I've been working on learning backtracking and I know how the general template goes, but I'm struggling to fully understand how the algorithm backtracks, specifically how it knows when to pop from a current solution and how often to.
I know it should be that we have a base case, and when we hit this base case, we then return from this current iteration. But then I'm not fully sure on why we pop from a solution many times until we start exploring again.
For example, I've been working on the classic "Generate Parentheses" problem:
Given n pairs of parentheses, write a function to generate all combinations of well-formed parentheses.
Input: n = 3
Output: ["((()))","(()())","(())()","()(())","()()()"]
Here's my working solution after applying my existing knowledge of how the template should be, but I just can't work out how currCombo.pop() falls into the thinking and visualising how it works.
function generateParenthesis(n) {
const result = [];
backtrack(result, n, 0, 0, []);
return result;
function backtrack(result, n, open, close, currCombo) {
if (currCombo.length === 2 * n) {
if (open < n) {
backtrack(result, n, open + 1, close, currCombo);
if (close < open) {
backtrack(result, n, open, close + 1, currCombo);
So for example, the algorithm first outputs:
And the second result is then:
But how does the algorithm know it needs to pop off 3 close brackets and then 1 open bracket, and then to continue adding brackets from there? I debugged the code line by line and just couldn't see why it would do a certain number of pop operations and then continue.
I've tried checking out Youtube videos, articles, blogs, but I just can't visualise what the algorithm is doing and how it's making the decisions that it is when it is.
Any help much appreciated. Thanks
There's nothing for the algorithm to "know" exactly; each pop is an undo of the push that set up the call frame for the recursion. That's it. Most of the logic has to do with your if statements that protect the recursion, ensuring balance.
Think of it as a depth-first graph exploration where each node is a possible arrangement of up to n ( parentheses and n ) parentheses. The open and close variables don't encode any unique information. These variables are conveniences to avoid each frame having to count the already-chosen parentheses, and having these counts enables you to avoid exporing pointless subtrees which can never produce a result, like (((( on n=3.
Each recursive call frame begins by asking whether it's at a result point. If so, save the result and return. If not, if it'd be possible to reach a result by adding a ( to the end of the string so far, explore that subtree, then undo the move by popping, resetting to a clean state. Next, try adding ) if that might lead to a result, explore the subtree, and undo the move. After undoing any modifications made and exploring one or both subtrees, return to the caller since all possibilities have been explored rooted at this node in the graph.
Let's trace how we get to the first result "((()))" and then to "(()())".
On the first call, open < n ("the first branch") is true, so we push ( and spawn one recursive call with open = 1. This initial ( stays in the result for the duration of the algorithm; close < open ("the second branch") is false for the first call frame.
On the second call, both branches are true, so we'll eventually make two recursive calls, but for starters we try pushing ( again to give the string (( and recursing with open = 2.
On the third call, both branches are true, so we'll eventually make two recursive calls, but for starters we try pushing ( again to give the string ((( and recursing with open = 3.
On the fourth call, the first branch is false, so we only perform one recursion from the second branch close < open with the string ((() and open = 3, close = 1.
On the fifth call, the first branch is false, so we only perform one recursion from the second branch close < open with the string ((()) and open = 3, close = 2.
On the sixth call, the first branch is false, so we only perform one recursion from the second branch close < open with the string ((())) and open = 3, close = 3.
On the seventh call, currCombo.length === 2 * n is true so we add ((())) to the result and return back up one call frame.
Now the sixth call resumes executing and there's no code left to run; recall that for this frame, the first branch was false, so we skipped it, and we've already explored the second branch recursively. Pop the string to ((()) and return to the caller.
Now the fifth call resumes executing and there's no code left to run; recall that for this frame, the first branch was false, so we skipped it, and we've already explored the second branch recursively. Pop the string to ((() and return to the caller.
Now the fourth call resumes executing and there's no code left to run; recall that for this frame, the first branch was false, so we skipped it, and we've already explored the second branch recursively. Pop the string to ((( and return to the caller.
Now the third call resumes executing but we haven't explored the second branch yet, so pop ( again to give the string ((, then push ) and recurse on (() and open = 2, close = 1.
A new call, the eighth call, begins, and both branches are true, so we'll eventually make two recursive calls, but for starters we try pushing ( again to give the string (()( and recursing with open = 3, close = 1.
A new call, the ninth call, begins. The first branch is false, so we only perform one recursion from the second branch close < open with the string (()() and open = 3, close = 2.
A new call, the tenth call, begins. The first branch is false, so we only perform one recursion from the second branch close < open with the string (()()) and open = 3, close = 3.
A new call, the eleventh call, begins.
On this call, currCombo.length === 2 * n is true so we add (()()) to the result and return back up one call frame.
Now the tenth call resumes executing and there's no code left to run; recall that for this frame, the first branch was false, so we skipped it, and we've already explored the second branch recursively. Pop the string to (()() and return to the caller.
