display:table-cell not working on an input element - css

I want to do a portion of a form look like a spreadsheet.
There are several forms and <table> is thus not viable (though I'm not against it when you do are printing semantically tabular data, as it is the case).
So I tried to simply use a CSS2.1 layout directly with the form input elements, eg.
<div class="table">
<form class="tbody">
<div class="tr">
<label class="td">Label</label>
<input class="td" name />
<input class="td" name />
Full example in the fiddle.
But it looks like display:table-cell does not work on <input> elements!
If you check in Chrome "Computed Style" the display will be "inline-element".
But I did not find anywhere why it shouldn't:
Mozilla Dev Network CSS:display
W3C CSS 2.1 Recommendation Visual Formatting Model
W3C Tables Recommendation
Any idea?
It sounded so much better than having some <div class="cell"> around the <input> and then having to play with box-model to get it look nice...

From W3.org:
"CSS 2.1 does not define which properties apply to form controls and frames, or how CSS can be used to style them. User agents may apply CSS properties to these elements. Authors are recommended to treat such support as experimental. A future level of CSS may specify this further."
Sorry, but display: table-cell on input elements is treated experimental. Try to avoid it, use wrapper-elements for the positioning for example.
I've made an example with div elements. You can now have multiple forms within a table, however it only works when the form element spans full rows. Otherwise your nesting will be broken.
Updated the fiddle with a version where border-collapse is added to avoid double borders.
JSFiddle example


How "safe" are Angular 2 custom html tags? (selectors: Custom tags vs. Custom attributes)

