I would like to add a "check for updates" menu item in the "Help" tab in the Rgui (on Windows).
I've already created the R function to check for updates, and now I wish to add it to the Rgui (ideally, with a massage box poping out with the results, or even a check-box for further actions by the user).
I'd appreciate any ideas on what functions to look into for doing this (if at all possible using base R, and if not - what packages might offer this option).
Here's an example - let's say you wanted to add a new menu called Update and wanted to add a menu item that updates all the packages with 'ask' set to FALSE
winMenuAddItem("Update", "Update R packages", "update.packages(ask = F)")
I am trying to link a Jupyter Notebook from IBM Cloud Pak.
The issue is that this is registered (for my account) as a fully public, fully shared notebook for anyone with a link
The notebook opens to a single cell with In [ ]: and no content.
Is this a common issue?
When you create a share link in CPD, you can select whether you want to share:
just cell output
cell output and non-sensitive code cells
cell output and all code cells
Note that the share link always points to the latest version, created with the "Save Version" menu item. If you created the initial version with only an empty cell, and didn't save a new version with more contents afterwards, users still see the empty cell. Just saving with "Save" isn't enough, you need to use "Save Version" to update the shared content.
I'm trying to use Atom 1.8.0 for grokking code, at most a few thousand Java and XML files. When I perform a global search with Ctrl+Shift+F , the results appear in a tab named "Project Find Results". However, if I do another global search the new results appear in the same tab, replacing older results. I'd like Atom to open show results in a new tab every time. Is it possible?
Note: There seems to be a similar feature request here but I cannot access GitHub at work.
In sublime text 2 I simply used Enhanced-R in order to use the cmd+enter hot key to evaluate a snippet of code in SublimeREPL or the native R app. As far as I can tell, this package doesn't exist for ST3. So, might I change the key binding, currently, control+,,l (control and comma, then l), to cmd+enter?
I imagine I need to modify the file found here: Preferences > Package Settings > SublimeREPL > User or Preferences > Keybindings - User, but am not sure which or what to add.
Thanks for any leads.
Check out R-Box. Enhanced R was rewritten some time ago as R-Box, both are by the same author - R-Box mainly has much extended functionality, including a new menu when .R files are active. ⌘Enter (or CtrlEnter on other operating systems) should still work the same way. You'll have to redo your customized settings, of course, but all in all the new plugin is nicer and has many more features than the old one.
I'm using Aptana Studio 3 and am looking for a command that will take me to the previous editor I was in (a la Netbeans ctrl-tab or Eclipse's ctrl-F6). I've tried several commands with promising sounding names but none of them seem to behave properly. Any thoughts?
Go to Windows->Preferences->General->Keys and have a look at the key binding you have set for the commands 'Next Editor' and 'Previous Editor'. Type those commands in the filter search box to save yourself having to scroll.
On Windows the shortcuts for next and previous editor are in fact Ctrl+F6 and Ctrl+Shift+F6 respectively, which also happen to be the defaults in Eclipse. So if your key bindings for those commands are not set then you can set them here.
I'm now trying to add shortcut for my package. And I find this article which may be useful. As the article described, I add KeyBinding attribute in vsct file, like this:
<KeyBinding guid="guidPackageTestCmdSet" id="commandId01" editor="guidVSStd97"
key1="M" mod1="Control" >
when I run this package, you can see the shortcut info "Ctrl+M" at right of the command name, but it doesn't fires after I press control + M.
I am assuming you are creating for VS2010. Take a look at this page. Seems like Ctrl+M is a multiple binding. Once you press Ctrl+M check for the status bar in VS and you should be able to see it waiting for another command.