Now the ninth call resumes executing and there's no code left to run; recall that for this frame, the first branch was false, so we skipped it, and we've already explored the second branch recursively. Pop the string to (()( and return to the caller.
Now the eighth call resumes executing but we haven't explored the second branch yet, so pop ( again to give the string ((), then push ) and recurse on (()) and open = 2, close = 2.
... I'll stop here; finish tracing the execution to the next result (())() which you can see we're well on our way to building.
But how does the algorithm know it needs to pop off 3 close brackets and then 1 open bracket, and then to continue adding brackets from there?
It popped off 3 close parens because there was nothing left to explore on those call frames. The first branch was false and the second branch had already been explored.
The reason the 1 open paren was popped next is because the recursive subtree of possibilities starting with the open paren had already been explored fully, but the subtree rooted with ) hadn't been explored yet. When we left off our algorithm trace, we were just launching into exploring that subtree. When the subtree is exhausted and any results that it ultimately yielded had been stored, that paren would also pop off and the frame would be completely explored.
At that point, its caller (the second call in the above example) would still need to explore the subtree starting with (), open = 1, close = 1, since it had only tried ((, open = 2, close = 0 up to that point. In other words, it'll have explored the ( branch but not the ) branch that will ultimately lead to the last result ()()().
Here's a visualization of the recursive call tree:
function generateParenthesis(n) {
const result = [];
backtrack(result, n, 0, 0, []);
return result;
function backtrack(result, n, open, close, currCombo, depth=0) {
console.log(`${" ".repeat(depth * 2)}enter '${currCombo.join("")}'`);
if (currCombo.length === 2 * n) {
console.log(`${" ".repeat(depth * 2)}result '${currCombo.join("")}'`);
console.log(`${" ".repeat(depth * 2)}exit '${currCombo.join("")}'`);
if (open < n) {
backtrack(result, n, open + 1, close, currCombo, depth + 1);
if (close < open) {
backtrack(result, n, open, close + 1, currCombo, depth + 1);
console.log(`${" ".repeat(depth * 2)}exit '${currCombo.join("")}'`);
If that's too complex, you can dial it back to n = 2, trace that, then do n = 3.
I have an asynchronous method I'm writing which is supposed to asynchronously query for a port until it finds one, or time out at 5 minutes;
member this.GetPort(): Async<Port> = this._GetPort(DateTime.Now)
member this._GetPort(startTime: DateTime): Async<Port> = async {
match this._TryGetOpenPort() with
| Some(port) -> port
| None -> do
if (DateTime.Now - startTime).TotalMinutes >= 5 then
raise (Exception "Unable to open a port")
do! Async.Sleep(100)
let! result = this._GetPort(startTime)
member this._TryGetOpenPort(): Option<Port> =
// etc.
However, I'm getting some strange type inconsistencies in _GetPort; the function says I'm returning a type of Async<unit> instead of Async<Port>.
It's a little unintuitive, but way to make your code work would be this:
member private this.GetPort(startTime: DateTime) =
async {
match this.TryGetOpenPort() with
| Some port ->
return port
| None ->
if (DateTime.Now - startTime).TotalMinutes >= 5 then
raise (Exception "Unable to open a port")
do! Async.Sleep(100)
let! result = this.GetPort(startTime)
return result
member private this.TryGetOpenPort() = failwith "yeet" // TODO
I took the liberty to clean up a few things and make the member private, since that seems to be what you're largely going after here with a more detailed internal way to get the port.
The reason why your code wasn't compiling was because you were inconsistent in what you were returning from the computation:
In the case of Some(port) you were missing a return keyword - which is required to lift the value back into an Async<port>
Your if expression where you raise an exception had an else branch but you weren't returning from both. In this case, since you clearly don't wish to return anything and just raise an exception, you can omit the else and make it an imperative program flow just like in non-async code.
The other thing you may wish to consider down the road is if throwing an exception is what you want, or if just returning a Result<T,Err> or an option is the right call. Exceptions aren't inherently bad, but often a lot of F# programming leads to avoiding their use if there's a good way to ascribe meaning to a type that wraps your return value.
I've a buffer that is actually ArrayList<Object>.
Happens async:
This buffer list changes very frequently - I mean 15-50 times in single second and the idea is that whenever there's an update, I remove first element by position buffer.removeAt(0) and add new value in the end by buffer.add(new).
At some point I call a function that goes and do calculation with buffer list. What I do is I go through the list - element by element. At some point I run into NPE as the the element has been removed async.
How to solve this NPE? I was thinking of making deep copy, but making deep copy would mean to go through the buffer list and do some data allocation, which basically means that while I do deep copy I can still run into NPE.
How problems like these are solved?
How to solve NPE?
What would be more optimized way as this is gonna consume a lot of memory?
private fun observeFrequentData() {
frequentData.observe(owner, Observer { data ->
if (accelerationData == null) return#Observer
GlobalScope.launch {
val a = data[0].toDouble()
val b = data[1].toDouble()
val c = a + b
val timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis()
val customObj = CustomObj(c, timestamp)
if (buffer.size >= 5000) {
fun getBuffer() {
val mappedData = buffer.map { it.smth } // NPE, it == null
If you are doing lots of removing from 0, and insert at the end. Then ArrayList is probably not the container to use.
you can consider using a LinkedList .
also note the following comments regarding synchronization.