This is a question regarding Angular 2 selectors, Custom tags vs. Custom attributes, SEO and browser rendering.
When I first started to look over Angular 2, the very first thing I did when following their quickstart, right of the bat, was to change my selector to '[my-component]' (attribute selector) instead of 'my-component' (tag selector), so I could have <div my-component></div> in my html instead of <my-component></my-component>, which isn't valid html. So I would write html according to standards. Well, at least pretty close to standards (because my-component isn't a valid html attribute, but I could live with only that html validation error)
Then, at some point in a video on youtube, someone from the angular team mentioned that we should use the tag selector, performance wise at least.
Alright I said, screw html validation... or shouldn't I?
Say I ignore the W3C screaming about my html being completely invalid because of the <custom-tags>. I actually have another bigger and more real concern: how does this impact SEO?
I mean don't just think client-side app, because in the real world (and for my angular 2 project as well) I also have server-side rendering, for 2 very important reasons: SEO and Fast initial rendering of the site to the user for that initial view, before the app bootstraps. You can not have a very high traffic SPA otherwise.
Sure, google will crawl my site, regardless of the tags I use, but will it rank it the same in both scenarios: one with <custom-make-believe-tags> and the other with only standard html tags?
Let's talk browsers and css:
As I started to build my first SPA site in Angular 2, I was immediately faced with another concern:
Say (in a non SPA site) I have the following html markup:
<a class="logo">
<div class="widgets">
<form class="frm-quicksearch"> ... </form>
<div class="dropdown">
<!-- a user dropdown menu here -->
<div class="video-listing">
<div class="video-item"> ... </div>
<div class="video-item"> ... </div>
Angular 2 wise I would have the following component tree:
Now, I have 2 options. Let's just take the <video-listing-component> for example, to keep this simple... I either
A) place the entire standard html tags which I already have (<div class="video-item"></div>) within the <video-item-component> tag, and once rendered will result in this:
<div class="video-listing>
<div class="video-item>...</div>
B) Only put the content of <div class="video-item"> directly into my <video-item-component> component and adding the required class (class="video-item") for styling on the component tag, resulting in something like this:
<video-listing-component class="video-listing">
<video-item-component class="video-item"></video-item-component>
<video-item-component class="video-item"></video-item-component>
Either way (A or B), the browser renders everything just fine.
BUT if you take a closer look (after everything is rendered in the dom, of course), by default the custom tags don't occupy any space in the dom. They're 0px by 0px. Only their content occupies space. I don't get it how come the browser still renders everything as you would want to see it, I mean in the first case (A):
While having float: left; width: 25%; on the div class="video-item", but each of these divs being within a <video-item-component> tag, which doesn't have any styling... Isn't it just a fortunate side-effect that the browser renders everything as you'd expect? With all the <div class="video-item"> floating next to eachother, even though each of them are within another tag, the <video-item-component> which does NOT have float: left? I've tested on IE10+, Firefox, Chrome, all fine. Is it just fortunate or is there a solid explanation for this and we can safely rely for this kind of markup to be rendered as we'd expect by all (or at least most) browsers?
Second case (B):
If we use classes and styling directly on the custom tags (<video-item-component>)... again, everything shows up fine. But as far as I know, we shouldn't style custom components, right? Isn't this also just a fortunate expected outcome? Or is this fine also? I don't know, maybe I'm still living in 2009... am I?
Which of these 2 approaches (A or B) would be the recommended one? Or are both just fine?
I have no ideea!!
D'oh, thanks Günter Zöchbauer. Yeah, since my divs have float: left, that's why the (custom or not) tag they're wrapped in doesn't expand it's height. Seems I've forgotten how css works since I started to look over Angular 2:)
But one thing still remains:
If I set a percentage width on a block element (call it E), I would assume it takes x% of it's immediate parent. If I set float: left, I would expect floating within the immediate parent. In my A case, since the immediate parent is a custom tag with no display type and no width, I would expect for things to break somehow, but still... my E elements behave like their parent isn't the custom tag they're each wrapped in, but the next one in the dom (which is <div class="video-listing> in my case). And they occupy x% of that and they float within that. I don't expect this to be normal, I would think this is just a fortunate effect, and I'm afraid that one day, after some browser update... I'll wake up to find all my Angular 2 sites looking completely broken.
So... are both A and B an equally proper approach? Or am I doing it wrong in case A?
Let's simplify things a bit. As I got part of my question answered, let's take another example of generated html (simplified a bit, with inlined css):
<div style="float: left; width: 50%;">
<div style="float: left; width: 50%;">
In the original, not yet implemented html (whithout <angular-component-...>, those divs should float left and each occupy 50% of the <footer>. Surprisingly, once they're wrapped in the <angular-component-...> custom tags, they do the same: occupy 50% of the footer. But this just seems like good fortune to me, dumb luck... Unintended effect.
So, is it or isn't it "dumb luck"?
Should I leave it like that, or rewrite so instead of the above code, I would have something like this:
<angular-component-left style="display: block; float: left; width: 50%;">
<angular-component-right style="display: block; float: left; width: 50%;">
Note that the inline styling is introduced here for simplicity, I would actually have a class instead which would be in an external css file included in the <head> of my document, not through style or styleUrls from my angular components.
The issue is your HTML validator. The - in the element name is required for elements to be treated as custom elements and it is valid HTML5. Angular doesn't require - in element names but it's good practice.
Check for example https://www.w3.org/TR/custom-elements/#registering-custom-elements (search for x-foo) or https://w3c.github.io/webcomponents/spec/custom/#custom-elements-custom-tag-example. I'm sure this dash rule is specified somewhere but wasn't able to find the spec. It is for example required in Polymer that depends on elements being proper custom elements while this doesn't matter much in Angular. The only difference as far as I know is that when you query the element, you get a HTMLUnknownElement when the - is missing in the name and a HTMLElement when it contains a -.
See also this question I asked a few years ago Why does Angular not need a dash in component name
BUT if you take a closer look, by default the custom tags don't occupy any space in the dom. They're 0px by 0px. Only their content occupies space. I just don't get it how come the browser still renders everything as you would want to see it
I'm not sure I understand this question. When Angular processes the template it adds the content dynamically. When you see the content in the browser than it's also available in the DOM and has actual dimensions.
Search engine crawlers are able to process pages that are generated by JavaScript. If this isn't enough, server-side rendered pages can provide static HTML to crawlers that contain the whole view.

Bootstrap: Is there a way to get a tighter layout?

