How to target a cell and follow it using css, like google maps recenter - css

I'm attempting to track a specific cell, such as the one now selected, as seen in this video, which has a background color of red that moves.
My goal is to show something similar to this, where it zooms in on the presently selected cell and shrinks the window, similar to the Google Maps recenter button.
I'm using React BTW.


Blank regions on electron(node.js) window

I've used Electron 1.6.11 with Node 8.4 to develop a desktop application.
this is how my main window normally looks like:
but sometimes some parts of window will overlays with blank regions for no apparent reason. like this:
This blank regions will go away if i click one of buttons or resize the form, or anything that make it render again(i guss).
Also, this blank regions only appears on that left side of form.
Im using CSS grid to arrange my components, could it be because of that?
Any suggestion is appreciated

Look for front-end effect

Im looking for this effect in background I saw it on few sites. This with green line and dots. Can you tell me how its called or give a link?
It a canvas drawing,
using mouse move event to fetch coordinates of mouse and draw accordingly
you can see there page source to check the code

Poly map with simple hovers

Can anybody tell my how map on was created/how to create something simillar?
there's only one image....
The map on the website you have provided is using two images. The first image is the actual IDLE map, the second is a shadow version of it.
The shadow version is simply a 'Sprite', where all of the areas is inset and is looking however they want it to look, when you hover it.
Whenever you then hover a zone JavaScript sees it and sets the 'Background-position' variable according to the country you are hovering.
The Sprite image is shown here.
I would suggest you to get a deeper understanding of sprites before trying to accomplish a similar map.

Highlight Land-Sea Borders in Google Maps

Is it possible to highlight the land-sea borders in Google Maps via a styled map?
I know that this question recommends activating administrative.land_parcel. However, when I activate the strokes in the Google Maps Wizard for Land parcel, nothing shows up.
The best I can do is highlight the strokes for Country and Province, which only activates within-land borders.
The water feature on the Google Maps Wizard that you linked to will highlight all water. There is a Weight option that appears to affect the border stroke width, but I don't see a way to get a transparent fill with a solid color in the Wizard.
From the styling documentation, it appears you should be able to use
to select the water and its border separately, then style them to get whatever edge effect you're looking for. You may just need to adjust the Weight and Color properties of the stroke and leave the fill alone.
One caveat is that using the built-in water feature will select lakes as well as seas/oceans. This may or may not be your desired behavior.

Google map api overlay takes controls

I'm displaying an image over the entire google map. The image is transparent. I follower the documentation from google and everything worked out fine. The image will change each time i move or zoom on the map. After a while I can't zoom or move the map anymore, I'm zooming and moving only the image. Why does this happen and how can I solve it?
There are multiple issues contributing to problems on the page:
You are destroying and recreating your overlay on center_changed and zoom_changed events. Instead, you should just be updating the image within the overlay. You should really only need to create the overlay once.
Instead of adding your weather image to your OverlayView, you are adding it to a div that covers the map. This is what is blocking your events from effecting the map (the click and drag events are occurring on your weather div not the map).
