I want to make UI such as the select box + text box - asp.net

Nice to meet you. I developed Windows application with VisualStudio so far.
It was these days and has begun to do the Web application.
Therefore there is a question, but will there be UI which added a select box and text box in HTML?
Though it can choose some choices, it is a thing to have the direct input if there does not have it.
It is the guy who seems to be the URL input area of a place saying in FireFox and IE.
A past history appears here with a list like a select box and can input it directly.
When there was such a demand, how should it have been settled?
Will it be a feeling to arrange a select box and text box?

If your using ASP.NET Ajax check out the AJAX Control Toolkit ("ACT"), it has a ComboBox control. Very easy to use and a demo online here.

What you need to learn about are ASP.NET User Controls; these are custom components wherein you can combine standard ASP.NET controls in one component and use them for your ASP.NET application.

Sounds like you want a ComboBox control, but is this for ASP.Net or Winforms?


how to get suggestions in textbox while typing text

I have text-box and grid-view is present in same asp.net page. while typing some text in text-box I want suggestions, if text is present in data grid-view.
Example: Google Suggest.
What will be the procedure to achieve this.
There are several ways to get this done.
Since you're using asp.net (if you're using webforms) you can use the ajax control toolkit which has a combobox control
Or you can go with jquery ui
There are many other plugins and frameworks you can try, but these two are pretty basic.

Need suggestions for ASP.NET application

I would like to use more client-side scripts on my aspx page. I'm not an expert in this area and I'm a bit overwhelmed at the options. First, let me spell out what the page is displaying and then what I am trying to accomplish.
The Page:
The page containts a GridView (on the left-hand side) which is pulling data from a DB for different types of products a user can request. For example's sake, let's say we have table, chair, and couch.
What I want to Accomplish:
When the user clicks on a row of the GridView (let's say "table"), the ID of that selected row and the title is copied over to the right-hand side of the page into an accordion pane (or a similar display). The header of the accordion pane will be "Product: Table". When the accordion is expanded, the user has the option to specify the color and size of the table (via check boxes, text boxes, etc.). So essentially this is shopping cart functionality on the right-hand side of this page.
I should also point out I would like a "remove" button for each pane in the accordion so it can dynamically be deleted.
What is the best option for this situation? Should I use jQuery, AJAX (AJAX Control Toolkit?), a combination or a different tool? Thank you in advance for your help.
I would use knockoutJs because it's easy to use, has reasonable documentation and good online support. At a glance it looks easy than backbone as well (I don't know backbone).
I would not use the AJAX Control Toolkit unless I had too. I HATE the ajax toolkit as everything happens 'by magic' and once you step off the path shown in the simple demo's you are dead.
Knockout does require a little investment of time, but I consider it a great framework for web apps that require moderate javaScript use.

ASP.NET tooltips

I'm using VS2010,C# to develop my ASP.NET web app, I'm going to display some small and simple tooltips over my objects, I want to be able to set tooltip text from codebehind, what are my options (solutions for all browsers)? how can I find some easy-to-use tooltips with usage tutorials?
Many ASP.NET controls contain a settable ToolTip property
Most controls are going to have a ToolTip property on the control that you can set. I don't know of any issues between browsers.
Also if you are trying to do anything w/ rich content you might want to check out something like this.

alert box in asp.net web application

how can i use an alert box in asp.net web application without using javascript with Yes/NO option, much like messagebox in desktop (windows) application.
Simple, you can't. That message box object is only for WinForms Development.
You can't create one - although you could make it look like one by using an overlay div and "message box" div. The additional content would need to be controlled on the server so it would require a POST request to the server when displaying and another for submitting the Yes/No click.
Write an ActiveX control?
(Please don't do that.)

ASP.Net Custom Button List Compound control for touch screen interface

I am developing an ASP.Net web app that needs to run in a Kiosk/Touch screen environment.
The existing ASP.Net web controls are not too touch-screen friendly as they seem better suited for a mouse/touchpad.
The hot potato dropped in my lap when the powers-that-be decided we need some sort of composite control similar to the ASP.Net Radio Button List, but instead of radio buttons I want the items to be displayed as large rubber buttons. The selected item's button needs to be indented for example or depict this graphically somehow.
I still need to have access to a selecteditem/ selectedvalue type property to determine what was selected...
What would be the best approach in achieving this? Creating a custom server control that overrides the radiobutton control or using a .Net control 'skin' file somehow that allows me to graphically alter a standard radio button list via CSS?
Your input is appreciated.
You can do this with the existing control- see here for an example. See if that does what you require before considering extending an existing control or writing a custom one.
