always display submenu in drupal - drupal

Is there a plug in or a block of code I can add in order to always display submenu?
The only time I can see the submenu that has a red border around it is when I click the menu item "SHOP", I would like the submenu that has a red border to be visible on any pageall the time

You could do this at the theme layer by editing page.tpl.php and printing $secondary_links.
You might also just prefer to use the Menu Block module, which has some pretty handy config options:


How to change selected menu text color or underline - WordPress

I've browsed all of the other questions on this topic and tried all of the sample code that was provided, but I still can't seem to get a fix after a few hours, so here I am.
I am trying to change the color of the selected menu page for my site's navigation. I am using the Astra theme, and Elementor Page builder. I went into WP customizer and made my selections for link color and link hover color, but it seems those changes only take effect when I am on the "Shop" page of my menu. The only difference I can see with the "Shop" menu text is it is a custom link, rather than the starter theme default link? Pictures attached to show what I am talking about.
Red orange color when "Home" is selected
When "Shop" is selected it takes my selected link color from my global color settings. This is the only one that appears to be doing what I asked of it in the UI
The rest of the menu text does the same thing "Home" does - it draws the red orange color from an unknown source, and I don't know what the color code is or where to find it.
I'm trying to either change the selected menu text color away from that red orange color to another custom color -- or keep all of the text as the grey color and make the menu text underlined when hovered over or selected. Issue is I can't seem to make a change consistent when navigating across the menu items. Help would be greatly appreciated!
Write a custom CSS property, use this CSS class for your menu.
Appearance - Customise - Custom CSS (Write your custom CSS here)
Appearance - Menus - Header/Main Menu
At the top of the page, you should the "Screen Option" menu... Click on it and enable(check) the CSS class box.
Now, click on your menu items and specify the CSS class to each menu items.

Wordpress Genesis framework menu

There is something really strange happening with the menu on the child theme "Education" of the Genesis framework. This framework has two navigation positions: primary and secondary. As you can see here both appear one under the other in the red area. However, there is a third position that seems to be hardcoded in the child theme (?) and won't go away even if I don't assign a position to the menu.
Can you guys give me an idea what is going on? I'm not very good at this stuff. I tried looking into the child theme's code, but found nothing referencing this...
Ultumately what I want to do is use the top position (the one in the white area), but I can't, because I need to make the site multilingual, but that top position doesn't appear in the menu options, so I can't assign different menus for the different languages.
The white area at the top right is a widget area. The site already has two widgets in that Header Right widget area - a text widget (with the phone number), and a nav menu widget (the three locales).
You could make it two nav menu widgets. See Appearance -> Widgets, or use the Customizer. Alternatively, you could adjust the CSS, so that the red / grey locale 'tabs' become different looking links with a white background.
Also useful, if you do just need a single menu location there, would be the Genesis Header Nav plugin.

Change position to the default main menu of a theme

Maybe the question is silly, but I just start to look into Drupal and I cannot find any relatives information on the web.
I have installed a theme (corporate clean) that use a inline main navigation just after the logo and before the gallery.
I would like to change that menu position. Move the main menu on the left side.
But everytime I give to navigation or main menu block the 'navigation' position, I see a new block filled in with the same main menu links.
Instead I want the first link be relocated in the left side.
How could I do that?
(btw the theme has even a navigation block, but it cannot understand how it work exactly..)
The menu is usualy inserted in the page.tpl.php you can move it around in this file.
Alternatively you can go to admin/appearance/settings/yourTheme and turn off "Main menu" and "Secondary menu" and use the Menu block module to position menus where you want them.
Do you mean you want the main menu (that is initially in the "navigation" area, like horizontally) in a new column on the left side, like vertically?
If yes, just go in administration>structure>blocks and drag your "Main Menu" in "First Lateral Bar" area (under Content, in Coporate Clean theme). Save and check the result.
If not, do you want your Main menu just like it is now but aligned left instead of right? If yes, just play with CSS.

Wordpress menus with submenu in other place

I would love to use wordpress built in menu system and I need sub-menus. Is it possible to on hover show that menu items sub-menu in other place. See image.
Thank you. Any suggestions how to achieve this.
You can create the Sub-menu via the CMS in the menu panel dinamically under the parent label. Then you can just hide it onload and show it on the parent's hover. However the sub-menu must have position: absolute and, given your example the liwould have to de displayed inline.
A sample code would be useful to sort out details but this should work.

ASP.NET horizontal menu with submenu appearing below, also horizontal

I've got a horizontal menu with UL/LI markup that I want to convert to an ASP:Menu in .net 3.5.
I'd like choices in the submenu to be rendered in a horizontal menu below the main menu when the main menu option is clicked. I also want to:
indicate which menu option is chosen by highlighting/bolding both the main menu and submenu,
check on rendering (or via some other mechanism) the role of the user to show only the proper menu options.
Use the CSS friendly adapters:
These will allow you to keep the ul/li markup and give you the ability to highlight via css and control the rendering just like you would with a normal asp:Menu with the roles.
