Closing opened file descriptors in child process - unix

Is there a way to iterate through already open file descriptors (opened by parent process) and close them one by one in child process?
OS: Unix.
Reason for closure: RLIMIT_NOFILE limit of the setrlimit() constrains the number of file descriptors that a process may allocate.If we want to restrict our child process by setting this limit, it depends on the already allocated file descriptors.
Trying to set this limit in a child process is restricted as the parent process has some open file descriptors and hence we cannot set this limit lesser than that number.
Example: If parent process has 10 file descriptors allocated and we wish to limit the child process file descriptor number to less than 10 (Say 3), we would need to close 7 file descriptors inside the child process.
The solution to this can benefit all those who want to restrict their child process from creating new files or opening new network connections.

The following idiom is not uncommon (this is taken from the C part of MIMEDefang):
/* Number of file descriptors to close when forking */
#define CLOSEFDS 256
static void
int i;
for (i=0; i<CLOSEFDS; i++) {
(void) close(i);
(That's from mimedefang-2.78, the implementation has been changed slightly in later releases.)
It is something of a hack (as the MIMEDefang code freely admitted). In many cases it's more useful to start at FD 3 (or STDERR_FILENO+1) instead of 0. close() returns EBADF with an invalid FD, but this doesn't usually present problems (at least not in C, in other languages an exception may be thrown).
Since you can determine the file-descriptor upper limit with getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE,...) which is defined as:
This is a number one greater than the maximum value that the system may assign to a newly-created descriptor. If this limit is exceeded, functions that allocate a file descriptor shall fail with errno set to [EMFILE]. This limit constrains the number of file descriptors that a process may allocate.
you can use this (subtracting 1) as the upper limit of the loop.
The above and ulimit -n, getconf OPEN_MAX and sysconf(OPEN_MAX) should all agree.
Since open() always assigns the lowest free FD, the maximum number of open files and the highest FD+1 are the same number.
To detemine what fds are open, instead of close() use a no-op lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_CUR) which will return EBADF if the fd is not open (there's no obvious benefit to calling lseek() for a conditional close() though). socat's filan loops over 0 .. FD_SETSIZE calling fstat()/fstat64().
The libslack daemon utility which daemonizes arbitrary processes also uses this brute-force approach (while making sure to keep the first three descriptors open when used under inetd).
In the case where your program can track file handles it is preferable to do so, or use FD_CLOEXEC where available. However, should you wish to code defensively, you might prefer to distrust your parent process, say for an external handler/viewer process started by a browser, e.g. like this long-lived and ancient Mozilla bug on Unix platforms.
For the paranoid (do you want your PDF viewer to inherit every open Firefox FD including your cache, and open TCP connections?):
# you might want to use the value of "ulimit -n" instead of picking 255
for ((fd=3; fd<=255; fd++)); do
exec {fd}<&- # close
exec /usr/local/bin/xpdf "$#"
Update after 15 years this issue was resolved in Firefox 58 (2018) when process creation was changed from the Netscape Portable Runtime (NSPR) API to use LaunchApp.

As far as I know there is no general way to iterate over open file descriptors in Unix/POSIX. The traditional way to handle the problem that you are describing is to keep track of them in your own code, if needed using a data structure such as an array or list, and close them in the child process after fork() but before exec().
Some operating systems, however, offer a potential solution if you are calling exec() after creating the child process. Either by setting the FD_CLOEXEC flag for a file descriptor using fcntl() or with the O_CLOEXEC flag for open() the operating system is instructed to close that specific file descriptor before calling exec(). You will have to consult the documentation of your target operating system(s) to find out if and which of those flags are supported.


Why does System V shared memory have separate get and attach functions?

