How to apply css on acefaces datatable and also minimize its width - css

Here is my acefaces datatable
<ace:dataTable id="tbl" value="#{mainSearch.searchResult}" var="srvc"
paginator="true" paginatorPosition="bottom" rows="10"
emptyMessage="No Record Present Yet" rowsPerPageTemplate="10,25,50,100"
rowIndexVar="row" rowStyleClass="#{row mod 2 eq 0?'none':'skyBlue'}">
<ace:column headerText="Category" sortBy="#{srvc.groupName}"
filterBy="#{srvc.groupName}" filterMatchMode="contains">
<h:outputText value="#{srvc.groupName}"/>
<ace:column headerText="Service Number" sortBy="#{srvc.serviceNumber}"
<h:outputText value="#{srvc.serviceNumber}"/>
<ace:column headerText="Shift" sortBy="#{srvc.shift}"
filterBy="#{srvc.shift}" filterMatchMode="contains">
<h:outputText value="#{srvc.shift}"/>
Now this datatable is showing on my whole page.I can fix its height by <ace:datatable height=.. but I didn't find any width attribute.I also tried to set its width using CSS (using style attribute on both header, datatable) but it didn't work. Now I am stuck here and unable to find that How can I minimize its width.
Note: The only way that worked for me was to small the header text.For instance, As my first row header is Category.Now If I repalced it with just CAT then whole row gets shrink.It mean first of all I need to squeez the text(as it is my guess).Is there anyway that without poking this text? If not, then how can I resize this text and shortened this datatable?

I've tried altering CSS width property in Firefox of the ICEfaces showcase, achieving the result you want. Note that there may be some potential problems when you make the table too small and the data won't fit in the table anymore, so my advice will be to inspect the resultant table in the browser to get the right CSS fixture.
Regarding the documentation of <ace:dataTable>, there are the typical styleClass and style property for setting CSS style classes and inline style respectively, so the following will do the work:
<ace:dataTable style="width:80%"> ... </ace:dataTable>
<ace:dataTable styleClass="my-width"> ... </ace:dataTable>
with CSS class:
.my-width {
As a side note, when you are ready to try out the latest Primefaces <p:dataTable>, you will find many attributes designed for setting up proper CSS styles.


Primefaces - set style attribute dynamically

I am using Primefaces graphicImage inside a p:tooltip and would like to set the width and height for the images individually.
<p:remoteCommand....update="myImage" />
<p:tooltip beforeShow="remoteCommand()">
<p:graphicImage id="myImage"... style="#{myBean.myStyle}" />
Bean.myStyle is triggered correctly and the style parameter is updated in the page source, but not in the dom tree.
If I set style="width:100px" directly it works, but if the value comes from the bean, it is ignored.
It seems like the style-attribute of graphicImage gets updated but not the component itself.
What am I missing here?
I think style value is setted when the document is loaded and its never reloaded, when its visible just its display:none value is changing. So I would give an id to p:graphicImage then I would add a p:ajax using onShow or similar event (I dont know which one is available for tooltip) then I would use update attribute to render graphic image. If I remember right even it should work just with <p:ajax /> without any attribute but I am not sure
So it should look like that:
<p:graphicImage id="x" style="#{bean.value}">
<p:ajax event="show" update"x"/>
use this
<p:graphicImage width="#{bean.widthValue}" height="#{bean.heightValue}" >

BootStrap CSS for GridView

I am trying to apply Bootstrap css to my grid view.
<asp:GridView ID="gvSI" runat="server" CellPadding="6"
CssClass= "table table-striped table-bordered table-condensed" />
The result is pretty basic tabular structure. Can anyone tell me if there are any other styles available for professional grid like alternate colors, header, row highlighter..
I'm also trying to style my GridView with Bootstrap. If you want to use the Bootstrap predefine CSS Style, here are your options: You can add color to selected row by applying Optional row classes (success, error, warning, info). If you still want to change the table style to your need, you will have to use ID and create a specific css class for this ID.
There is an header problem with the Gridview, but it was solve in a previous post, here:, it works for me. Though, I'm still looking for a solution to apply Bootstrap style to the GridView pagination.

