I am trying to delete multiple activities at the same time in opentaps so I changed the ListPendingActivities form to a multi form and added checkboxes. However when I submit/delete (or try to) the form, I get the error message that the workEffortId is missing. I was under the impression that the service is invoke per each selected row and made the assumption that all values in each row are passed to the service.
My mistake. I had copied the service being invoked from the 'per row' delete button into the forms' target instead of calling the request which invoked the service.
I have three different fields/textbox widgets, that rely on querying the same data source to be checked to avoid duplication. For reasons, I do not want to turn on the unique/required for those three fields.
I put some code to check for validation. My problem is that when I call the form's validate function, it takes some time till the validation comes back with an error message. However the form's validate returns immediately and allows people to click Submit.
How can I avoid this problem?
Block till validation kicks (setTimeout function?)
Set a separate invisible field such as working and set the validationError on the field and clear after validations clear? This will probably be a numeric field so that I can wait for all streams in parallel to finish.
Final question. is Validate a blocking function as it goes through the fields? I am guessing Yes.
I have used this to chain dynamic data drop downs in an Orbeon application using the following services:
1. /xforms-sandbox/service/zip-states
2. /xforms-sandbox/service/zip-cities?state-abbreviation={../state}
3. /xforms-sandbox/service/zip-zips?state-abbreviation={../state}&city={../city}
I have few questions:
I also want to create the same, so can you please point me the code where this services are present. How I should write the service in this case?
{../state} - How it retrieve the state value when it changed?
What is the use of state-abbreviation?
This specific test service is implemented in XPL and XSL, in zip-states.xpl. But it really just is a service that gets called with an HTTP GET by Orbeon Forms, and returns XML. BTW, you can easily test it from your browser, and it could be implemented with any technology.
Whenever the value of the control named state changes, {../state} will return a different value, so the URL for the service will change, so the Dynamic dropdown will load again that URL to retrieve potentially new data.
In this particular example, we want the "abbreviation" to be stored in the data (e.g. "CA"), and the full name (e.g. "California") to be shown in the UI. Again, in this particular examples, values come from states.xml.
In Tridion 2011 SP1, Event System, I'm trying to get the WorkItem of an object that I know is in workflow, but I don't know in whose WorkList it might be.
Scenario Description:
Page must remain locked while a given component is in workflow
If component workflow state changes, page state should change too
What I thought of doing was an Event triggered on FinishActivityEventArgs, which would:
Check if current item is Component
Get the corresponding page (GetUsingItems of type page)
Check if the page is also in workflow
Get the page in question
Get the WorkItem for the page
Finish the current activity and pass on the corresponding activity details
I am about ready with most steps but having doubts on step 5. The only method I see so far to get the WorkItems is using session.WorkflowManager.GetUserWorkItems(userWorkItemsFilter) but this will probably fail if the page is not in the current user's work items, right?
Any tips/directions?
I believe you will need to use the session.WorkflowManager.GetListProcesses method to find all the processes, rather than just the ones for the current user. I imagine you may need to impersonateate as an Administrator in order to get all the items back though.
Apologies if this is classic ASP 101, but its been so long since I did any ASP Im struggling to understand / track this error down. What makes it worse is Ive inherited this application and I cant ask the original author..
I have a shopping cart that includes an input checkbox and numerous other fields. When the form is processed and submitted it is run through some javascript and then if all is ok, redirected to another page. (Nothing unusual there). Firebug shows that at this point the value of the check box is different depending on its checked state.
When the form is submitted it goes to another page that iterates over the session.Contents() collection, and builds up a string that is sent to a 3rd party. Using fiddler, it appears that whilst the name of the checkBox is in this string, the value is always 'on'
From reading Google, I see that the session.Contents collection is all parameters that have been placed in the session / application. but a grep across all the files in the project directory doesnt turn up anywhere that the checkbox is added to the session.
So, is the cb there simply because it is on the form or used in javascript, or are there other ways of adding the variable into the session. (Grep on the name doesnt turn up any other instances).
And secondly, if the variable is in the session, no matter how it got there, why is it always set to "on". Im assuming that somehow it has been added to the session and set to On before the form is processed. But the checkbox defaults to unchecked, so Im confused!
Can anyone help explain this, or even suggest how I can track it down / fix it. (The obvious answer is to try to force it into the session with the correct value, but I'd like to know why it is misbehaving rather than just ignore it in case I meet something like this again!
I am going to assume that you have already determined that the JavaScript is not modifying checkbox state priort to allowing the submission.
When your form is submitted, the fields that are submitted are in the Request.Form collection. When a checkbox is not checked, it is not part of the Request.Form collection. Therefore, there will be as many checkbox fields in your Request.Form collection as you had checked when submitting, and they will all have the value of their respective "value" property.
If you then add these to the Session.Contents collection, they persist until the session ends. If you never explicitly clear the Session.Contents collection, but submit the form more than once with different values, then the Session.Contents collection will continue to accrue more and more (checkbox_name, checkbox_value) pairs until such time as it contains a (checkbox_name, checkbox_value) pair for every checkbox on your form.
You may wish to write a function that clears each one of your form fields from the session, and call this either after processing a form, or before processing a form (whichever makes sense for your application). Alternatively, just use the Request.Form collection.
I'm building a Drupal based site that requires the communication of a node ID to a seperate web service. This web service handles the uploading of files to a seperate server (from the one Drupal is on).
This creates a problem where in if I create a new node, the Node ID is not generated until the form is submitted - meaning I can't attach the files until I save the node and open it back up to edit it. I'd like to remove that step.
Is it possible to create a two step node creation process where the basics of the node are submitted and saved, and then the form re-directs to step two where I can attach the files?
I'd also consider an AJAX enabled node submission form - but that seems to add even more complexity to the situation.
Any advice, examples will be appreciated!
you could do this with a multi-step form. see http://pingv.com/blog/ben-jeavons/2009/multi-step-forms-drupal-6-using-variable-functions for the canonical way to do this (besides the code, also check the comments).
you could also do it by adding a second submit handler to the form. the first, default one (node_form_submit) saves your node (including the attached file) the standard Drupal way. the second handler could upload the file to the separate server, do upload error checking, delete the file from the Drupal DB, etc. you can add an additional submit handler to a Drupal 6 form by adding it to the form's #submit property, either in the form definition or via hook_form_alter / hook_form_FORM_ID_alter.
Depending on what exactly you want to do, you might use hook_nodeapi on its 'insert' operation. It is fired after successful node creation, so the node object will contain the newly assigned nid there already.
NOTE: The wording of the API documentation is a bit ambiguous concerning the 'insert' and 'update' operations:
"insert": The node is being created
(inserted in the database).
This sounds like it is right in the middle of the process, whereas the node has already been created at this point.
I guess the node_save function can help you.
I ran into exactly this same issue and did it the wrong way. I added the hook myself.