add_action not working in wordpress - wordpress

I am setting a WP that it should redirect all the request made to sub-directory to file inside that directory.
For example if there a visit on then it should send the user to /link/index.php?me
To achieve this, I am trying to add rewrite rule in theme function file.
Here's what my code looks like:
function moin_add_rewrite_rules() {
add_action( 'init', 'moin_add_rewrite_rules' );
It is not working, visiting a 404 (as link is outside WP).
Is there any problem with regex code? or anywhere else? What could be other possible solution?

Looking at the example in the Codex, the matched expression doesn't have the leading /.
Stripping the leading bit out of your regex, then, I think this should work (sorry, I don't have a test environment handy):
Alternatively, you could do something similar in your .htaccess file.
As a side note, I think as it's currently coded, you should be using $matches[3] not $matches[1], as the value you're interested in is the third parameter in parentheses (the Codex notes "capture group data starts at 1, not 0").


Routing algorithm for Wordpress

I don't know the exact meaning of the question but someone asked me this question in interview. I just want to know that there's something like that, we use any route algorithm in Wordpress?
This could be a trick question because routing would mean mapping an HTTP request to trigger specific function or method that would handle the request which is not something that WordPress does (there is a section about WordPress at the bottom). In simple word, you read the HTTP request information to decide what function is going to be triggered.
Bit more details in simple words
if you are building a PHP project from scratch and want to display specific content or trigger a method/function there are usually two option (without routing)
Using POST , GET or REQUEST variables and complex conditional statements to achieve what you want, so a result URL could be something like this
Setting a PHP file for each type of content
However, if you created a Router (Routing algorithm as you named it or routing system) then pushed all requests to index.php and have the latter include let's say something like this:
// Include the Router class
// Include functions responsible for display our content
I'll not go into how to build a router, just giving examples assuming that you already have one just to give you an idea how routing works.
So assuming you have a router and function to display a contact form for example, you'd also include something like this:
Router::add('/contact-us', get_contact_form(),'get');
Router::add('/contact-us', handle_contact_form(),'post');
Then initialize the Router
Again assuming you have a complete Router, the above function would tell the index.php file to handle HTTP requests on this URL differently:
If it's the default request type GET, trigger this function get_contact_form(), but if the request type is POST trigger this one handle_contact_form() which will act and display content differently depending on your needs.
That's great because it would be instead of something like
index.php content would handle the request differently since there is no router.
// Include functions responsible for display our content
if( isset($_GET['page']) && $_GET['page'] == 'contact-us'){
echo get_contact_form();
if( isset($_GET['page']) && $_GET['page'] == 'contact-us' && isset($_POST['contact_submit']) ){
echo handle_contact_form();
Imagine how long and ugly this would look like if you have a lot of pages and a complex site.
So back to WordPress
If you have a new installation you'd notice that the URLs looks something like this:
So it would just take URL parameters then build a WP_Query based on that, if is p then look for posts in database by ID, if cat then look for categories by ID and so on... (that's the simple explanation, there is a lot going on of course in the back-end, but just to give an idea).
You might notice after changing permalink structure that the above examples would now look something like this:
This might look like routing, but it isn't, let's go in a bit more details about how this works.
When requesting a (pretty-link) URL on WordPress, first thing that happens is that the .htaccess looks for a folder/file with same name on the server, if it exists it will served, if not, it would send that request to the index.php file which does one thing:
/** Loads the WordPress Environment and Template */
require( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/wp-blog-header.php' );
loading the wp-blog-header.php file, which will make a small check to make sure the code only run once then the following:
// Load the WordPress library.
require_once( dirname(__FILE__) . '/wp-load.php' );
// Set up the WordPress query.
// Load the theme template.
require_once( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/template-loader.php' );
Let's not go deeper into these files, what's concerns us the most is what 'wp-load.php' and 'template-loader.php' does
This one among other things, looks for wp-config, make sure everything is set correctly, then connect to the database, of course after a lot of initialization, setting up constants loading a lot files that handles different parts of WordPress structure. Part of this process is that WordPress tries to match the request URL with a large set of rule called rewrite rules which are set of regular expressions, when a match is found WordPress will translate that URL into a database query using [WP_Query][1] class which is located at wp-includes/class-wp-query.php and this class will save the query results among other things (query type...etc)
This one handles the display part, it uses some WordPress function that make use of WP_Query (eg:is_home()) to find out what type of content is to be displayed, then loads the the correct template based on that, and finally the template will use WP_Query to show the result.

