Highlight Land-Sea Borders in Google Maps - google-maps-api-3

Is it possible to highlight the land-sea borders in Google Maps via a styled map?
I know that this question recommends activating administrative.land_parcel. However, when I activate the strokes in the Google Maps Wizard for Land parcel, nothing shows up.
The best I can do is highlight the strokes for Country and Province, which only activates within-land borders.

The water feature on the Google Maps Wizard that you linked to will highlight all water. There is a Weight option that appears to affect the border stroke width, but I don't see a way to get a transparent fill with a solid color in the Wizard.
From the styling documentation, it appears you should be able to use
to select the water and its border separately, then style them to get whatever edge effect you're looking for. You may just need to adjust the Weight and Color properties of the stroke and leave the fill alone.
One caveat is that using the built-in water feature will select lakes as well as seas/oceans. This may or may not be your desired behavior.


How to target a cell and follow it using css, like google maps recenter

I'm attempting to track a specific cell, such as the one now selected, as seen in this video, which has a background color of red that moves.
My goal is to show something similar to this, where it zooms in on the presently selected cell and shrinks the window, similar to the Google Maps recenter button.
I'm using React BTW.

Google maps with color/gradient overlay

On google maps, on the website, is there a way to make it so that all land area is of a gradient color, and no names, text etc shows? so just a gradient color map, with nothing else.
Or is it better to use an image for such a case? The thing is, i need to show pins at specific countries, so idk if its simpler to use an image, and set each pin position separately, or to somehow use google maps, if its possible to set it to gradient color?
any ideas are welcome
You can create your own style map, I suggest you check the documentation
https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/styling or https://console.cloud.google.com/projectselector2/google/maps-apis/studio/styles
The second link takes you straight to the management console to create your map.

Using Paint Bucket In Photoshop

So i'm trying to use the paint bucket in Photoshop CS6 to design a logo for a client of mine.
http://i.stack.imgur.com/Et7OO.png ( What I currently have)
I want to colour the pale bits left with a different shade of green, when I use the paint bucket it covers the whole image, how do I colour in the remaining bits with the colour I want?
when picking the paint bucket you can change the tolerance in the top bar so that it only changes the colours you want. At the moment its most likely at 100 but if you change it to 20 or so it should work for you.
Another possibility could be that you are using the paint bucket on the wrong layer. Make sure you have the layer of piece of the image you want to change selected.
EDIT: Also, you are better off asking this question here. That community can help you better with that type of question.

Poly map with simple hovers

Can anybody tell my how map on http://ubytujnaslovensku.sk/sk/ was created/how to create something simillar?
there's only one image....
The map on the website you have provided is using two images. The first image is the actual IDLE map, the second is a shadow version of it.
The shadow version is simply a 'Sprite', where all of the areas is inset and is looking however they want it to look, when you hover it.
Whenever you then hover a zone JavaScript sees it and sets the 'Background-position' variable according to the country you are hovering.
The Sprite image is shown here.
I would suggest you to get a deeper understanding of sprites before trying to accomplish a similar map.

How to add a grain type look to background-color

Notice the blue sidebar has a grain effect added to it.
How to I achieve this without using an image?
You can create a textured image with only a few colours to achieve a grain effect. As a GIF or similar, it will only amount to a few hundred bytes if you do it right. That is, make a small image and tile it.
If you want to find out how a specific site achieved that effect, use a DOM inspector to check the code behind the element. Chrome has this functionality built-in if you right click and choose "Inspect Element". I bet you'll find there's a background image.