Just curious if there is a way to get a tighter layout with bootstrap.
Why is there so much space between the text elements?
Is it all just to accomodate pads, phones, etc?
Is there any way to choose a tighter style for the entire page to default to?
I also think the edit boxes themsselves are too large. There is too much wasted space between the text and the edge of the box.
Why aren't they a bit tighter?
These edits have been added after attempting to use code in answer from NetworkNerd
I have added the following to my stylesheet.
padding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px;
margin-bottom:0px; /* Reduced from whatever it currently is */
margin-top:0px; /* Reduced from whatever it currently is */
Those additions make my form look like the following:
You can see that things got a bit tighter, but that is only because of the height:24px style.
The other changes do not seem to have any affect on the look.
By the way, the stylesheet which includes this change is the last one included.
Labels Are Not Aligned
Also, notice that now that I've changed that the labels are not aligned with their associated text input.
Still Too Much Margin Between Text Boxes
And there still seems to be too much margin space between the text boxes.
HTML Code Snippet For Title
Here's a snippet of the HTML which shows the HTML with the applied Bootstrap styles.
This was all just copied from samples on the bootstrap site.
<form class="form-horizontal" role="form">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="titleText" class="col-sm-2 control-label">Title</label>
<div class="col-sm-6">
<input id="titleText" class="form-control" type="text" ng-model="book.title" />
Bootstrap doesn't recommend editing bootstrap.css itself. It is recommended per best practices to modify the bootstrap style in another, dominant CSS file.
Try doing something like this:
Custom CSS
margin-bottom:2px; /* Reduced from whatever it currently is */
margin-top:2px; /* Reduced from whatever it currently is */
It's hard to tell from the picture if it's a margin on the top or bottom. You can remove the margin-[top|bottom] based on what the result of your testing is.
It's also possible that the input element isn't the one with a margin, it could be the label element instead (Bootstrap, at least in my experiences, does some strange things with the label element...)
Another edit: I like to give people options. Therefore, if this is in a table element, consider adding the table-condensed class to the table tag to reduce some of the whitespace between items, as shown below:
<table class="table table-condensed">
In Bootstrap 4 you can use the form-control-sm class. See https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.1/components/forms/#sizing
This is taken directly from the Bootstrap documentation,
<input class="form-control form-control-sm" type="text" placeholder=".form-control-sm">
Prior to Bootstrap 4 you could use input-sm. See https://getbootstrap.com/docs/3.3/css/#forms-control-sizes
You can go into the bootstrap.css and find the padding and margin values and change them around or do that in another stylesheet

IE10 ignoring first-child in css and applying to all?

What I'm trying to do is remove the drop down arrow from a select with this CSS:
.Gender:first-child::-ms-expand {
display: none;
The select element is disabled and its content is set programmatically. It is still a select because of our "unique" roll-your-own binding approach that would be a huge overhaul to replace/update.
Basically I have a section to input basic information for a dynamic number of people. The first instance is always the Primary instance and it's data comes from another section of the page so it's disabled here and bound to the values in that other form. Every other entry after it is editable. The idea was to remove the drop down arrow from the first selects because they're read only. I know that even though the drop down arrow is missing that the select continues to work but I still want it to be there for every other select that isn't disabled.
I know it works in a simplified JSFiddle but in my site ALL selects that have those classes are hiding their drop down arrow. What can I look for in my site that would circumvent the :first-child pseudo class? Why could it possibly work in the fiddle but not in the actual site?
Everything I'm reading says to check your doctype. Mine is <!DOCTYPE html public "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//en">. Nobody that I found ever explicitly says the exact doctype to use, so this may not be 100% correct.
Also, this only needs to work in IE10, it's an internal web app that'll never be run anywhere else.
The single most common cause of every instance of a specific element matching :first-child, when only the first of them should match, is if each of those elements actually exists in its own container element. Here's an example:
<div class='parent'>
<select class='Gender'>
<div class='parent'>
<select class='Gender'>
<div class='parent'>
<select class='Gender'>
Here, every .Gender is the first — and only — child of its parent element, .parent. The .parent elements themselves, on the other hand, are siblings of one another, sharing the same parent element (not shown). Depending on what your source looks like, it may be difficult to pinpoint the location of these parent elements within the source, but as long as your markup is valid, they should be somewhere.
If it does turn out to be the problem, fixing it is trivial — just move the :first-child pseudo-class to the appropriate element:
.parent:first-child .Gender::-ms-expand {
display: none;
Updated fiddle