Wordpress add_rewrite_rule With 3 Variables

I am having trouble getting Wordpress to assign the proper values to variables using the add_rewrite_rule() function. My goal is to have a url that looks like this:
Here is my code from the functions.php file:
add_filter( 'query_vars', 'query_vars_new' );
function query_vars_new($query_vars){
return $query_vars;
add_action( 'init', 'rewrite_init' );
function rewrite_init(){
So the goal is to have three variables $category1, $category2, and $catalog_item with the values from the corresponding url segments. However, when I test this the first two variables are set to the same value.
For example, should return:
But instead I get:
There must be something wrong with my add_rewrite_rule function, but I can't figure it out.
Thanks to the incredibly underwhelming response to this question I ended up just making it work without the help of the Wordpress variables. I just configured Wordpress to allow the variables in the url, then used PHP to fetch the URL and get the different URL segments and analyze them. Not quite as pretty as the Wordpress method, but at least it works.

What's "function_exists" in Wordpress

Im very new to WordPress. I was going through Smooth Slider WP Plugin and saw
if ( function_exists( 'get_smooth_slider_category' ) ) { get_smooth_slider_category('Uncategorized'); }
This pretty much gives what I wanted, but not quite. This pulls all the content in the category and what Im after is just the image URL.
My question is whats "function_exists" in wordpress? and I checked get_smooth_slider_category in functions.php file but couldnt find any. Can someone please explain how function_exists works?
function_exists is a PHP function, not limited to WordPress.
From the manual "Checks the list of defined functions, both built-in (internal) and user-defined, for function_name."
It returns true or false on whether or not the function exists. So you can either create a new function before it that does something slightly different, or prevent an error if it doesn't exist (normally because the required file hasn't been included).
This is a PHP function that checks if the passed in name matches any defined functions (either internal, or user defined).
It is a way to check if a function is "available" before calling it.

Wordpress URL rewrite not working/registering

I've been trying to get my head around Wordpress URL rewrites, but I'm having no luck.
What I want to do:
I building a custom plugin where a user can build products from various options. The options collectively build a code which refers to the unique product the customer has built.
The code might be something like 140-3-WPA-ABC-2.
The plugin will appear on a single dedicated page:
I want a customer with a prexisiting code to be able to enter it into the url like this:
Whereupon, the plugin gets the variable, and uses it to build the correct product.
It should be fairly simply but I can't get anything to work using the Wordpress URL rewriting rules, I can't even get anything to seemingly get registered as a Wordpress query var.
I've been trying the following in the main plugin initialisation code:
add_filter( 'query_vars', 'conf_query_vars' );
add_action( 'init', 'cong_rewrites' );
function conf_query_vars($query_vars){
$query_vars[] = 'product_code';
return $query_vars;
function conf_rewrites(){
If I then try and open http://wordpress-site/configurator/140-3-WPA-ABC-2/ I get a page not found error. Echoing query_vars seems to show the variable 'product_code' is not created.
ps I've tried flushing the rewrite cache. Apologies for cross-posting to - but seems programming question better here?
Try this, I had the same problem.
add_action('init', function() {
add_rewrite_endpoint('sponsor', EP_ALL);
add_filter('request', function($args) {
return $args;
I think you should just integrate the function add_rewrite_endpoint.

Wordpress : Url Rewrite

I am trying to rewrite a url in wordpress so that I can serve up dynamic content based on variables that are passed. I have a plug in that needs variable data passed into it. Currently I have:
this works fine and passes in a $_GET var. So my next step is to clean up the variable so that it looks like
I have done a few google searches and come accross some site that looked promising but I cannot get any of them to work. From what I have read, i need to use
add_rewrite_tag and add_rewrite_rule
After reading through the articles I have added this to my functions.php page:
when i navigate to the page i get a 404 error. When i navigate the to it is still working fine. So it looks as if my rewrite is not registering or working correctly.
Can someone help me to achieve the above rewrite. FYI my permalink settings is set to post name if that matters at all. Thank you.
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The stroked out text above is wrong, as Gustavo Straube pointed out in the comments. Please disregard that proposed solution.
My only last advice is to try adding a flush_rules(); after your last add_rewrite_rule, as stated in
Note that you should be accessing your query vars with get_query_var('var_name') instead of trying to access $_GET directly.
