ASP.NET horizontal menu with submenu appearing below, also horizontal -

I've got a horizontal menu with UL/LI markup that I want to convert to an ASP:Menu in .net 3.5.
I'd like choices in the submenu to be rendered in a horizontal menu below the main menu when the main menu option is clicked. I also want to:
indicate which menu option is chosen by highlighting/bolding both the main menu and submenu,
check on rendering (or via some other mechanism) the role of the user to show only the proper menu options.

Use the CSS friendly adapters:
These will allow you to keep the ul/li markup and give you the ability to highlight via css and control the rendering just like you would with a normal asp:Menu with the roles.


Joomla 3.9: Menu item set to Separator is not clickable to reveal sub-menu items

I am building a website in Joomla, and I'm trying to make a menu in which some menu items should not have any article associated with it; clicking on them should only reveal the sub-menu items, but the rest of the page should stay static. So, I set that parent menu item to Separator, and added some sub-menu items to it. However, for some reason, the parent menu item is not clickable, meaning that I cannot reveal the sub-menu items.
Here is my website:
The parent menu item that has sub-menu items is the second one from the bottom (as you can see, it is non-clickable).
How do I fix this? I tried using Menu Header and URL (set to #) instead, but the result is the same. The only way to make these sub-menu items to show is to set that parent menu item to something like Single Article or similar, which is precisely what I want to avoid. I am using my own template, made from scratch. Do I need to add something to CSS, maybe?

always display submenu in drupal

Is there a plug in or a block of code I can add in order to always display submenu?
The only time I can see the submenu that has a red border around it is when I click the menu item "SHOP", I would like the submenu that has a red border to be visible on any pageall the time
You could do this at the theme layer by editing page.tpl.php and printing $secondary_links.
You might also just prefer to use the Menu Block module, which has some pretty handy config options:

How to make Bootstrap drop down menu options to hide after i click one of <li>?

In Bootstrap drop down menu i want to hide the drop down options when i click one of them.
For now when i click one of the options i still see the options.
I need to do so in CSS only without javascript.
Here is fiddle:

Wordpress menus with submenu in other place

I would love to use wordpress built in menu system and I need sub-menus. Is it possible to on hover show that menu items sub-menu in other place. See image.
Thank you. Any suggestions how to achieve this.
You can create the Sub-menu via the CMS in the menu panel dinamically under the parent label. Then you can just hide it onload and show it on the parent's hover. However the sub-menu must have position: absolute and, given your example the liwould have to de displayed inline.
A sample code would be useful to sort out details but this should work.

my asp:menu control is hidden when it contains no items - how can I show it?

I added an asp:menu control (with a web.sitemap backend) to my app. For this particular app, when the user is not logged in, I don't want to show any menu items, but I do want the menu to have the same color as the bitmap header under it. However, when the menu is empty, I just end up with a blank rectangle. It's a static menu, 5 items, using CSS to style it. I've tried adding the background color to the menu, the staticmenu style, and the staticmenuitem style with no luck. Any ideas?
Why not wrap the menu control in a div to create a container that will always exist regardless and give it a background color?
