Drag and drop controls at runtime in ASP.NET - asp.net

We have requirement in our application to create template pages at run time. For this we need to have a feature like form designer in ASP.NET to be built. Facility to drag the controls from toolbox and drop in the form at runtime should be made available to the user. Solution should be in pure ASP.NET. Silverlight is not being used in the application. Please suggest a best way to achieve this requirement.

Enable draggable functionality on any DOM element. Move the draggable object by clicking on it with the mouse and dragging it anywhere within the viewport.


CompositeControl design time GUI creation

I don't know if this is a right question, but i need to understand how it works.
I want to create CompositeControl with design time support, the GUI of the design time support is rendered CreateChildControls().
My question is: When i drop this control on aspx page, what is actually happening in the background for gui to appear on design view?
Does it executes CreateChildControls()?
Is it possible to debug the gui creation process?
The CreateChildControls will be called in design surface. You can debug your control simply.
Set your control's class library as a start up project.
Open the class library's properties panel.
Hit the Debug tab.
Select the Start external program and browse your visual studio location.
%VSPath%\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe
Put a break point on the CreateChildControls.
And press F5.
Create a new web project and Add your control to the Toolbox.
And Drop it onto the page.
Break point will be called.

How do I build a popup dialog in asp.net

I am building a Web Application using asp.net (C#). I come from windows forms development and find myself in a hard spot. Im making an application where the user should edit some simple information about himself, and thus i need to create a new dialog. How do I do that in asp.net? I have a button which event is handled serverside, and when i click lthis button i want to popup a dialog where i can show my custom web control (or any web control, lets make it generic from the start). How do I go about with doing so?
I got some part of the way by looking at the internet, that i need to make a section and set the z-index to 1000, but how do i make it visible (block)? Please help here as i am completely lost...
If you're not concerned about using a library, try Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit, they have several controls that can create something you want (the ModalPopup control).
The AJAX Control Toolkit has a ConfirmButton extender which will do exactly what you are looking for.
I used to do the following:
1. my new pop up is just a new aspx page like any other page
2. add a button (or just a link) that fires a client side java script function
3. in the function I use window.open and put params to open my popup page with no toolbars or scrollbars and proper size to its content
check this for more info on #3

ASP.Net Custom Button List Compound control for touch screen interface

I am developing an ASP.Net web app that needs to run in a Kiosk/Touch screen environment.
The existing ASP.Net web controls are not too touch-screen friendly as they seem better suited for a mouse/touchpad.
The hot potato dropped in my lap when the powers-that-be decided we need some sort of composite control similar to the ASP.Net Radio Button List, but instead of radio buttons I want the items to be displayed as large rubber buttons. The selected item's button needs to be indented for example or depict this graphically somehow.
I still need to have access to a selecteditem/ selectedvalue type property to determine what was selected...
What would be the best approach in achieving this? Creating a custom server control that overrides the radiobutton control or using a .Net control 'skin' file somehow that allows me to graphically alter a standard radio button list via CSS?
Your input is appreciated.
You can do this with the existing control- see here for an example. See if that does what you require before considering extending an existing control or writing a custom one.

I want to make UI such as the select box + text box

Nice to meet you. I developed Windows application with VisualStudio so far.
It was these days and has begun to do the Web application.
Therefore there is a question, but will there be UI which added a select box and text box in HTML?
Though it can choose some choices, it is a thing to have the direct input if there does not have it.
It is the guy who seems to be the URL input area of a place saying in FireFox and IE.
A past history appears here with a list like a select box and can input it directly.
When there was such a demand, how should it have been settled?
Will it be a feeling to arrange a select box and text box?
If your using ASP.NET Ajax check out the AJAX Control Toolkit ("ACT"), it has a ComboBox control. Very easy to use and a demo online here.
What you need to learn about are ASP.NET User Controls; these are custom components wherein you can combine standard ASP.NET controls in one component and use them for your ASP.NET application.
Sounds like you want a ComboBox control, but is this for ASP.Net or Winforms?

ASPNET TreeView Expanded Node Style

Does anyone know how in ASP.Net's TreeView control, to have a custom style applied to an Expanded node? I have many root nodes and want the Expanded nodes to have a different background.
There is no way of doing this with out of the box controls and this goes for alot of MS ASP.NET controls, however there is an adapters project on codeplex that makes your ASP.NET controls CSS-friendly:
Its pretty straight forward but ask again if you need any help setting it up.
I didn't want to deviate from the original control, so I ended up writing some JavaScript that would modify the tree via node structures on page load.