Using System V shared memory IPC requires calls to the following two functions:
int shmget(key_t key, size_t size, int shmflg);
void *shmat(int shmid, const void *shmaddr, int shmflg);
Why are they designed to be separate, instead of having a single function that accepts these arguments, performs both functions and simply returns the address?
We can consider files as an analogy. open on a string (the file path) gives us a file descriptor, and we use that to read/write from the file. We close on the file descriptor when we're done. This design seems natural, we don't have to open with a string to get a descriptor, and then attach to the descriptor.
As an example of what I have in mind, take a look at the FreeBSD sendmail shared memory implementation.
This kind of separation (shm_open and mmap) also exists with POSIX shared memory, but the reason was that mmap existed before shm_open was implemented and could be reused, and mmap requires a descriptor (source: UNIX Network Programming Vol. 2, R. Stevens, chapter 13, page 326).
Shared memory is probably one of the fastest ways of allowing for IPC as data need not be copied, the problem associated with it though is synchronizing access between multiple threads. You could do this using semaphores or record locks , we end up using the later in unix fro shared memory even though they are not as efficient as they are simple, the system cleans up well, and you don't need some of the bling that semaphores bring along.
Lets look into how these work to understand why they are implemented as such.
In comes the shmid_ds used by the linux kernel (
the shm_nattch is the unsigned int counter for current attaches. shmget gets you an shm id and sets stuff like the ipc_perm , dates, pid, atime ctime, request of the segment size (shm_segsz)
next the shmctl kicks in and does stuff for ipc using IPC_STAT, IPC_RMID, IPC_SET like setting perms, getting or removing shm_id for a segment or even locking or unlocking it.
Once the segment is ready shmat is used by a process to attach to its address space, depending on the flags and address parameters. Once it attaches the kernel increments the shm_nattch. When detaching we call shmdt to detach . Removal of the identifier and the associated data structure is not automated some process has to do this calling shmctl with the IPC_RMID and depending on shm_perm
As you can see this is all very similar to how one would use semaphores and the implementation makes sense.
One possible reason I could think of is this:
(From the manpage of shmget)
After a fork(2) the child inherits the attached shared memory segments.
After an execve(2) all attached shared memory segments are detached from the process.
Upon _exit(2) all attached shared memory segments are detached from the process.
Well, technically attaching and detaching is basic reference counting on the shared memory segment that is reserved during shmget.
The functionalities of allocating the shared memory segment, via shmget and reference counting them (up or down, via shmat and shmdt respectively), are separate so that, code can be reused during fork and exec.
If they were both packed into the same function, you would anyways need a separate function, which just does reference counting (to be invoked during fork/exec). So, I think this design is simply to promote code reuse, and avoid code duplication.

Is there any size/row limit in .txt file?

The question may looks duplicate. But i am not getting the answer which i am looking.
The problem is, in unix, one of the 4GL binary is fetching data from the table using cursor and writing the data in .txt file.
The table contains around 50 Million records.
The binary took lot of time and not completing. the .txt file is also 0 byte.
I want to know the possibilities why the records are not written in the .txt file.
Note: There is enough disk space available.
Also, for 30 Million records, i can get the data in the .txt file as i expected.
The information you provide is insufficient to tell for sure why the file is not written.
In UNIX, a text file is just like any another file - a collection of bytes. No specific limit (or structure) is enforced on "row size" or "row count," although obviously, some programs might have certain limits on maximum supported line sizes and such (depending on their implementation).
When a program starts writing data to a file (i.e. once the internal buffer is flushed for the first time) the file will no longer be zero size, so clearly your binqary is doing something else all that time (unless it wipes out the file as part of the cleanup).
Try running your executable via strace to see the file I/O activity - that would give some clues as to what is going on.
Try closing the writer if you are using one to write to the file. It achieves the dual purpose of closing the resource along with flushing the remaining contents of the buffer.
CPU calculated output needs to be flushed if you are using any mechanism of buffered writer. I have encountered such situations a few times and in almost all cases, the issue was that of flushing the output.
In java specifically, usually the best practice of writing data involves buffers. So when the buffer limit is reached, it gets written to the file but doesn't get written to the file when the end of buffer has not been reached yet. This happens when program closes without flushing the buffered writer.
So, in your case, if the processing time that it takes is reasonable and still the output is not on the file, it may mean that the output has been calculated and put on the RAM but could not be written to the file (which represents the disk) due to the output not being flushed.
You can also consider the answers to this question.

