We alread have a front panel based on uart commuication, I want to use it to commuicate to windows pc. The solution is use a chip covert UART to USB, chip driver on windows is virutal COM, the driver is shown in device manager and receives information from Front Panel, but it is not open source.
I want to know how can I develop a KMDF/UMDF driver to read/write the virtual COM driver to send KEY information to windows system, or let windows system recognise this is key info.
Please give me some sample code, links, documents or advice, thanks a lot.
Serial port KMDF sample: http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/windowshardware/Serial-73a4564d.
Look around there for additional documentation.
I seem to only be able to access physical ports. I do want to access virtual ones like ones created with virtual null modem or virtual serial port driver.
Does anyone know if this is possible.
Chrome enumerates serial ports by calling SetupDiGetClassDevs with GUID_DEVINTERFACE_SERENUM_BUS_ENUMERATOR. As I discovered when implementing this enumeration logic there are a surprisingly large number of ways to ask Windows for a list of all available COM ports. The advantage of this approach being that it provides device information which can be used to get the human-readable name of the device and USB product identifiers if it is a USB device. It is likely that a virtual COM port driver may be creating the device in a way which prevents it from being discovered this way.
I've created https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1238369 to track this as a Chrome bug. Please comment on whether you are using a different virtual serial port driver than the one mentioned there.
I managed to get Chrome to see the virtual serial ports using com0com on Windows 10 21H1 (OS Build 19043.1110). Chrome connects to the port successfully and it works as expected:
I'm currently making my own version of an Arduino Leonardo and want a way to differentiate between it and the Leonardo, I have my own bootloader with edited descriptors to change the pid ,vid , name and company but it shows up as a Leonardo if I don't change the pid and vid, and shows up as a USB Serial port if I do change them.
I'm thinking I need to write my own driver for it to have the correct name, is there any resources that can point me in the right direction?
I tried editing arduinos but it fails on install, I think the security file has something to do with that.
You can buy a code signing certificate an re-sign the CAT file that comes with the drivers. See my article on the subject.
Alternatively, you can just switch to Windows 10, which has a new driver called usbser.inf. This driver should automatically recognize the virtual COM ports on your board and configure them to be used with usbser.sys, so you don't need a driver.
I have an "HP NC365T 4-port Ethernet Server Adapter" which is a PCI Express adapter. I also have a Kepler-class GPU with DMA (Direct Memory Access).
I would like to be able to directly transfer data from a socket on the adapter to the GPU, i.e. I don’t want the data to be transferred first to the CPU and then from the CPU to the GPU.
How can this be done? Do I need to use the capabilities of the adapter driver or the driver would not be involved? Ideally I am looking for some sample code to achieve the above.
Unless you have access to the driver source code (or a GPUDirect-compliant driver and stack is already available from the network card vendor), it's not possible to achieve this.
If you have access to the driver source code, the starting point would be to begin with the documentation provided here.
A full tutorial is outside of the scope of an answer I can provide here.
Hope this is the right place to ask - assuming so as it is related to programming.
I am looking for some hardware (say a dongle) that would open up an API for my computer to a SIM card. Does that exist anywhere?
The idea would be that I can then use my existing SIM card on its existing network/contract and with a bit of code, send/receive calls and texts. I figured that if a phone can be programmed to do it why can't a computer? I just need the hardware.
Any suggestions if this kind of thing is possible? Even by maybe integrating a phone?
You can use AT commands with any modem or phone, whose driver exposes a modem port when you connect it to a computer. Plug in the phone or modem, and go to Windows Device Manager, and look under "Modems" and see what you've got. From "properties" of the Modem, you can see which COM port it is on.
AT commands are an older method of communicating with a modem. There is a standard set of commands for GSM/GPRS/3G/4G devices available from 3GPP.org, here. Manufacturers add their own proprietary commands for more obscure functions. Many but not all of these are in the public domain.
Some newer plug-in modems may appear as a network adapter (you can see this in Windows), due to their drivers. In this case, you can use the following interfaces:
on Vista: NDIS, proprietary interfaces
on Windows 7 and 8.x Desktop apps: Windows Mobile Broadband API
on Windows 8.x, in the Metro/app area: Windows.Networking and MobileBroadband APIs.
on Windows 10, UWP, there are UWP APIs here. But they do not give as much functionality as the Desktop APIs.
On Windows 8.1 and Windows 10, if the appropriate drives are present it is possible to use the new MBIM interface via the desktop Mobile Broadband DeviceServices API. Mobile Broadband Interface Model spec available here.
On Linux, use AT commands via the serial port.
I'm a bit puzzled by your requirement to make (voice?) calls via a phone connected to a computer. Do you mean Skype? In this case, of course, you wouldn't need any interface for making calls, you would just open an IP connection over a data session - which can be done via any of the above interfaces.
(added this comment as an answer, as there was more information)
I use this GSM device: http://www.mikroe.com/click/gsm2/ connected to a basic UART like: https://www.sparkfun.com/products/718?gclid=CIj1xOzbur4CFUVbfgodCpQASQ
I also use a piece of software called QNavigator to inspect the modem/gsm: http://www.soselectronic.com/?str=1329
We are developing some device and we need to find good solution for one of needed functionality.
Thing is that we need communicate WinCE 6.0 (ARM) and Windows on PC.
Easiest way is of course COM port but in our case it is impossible (all serial ports are used on WinCE and we don't want to add one more).
Second option is LAN but for us it is not the best option for few reasons.
So there is third option we could use. USB to USB communication but how to do that ?
Of course WinCE is USB Device and PC is USB Host so all hardware basics are meet.
We could use Active sync but there are few problems with it:
- WinCE 6.0 is not working with WMDC (drivers on device just crash after connecting device with PC) and I didn't find any solution for it so in this case we need to use WinXP on PC side (old ActiveSync)
- we need to filter communication with active sync to only our application, no other non authorized software should be allowed (what I know this is imposible to obtain).
So propably best way to do what we need is to communicate throug USB like standard COM (serial communication).
The question is, how it could be made, are we need to write driver on WinCE and also a Driver on Windows (PC), or there are better solution? Maybe some driver for WinCE 6.0 that would emulate Virtual COM on PC side (and of course allow standard Read/Write to it on WinCE side) ? Could someone tell me if something like that exists ?
We probably found best solution for our problem. We use TCP/IP over ActiveSync (standard WinSock connection over USB). It is possible because ActiveSync provides an IP address for Host PC. It can be acquired trough something like that (on WinCE):
std::string lIPAddress = "ppp_peer";
struct hostent * lH = gethostbyname(lIPAddress.c_str());
DEBUGMSG(ZONE_ERROR, (TEXT("Addr: %S\r\n"), lH->h_addr_list[0])); // just a debug info
lServerAddress.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = *(u_long *)lH->h_addr_list[0];
Of course this is not full example, it's just a sample :)