Proper way to have a break between the form

Above is a Form. There are different methods to get the following form above, with the input and text seperated on different lines.
One is to use < br / > and another use fieldset, p-tag, etc.
But I am wondering what the proper way is to seperate the form different things in different lines?
The easiest way is simply:
label, input {
display: block;
Edited to add the content of a comment made below, from myself to the OP, since it seems pertinent to the answer:
The 'best' is a very subjective measure. The 'best' is simply the easiest way to achieve your end-result, ideally without mangling the semantics of the HTML. Using div elements in forms gives no meaning to the contained elements, or their relationship to each other.
Using a fieldset gives some idea of the relationship, but typically (possibly should, but I'm unsure) is used to group elements together, rather than simply style them. I'd argue my method is 'best' simply because it relies on no additional (meaningful or meaningless) HTML elements being added to the page.
There are no fast rules. HTML5 seems to favor using the p element, see its example on it. By old HTML specifications, p means a paragraph, but HTML5 defines a paragrapg as virtually any block of inline content.
In practice, it is best to select the markup according to the desired default rendering. If you prefer no vertical spacing, use br or div (in the latter, you would wrap each line in a div element, making it easier to style it if desired). If you prefer spacing (empty lines), use p. Using a table is one possibility but unnecessarily complicated in a simple case like this.
Using <br/> tags to control layout is not recommended. This tag should only use to break a line in a paragraph. Using it for layout purposes is lazy and bad practice.
The best way to create forms in general like the above is to use a <ul> list.
<label for="firstname">Name</label>
<input name="firstname" type="text" />
<label for="surname">Surname</label>
<input name="surname" type="text" />
This is considered by many the "proper" way of doing it.
Then you can style your list in whichever way you like, so depending on the css the label can be above or next to the input field (this is where the <br/> tag would spoil that).
The basic style you need to apply is:
form ul {
This gets rid of the bullet points in the list. Then you can e.g. set the elements inside to block or make them float.
I would use <div> tags and position them manually with CSS. You can also use the clear:both within CSS. I have used <br /> before as well. You do not want to be using <p> tags though because it will confuse the Google Bot which crawls your website to place you on Google Search, from a SEO point of view <p> is bad unless you actually have content within the tags.
Tables may also look a good option but here is a good article on why you should not use tables for layout http://phrogz.net/css/WhyTablesAreBadForLayout.html
Ain't nothing wrong with using br's, though the cleanest way is to just make those items display:block.
Quite semantic way to markup label/field pairs is to use DL list (for example, this is used by default in Zend_Form). For submit button, DIV can be used:
<dt><label for="frm-login-username">Username</label></dt>
<dd><input type="text" name="username" id="frm-login-username" /></dd>
<dt><label for="frm-login-password">Username</label></dt>
<dd><input type="password" name="password" id="frm-login-password" /></dd>
<div><input type="submit" value="Login" /></div>

Vertically center elements in CSS

I have two elements side-by-side. Element 2 is smaller than Element 1. Both elements do not have a fixed height. I need to vertically center Element 2. How do I achieve this using CSS?
This is what I have so far:
<div id="container" style="width: 100%;">
<div id="img1" style="float: left;">
<img src="image1.jpg".../>
<div id="img2" style="float: right;">
<img src="image2.jpg".../>
img1's height will always be greater than img2's height. I want img2 to be aligned vertically-center. Hopefully this clarifies what I am trying to accomplish.
The most straightforward and clean way to do it is to use display: table and vertical-align. However, IIRC (it's been a while since I was up on browser compatibility issues) support for display: table and friends is absent from ... some common-then version of IE, perhaps? Anyway, adding other rules to make an adequate fallback if the display: table is ignored might be good.
<div id="container" style="display: table;">
<div id="div1" style="display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle;">
<img id="img1" src="image1.jpg" />
<div id="div2" style="display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle;">
<img id="img2" src="image2.jpg" />
(Of course the styles ought to be in a stylesheet; this is just matching your original example and not knowing the use case.)
The display values table, table-row, and table-cell basically perform exactly like HTML table, tr, and td, but you are permitted to omit any of them (as I do here, using table-cells directly within tables) and the layout engine will do the sensible thing.
Not easily. Some popular hacks include using display: table-cell and a parent using display: table (I don't remember if the valign="center" attribute is needed), or using absolute positioning with top: 45% or so (not precise, but OK for small elements).
To determine the best method, we need to know more about your layout. What are they centered within? Will/can there be a large Y-distance between elements 1 and 2? Does their parent have a fixed height? Do they both have the same parents, or is one a sibling of the other? What method are you using to place them side by side?
Keep in mind that many tricks require additional hacking to work in IE, and that using Javascript is just cheating and will make your site inaccessible/annoying to people with low vision (who may be using script-unaware screen readers), people with scripts disabled (esp. on mobile or command-line browsers that may not support them well if at all), search engines, etc. It's possible using only CSS (though you may have to add some container elements), but the exact method depends what exactly you're doing.
If you only need to support new browsers like Safari (e.g., building webapp for the iPhone), CSS3 offers an elegant approach with no floats or negative margins. All details here: http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/flexbox/quick/#toc-center
I don't think you can do this reliably without a table. Kevin's solution would probably work, unless you need to support IE (which most of us do). And, in this case, the table markup might actually be smaller than the div-based markup.
Put them both inside another element, give it a min-width and set the left and right margins to auto.