Bus error when recompiling the binary

Sometimes, on various Unix architectures, recompiling a program while it is running causes the program to crash with a "Bus error". Can anyone explain under which conditions this happens? First, how can updating the binary on disk do anything to the code in memory? The only thing I can imagine is that some systems mmap the code into memory and when the compiler rewrites the disk image, this causes the mmap to become invalid. What would the advantages be of such a method? It seems very suboptimal to be able to crash running codes by changing the executable.
On local filesystems, all major Unix-like systems support solving this problem by removing the file. The old vnode stays open and, even after the directory entry is gone and then reused for the new image, the old file is still there, unchanged, and now unnamed, until the last reference to it (in this case the kernel) goes away.
But if you just start rewriting it, then yes, it is mmap(3)'ed. When the block is rewritten one of two things can happen depending on which mmap(3) options the dynamic linker uses:
the kernel will invalidate the corresponding page, or
the disk image will change but existing memory pages will not
Either way, the running program is possibly in trouble. In the first case, it is essentially guaranteed to blow up, and in the second case it will get clobbered unless all of the pages have been referenced, paged in, and are never dropped.
There were two mmap flags intended to fix this. One was MAP_DENYWRITE (prevent writes) and the other was MAP_COPY, which kept a pure version of the original and prevented writers from changing the mapped image.
But DENYWRITE has been disabled for security reasons, and COPY is not implemented in any major Unix-like system.
Well this is a bit complex scenario that might be happening in your case. The reason of this error is normally the Memory Alignment issue. The Bus Error is more common to FreeBSD based system. Consider a scenario that you have a structure something like,
struct MyStruct {
char ch[29]; // 29 bytes
int32 i; // 4 bytes
So the total size of this structure would be 33 bytes. Now consider a system where you have 32 byte cache lines. This structure cannot be loaded in a single cache line. Now consider following statements
Struct MyStruct abc;
char *cptr = &abc; // char point points at start of structure
int32 *iptr = (cptr + 1) // iptr points at 2nd byte of structure.
Now total structure size is 33 bytes your int pointer points at 2nd byte so you can 32 byte read data from int pointer (because total size of allocated memory is 33 bytes). But when you try to read it and if the structure is allocated at the border of a cache line then it is not possible for OS to read 32 bytes in a single call. Because current cache line only contains 31 bytes data and remaining 1 bytes is on next cache line. This will result into an invalid address and will give "Buss Error". Most operating systems handle this scenario by generating two memory read calls internally but some Unix systems don't handle this scenario. To avoid this, it is recommended take care of Memory Alignment. Mostly this scenario happen when you try to type cast a structure into another datatype and try reading the memory of that structure.
The scenario is bit complex, so I am not sure if I can explain it in simpler way. I hope you understand the scenario.

function to Get the terminal file descriptor of the current process UNIX

I want to use function:
pid_t tcgetpgrp(int fildes);
How to retrieve the fildes(to be passed to this function).
And is process group id returned by this function is same as the one returned by
getpgrp(0)//0 for the calling process
Often standard input, output, and/or error (0, 1, or 2) will be connected to the controlling terminal. To be sure just open /dev/tty, which will always be the controlling terminal if you have one. The file descriptor returned from open() can be passed to tcgetpgrp() and then closed if it is no longer needed.
The tcgetpgrp() function returns the foreground process group id, whereas getpgrp() returns your process group id. They would be the same if your process is in the foreground, or different if your process is in the background. tcgetpgrp() would return an error if your process had no controlling terminal, and is therefore not in the foreground or background.
You can pass any file descriptor that is open to a terminal; the call will retrieve the information about that terminal. A process may have file descriptors open to a number of terminals, but at most one of those is the process's controlling terminal. A given terminal may, in fact, have no process group associated with it for which it is the controlling terminal (though it is relatively unlikely to be opened in that case).
Michiel Buddingh' suggested STDIN_FILENO from <unistd.h> (which is normally a fancy way of writing 0); the trouble with that is that programs can have standard input redirected from a file or have the input piped to it, in which cases the standard input is not a terminal. Similar considerations apply to STDOUT_FILENO (aka 1). The best descriptor to use, therefore, is often STDERR_FILENO (aka 2); that is the least likely to be redirected.
The second half of the question is 'does tcgetpgrp() return the same value as getpgrp()'. The answer is 'No'. Every process belongs to a process group, and getpgrp() will reliably identify that group. Not every process has a controlling terminal, and not every file descriptor identifies a terminal, so tcgetpgrp() can return the error ENOTTY. Further, when tcgetpgrp() does return a value, it is the value of the current foreground process group associated with the terminal, which is explicitly not necessarily the same as the process group of the current process, which may be part of a background process group associated with the terminal. The current foreground process group can change over time, too.
You need a file descriptor number attached to the current terminal. For example, you can use 0 or STDIN_FILENO from unistd.h.

