/dd/yy HH:mm ZZZZ` when trying to get luxon date time from string.
DateTime.fromFormat("06/09/22 02:14 CDT","MM/dd/yy HH:mm ZZZZ")
Not sure what is the valid format I need to use when there is time zone in date string.
Issue is that you input contains CDT that is not recognized by Luxon since ZZZZ is not a valid token as explained in the Parsing -> Limitations section of the docs:
Not every token supported by DateTime#toFormat is supported in the parser. For example, there's no ZZZZ or ZZZZZ tokens. This is for a few reasons:
Luxon relies on natively-available functionality that only provides the mapping in one direction. We can ask what the named offset is and get "Eastern Standard Time" but not ask what "Eastern Standard Time" is most likely to mean.
Some things are ambiguous. There are several Eastern Standard Times in different countries and Luxon has no way to know which one you mean without additional information (such as that the zone is America/New_York) that would make EST superfluous anyway. Similarly, the single-letter month and weekday formats (EEEEE) that are useful in displaying calendars graphically can't be parsed because of their ambiguity.
You can add fixed string 'CDT' in your format or remove it completely from your input. You can use zone option (America/New_York in the example above, or America/Chicago in your use case) of DateTime#toFormat to take into account timezone offset.
const DateTime = luxon.DateTime;
const dt1 = DateTime.fromFormat("06/09/22 02:14 CDT","MM/dd/yy HH:mm 'CDT'", {zone: 'America/Chicago'})
const dt2 = DateTime.fromFormat("06/09/22 02:14", "MM/dd/yy HH:mm", {zone: 'America/Chicago'})
<script src=""></script>

How to change UK date format in LogicApp

Im trying to convert a U.K. input date (dd-MM-yyyy) to format (yyyy-MM-dd)
I tried
"#formatDateTime('15-03-2019','yyyy-MM-dd')" ==> Error
but got error:
'In function 'convertTimeZone', the value provided
for date time string '15-03-2019' was not valid. The datetime
string must match ISO 8601 format.'
How do I go about converting this input date? The input format is (dd-MM-yyyy) and cannot be changed.
I can easily convert from (MM-dd-yyyy) as shown below, but im not able to convert from (dd-MM-yyyy)
"#formatDateTime('03-15-2019','yyyy-MM-dd')" ==> OK
Date and time functions provided by azure logic app cannot recognize the timestamp in dd-MM-yyyy format.
After my research, there is no existing function that can directly solve this problem, but you can use substring and concat to deal with this problem.
The workflow of the logic app looks like this:
The expression of the formatDataTime:

Can't format the date using moment.js

Can't format the below date using moment.js, the below statement returns Invalid Date
Please help me on this.
You need to tell moment which format your date string is in:
moment('20171206T062406927Z', 'YYYYMMDD[T]HHmmssSSSZ', true).format('D-MMM-YYYY');
Edit: updated as per #VincenzoC comment to ensure the timestamp is parsed in UTC
Also fix: use HH for 24-hour format (not hh), and pass a third true parameter to ensure the timestamp is parsed in strict mode.

Format hours, minutes and seconds with moment.js

I get this value from my backend service: 171054. It represents hh:mm:ss. But when I use the formatting options from the docs it gives me back 00:00:00.
Things I've tried:
You are confusing format option with parsing option. Since your input string is not in ISO 8601 format, you have to specify format when parsing.
Here a working example for your use case:
var mom = moment('171054', 'HHmmss');
<script src=""></script>
I am not sure if momentjs can read that as date since there is no identifier. I would suggest changing the value for example you have 171054, get each 2 digits since you sure that this is represent as hh:mm:ss then add identifier between then like ":" or "-" then try us momentjs formatting again.

How to convert date to mm/dd/yyyy format

I want to convert dateformat to mm/dd/yyyy. Whatever dateformat is coming in textbox, I want to convert it into mm/dd/yyyy.
First you need to get it into a datetime object. The most common standards work via:
DateTime x = DateTime.Parse(txtDate.Text);
If you expect a freaky format, you still have to know what format it is:
DateTime x;
DateTime.TryParseExact(txtDate.Text, "YYddd", out x);
Then simply output the data:
string date = x.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");
But you really need to enforce your formatting using regex, validators, scout's honor - something.
see MSDN for full details.
You will need to parse the input to a DateTime object and then convert it to any text format you want.
If you are unsure what format you may be getting, maybe it is a good idea to restrict the user to a single format (using validation or better yet a date picker).