Note that this implementation is not synchronized. If multiple threads
access a linked list concurrently, and at least one of the threads
modifies the list structurally, it must be synchronized externally. (A
structural modification is any operation that adds or deletes one or
more elements; merely setting the value of an element is not a
structural modification.) This is typically accomplished by
synchronizing on some object that naturally encapsulates the list. If
no such object exists, the list should be "wrapped" using the
Collections.synchronizedList method. This is best done at creation
time, to prevent accidental unsynchronized access to the list:
List list = Collections.synchronizedList(new LinkedList(...));
Using the synchronized keyword on your piece of code as #patrickf suggested.
To take care of performance, instead of making the method call itself synchronized, you can just write the 3 "buffer" related lines of code (size, removeAt and add) in a synchronized block.
Something like;
synchronized {
if (buffer.size >= 5000) {
Hope this helps!
I work on test automation for an app that communicates with the server. The app has 7 pre-defined strings. Depending on the info the server returns, which is not deterministic and depends on external factors, the app places one to three of the seven pre-defined strings in a table view as hittable static texts. The user has a choice which of those strings to tap.
To automate this test I need an asynchronous way to determine in the test code which of the 7 pre-defined strings actually appear on the screen.
I cannot use element.exists because it takes time for static texts to appear and I do not want to call sleep() because that would slow down the test.
So I tried to use XCTestExpectation but got a problem. XCTest always fails when waitForExpectationsWithTimeout() times out.
To illustrate the problem I wrote a simple test program:
func testExample() {
let element = XCUIApplication().staticTexts["Email"]
let gotText = haveElement(element)
print("Got text: \(gotText)")
func haveElement(element: XCUIElement) -> Bool{
var elementExists = true
let expectation = self.expectationForPredicate(
NSPredicate(format: "exists == true"),
evaluatedWithObject: element,
handler: nil)
self.waitForExpectationsWithTimeout(NSTimeInterval(5)) { error in
elementExists = error == nil
return elementExists
The test always fails with
Assertion Failure: Asynchronous wait failed: Exceeded timeout of 5 seconds, with unfulfilled expectations: "Expect predicate `exists == 1` for object "Email" StaticText".
I also tried
func haveElement(element: XCUIElement) -> Bool {
var elementExists = false
let actionExpectation = self.expectationWithDescription("Expected element")
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
while true {
if element.exists {
elementExists = true
} else {
self.waitForExpectationsWithTimeout(NSTimeInterval(5)) { error in
elementExists = error == nil
return elementExists
In this case the test always fails with
Stall on main thread.
So the question is how do I check a presence of an asynchronous UI element that may or may not appear within specified time without the test failing on timeout?
Thank you.
You're overcomplicating the test. If you're communicating with a server, there is unnecessary variability in your tests -- my suggestion is to use stubbed network data for each case.
You can get a brief introduction to stubbing network data here:
You will eliminate the randomness in the test based on response time of the server as well as the randomness of which string is appearing. Create test cases that respond to each case (i.e, how the app responds when you tap on each individual string)
Snippet: An external C dll which receives a collection(Nested Table of numbers) from PLSQL and does some processing(not shown in the code).
Issue: When this external C function is called from PLSQL(library and wrapper created in PLSQL) the numbers are received by the C function in the array(on stack). HOWEVER, if I un-comment the commented lines for a dynamic array(on Heap) instead of a static the call fails with:
ORA-28579: network error during callback from external procedure agent.
Please suggest
#define ARRSIZE 107
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) int ooci_ntm(OCIExtProcContext *context, OCITable* clients)
OCIEnv *envhp;
OCISvcCtx* svch;
OCIError *errhp;
double onumm[ARRSIZE]; //Works if its a static array on stack
//double* onumm= (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * ARRSIZE);
//However, if instead of the above array if the memory is allocated dynamically on heap then the captioned error is thrown.
sword status;
boolean exist;
uword nelems;
OCIExtProcGetEnv (context, &envhp, &svch, &errhp);
OCINumber **client_elem = (OCINumber**)malloc(sizeof(OCINumber*) * ARRSIZE);
status = OCICollGetElemArray(envhp, errhp, clients, index, &exist, (void**)client_elem, (dvoid **)0, &nelems);
status = OCINumberToRealArray(errhp,(const OCINumber**)client_elem,nelems,sizeof(double),(void*)onumm);
return size;
It looks like this is one of those errors that essentially means any number of things could have gone wrong with the external procedure.
There is a known bug in, no idea if it's relevant:
ORA-28579 occurs when trying to select
data from a pipelined table function
implemented in "C" using the
ODCITable/ANYDATASET interface.
ODCITableDescribe works fine but
ODCITableFetch generates an ORA-28579
Try to Contact Oracle support