How to align text of selected CellTable columns in GWT?

I want to right-align numeric values in a CellTable. I already tried looking for ways to assign a style name for selected columns so I could align it with CSS but still couldn't figure out.
I also tried this but didn't work,
According to the GWT documentation, the new horizontal alignment will apply the next time the table is rendered... and I don't know yet what parameters I have to pass since it is required by render() method.
So I'm hoping for answers that would involve CSS.
Well, what you had is almost right. This works for me, without css: myColumn.setHorizontalAlignment(HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT);
Where alignRight is the name of your CSS.
.alignRight {text-align:right}
Option 1: Use float:right on the parent element ( in the CellTable).
Option 2: Create your own TextCell and implement render method to generate something like this:
<div style="width:100%; text-align:center;"> your value </div>

How to display image button inline with text in a table cell?

I have a JSF 1.2 dataTable using ICEfaces 1.8. In one column, I would like to display the text from a backing bean, and then to the right of it, display a small image on the same line without it wrapping to a new line.
The image is actually a ice:commandButton component with the image attribute set. The action of clicking on the image is to display a ice:panelPopup panel.
Here is the relevant code of the column within the dataTable:
<ice:column id="col1">
<ice:outputText escape="false" value="#{document.column1Value}" />
<ice:commandButton actionListener="#{}" image="images/popup.gif">
<f:attribute name="docParam" value="#{document.parameter}" />
I have tried all sorts of adding CSS style information to various tags, including white-space:nowrap and float but have been unable to get the desired effect.
The <ice:form> generates a HTML <form>, which is by default a block level element, so it always starts at a new line. You need to set the style of the <form> to display: inline.
<ice:form style="display: inline;">
Alternatively, you can also just move that text into the form.
<ice:outputText escape="false" value="#{document.column1Value}"/>
<ice:commandButton actionListener="#{}" image="images/popup.gif">
<f:attribute name="docParam" value="#{document.parameter}" />
Either way, you only still need to prevent the cell's content from being whitespace-wrapped when there's little room left in the cell's width. You could achieve that by setting white-space: nowrap on the common parent element of the both elements. In case of the first approach (setting the form to display: inline), that would be the <td> element and in case of the second approach (putting the text inside the same form), that would be the <form> element. E.g.
<ice:form style="white-space: nowrap;">
<ice:outputText escape="false" value="#{document.column1Value}"/>
<ice:commandButton actionListener="#{}" image="images/popup.gif">
<f:attribute name="docParam" value="#{document.parameter}" />
(note, the style attribute is in the above examples exemplary, in real you should be using CSS files instead with style classes)

Setting a css class for TD

I am using a customized user control (that I don't have the permission to modify) which renders the HTML for a table as shown:
It lets me add any control dynamically within the tags. My question is how would I set the style of the cell for the table cell. Normally, I would do <td class="myClass">. Since I don't have the source code to modify it, the workaround I am using is to create a <div>, set the CSS class and add it to the <td>. The code looks something like this:
HtmlGenericControl divControl = new HtmlGenericControl("div");
divControl.Attributes.Add("class", "myClass");
//Add a textbox to divControl.
//Add the divControl to the customized user control
This does not give me the same UI I am expecting.
If you can, just add a DIV before the table is generated. The class name for the outer div will be inherited by the TD elements:
<div class="MyClassName">
//table code here
Then you can use CSS as follows:
.MyClassName TD { //CSS here }
Try using a SPAN instead of a DIV. A DIV is a block-level element that carries some extra formatting baggage along with it. The SPAN is an inline element and won't alter the presentation semantics the way a DIV will.
You might also be able to use hierarchical CSS selectors to achieve the same effect without having to wrap the contents of the table element in a container. This would probably be true if your CSS class were to apply equally to all table elements, but wouldn't work if they were to apply to some and not others.
After your control is added to the page's control tree you can use it's "parent" property to work up the tree to the table control.
NewDynamicControl.Parent.Parent.Parent.Attributes.Add("class", "myClass")
This assumes you have good knowledge of what the usercontrol you are adding to looks like and that it won't be changed by someone else and end up breaking your code later.
Just use divs and give classes to them.