Piping as interprocess communication

I am interested in writing separate program modules that run as independent threads that I could hook together with pipes. The motivation would be that I could write and test each module completely independently, perhaps even write them in different languages, or run the different modules on different machines. There are a wide variety of possibilities here. I have used piping for a while, but I am unfamiliar with the nuances of its behaviour.
It seems like the receiving end will block waiting for input, which I would expect, but will the sending end block sometimes waiting for someone to read from the stream?
If I write an eof to the stream can I keep continue writing to that stream until I close it?
Are there differences in the behaviour named and unnamed pipes?
Does it matter which end of the pipe I open first with named pipes?
Is the behaviour of pipes consistent between different Linux systems?
Does the behaviour of the pipes depend on the shell I'm using or the way I've configured it?
Are there any other questions I should be asking or issues I should be aware of if I want to use pipes in this way?
Wow, that's a lot of questions. Let's see if I can cover everything...
It seems like the receiving end will
block waiting for input, which I would
You expect correctly an actual 'read' call will block until something is there. However, I believe there are some C functions that will allow you to 'peek' at what (and how much) is waiting in the pipe. Unfortunately, I don't remember if this blocks as well.
will the sending end block sometimes
waiting for someone to read from the
No, sending should never block. Think of the ramifications if this were a pipe across the network to another computer. Would you want to wait (through possibly high latency) for the other computer to respond that it received it? Now this is a different case if the reader handle of the destination has been closed. In this case, you should have some error checking to handle that.
If I write an eof to the stream can I
keep continue writing to that stream
until I close it
I would think this depends on what language you're using and its implementation of pipes. In C, I'd say no. In a linux shell, I'd say yes. Someone else with more experience would have to answer that.
Are there differences in the behaviour
named and unnamed pipes?
As far as I know, yes. However, I don't have much experience with named vs unnamed. I believe the difference is:
Single direction vs Bidirectional communication
Reading AND writing to the "in" and "out" streams of a thread
Does it matter which end of the pipe I
open first with named pipes?
Generally no, but you could run into problems on initialization trying to create and link the threads with each other. You'd need to have one main thread that creates all the sub-threads and syncs their respective pipes with each other.
Is the behaviour of pipes consistent
between different linux systems?
Again, this depends on what language, but generally yes. Ever heard of POSIX? That's the standard (at least for linux, Windows does it's own thing).
Does the behaviour of the pipes depend
on the shell I'm using or the way I've
configured it?
This is getting into a little more of a gray area. The answer should be no since the shell should essentially be making system calls. However, everything up until that point is up for grabs.
Are there any other questions I should
be asking
The questions you've asked shows that you have a decent understanding of the system. Keep researching and focus on what level you're going to be working on (shell, C, so on). You'll learn a lot more by just trying it though.
This is all based on a UNIX-like system; I'm not familiar with the specific behavior of recent versions of Windows.
It seems like the receiving end will block waiting for input, which I would expect, but will the sending end block sometimes waiting for someone to read from the stream?
Yes, although on a modern machine it may not happen often. The pipe has an intermediate buffer that can potentially fill up. If it does, the write side of the pipe will indeed block. But if you think about it, there aren't a lot of files that are big enough to risk this.
If I write an eof to the stream can I keep continue writing to that stream until I close it?
Um, you mean like a CTRL-D, 0x04? Sure, as long as the stream is set up that way. Viz.
506 # cat | od -c
0000000 a b c \n 004 \n e f g \n
Are there differences in the behaviour named and unnamed pipes?
Yes, but they're subtle and implementation dependent. The biggest one is that you can write to a named pipe before the other end is running; with unnamed pipes, the file descriptors get shared during the fork/exec process, so there's no way to access the transient buffer without the processes being up.
Does it matter which end of the pipe I open first with named pipes?
Is the behaviour of pipes consistent between different linux systems?
Within reason, yes. Buffer sizes etc may vary.
Does the behaviour of the pipes depend on the shell I'm using or the way I've configured it?
No. When you create a pipe, under the covers what happens is your parent process (the shell) creates a pipe which has a pair of file descriptors, then does a fork exec like this pseudocode:
create pipe, returning two file descriptors, call them fd[0] and fd[1]
fork write-side process
fork read-side process
close fd[0]
connect fd[1] to stdout
exec writer program
close fd[1]
connect fd[0] to stdin
exec reader program
Are there any other questions I should be asking or issues I should be aware of if I want to use pipes in this way?
Is everything you want to do really going to lay out in a line like this? If not, you might want to think about a more general architecture. But the insight that having lots of separate processes interacting through the "narrow" interface of a pipe is desirable is a good one.
[Updated: I had the file descriptor indices reversed at first. They're correct now, see man 2 pipe.]
As Dashogun and Charlie Martin noted, this is a big question. Some parts of their answers are inaccurate, so I'm going to answer too.
I am interested in writing separate program modules that run as independent threads that I could hook together with pipes.
Be wary of trying to use pipes as a communication mechanism between threads of a single process. Because you would have both read and write ends of the pipe open in a single process, you would never get the EOF (zero bytes) indication.
If you were really referring to processes, then this is the basis of the classic Unix approach to building tools. Many of the standard Unix programs are filters that read from standard input, transform it somehow, and write the result to standard output. For example, tr, sort, grep, and cat are all filters, to name but a few. This is an excellent paradigm to follow when the data you are manipulating permits it. Not all data manipulations are conducive to this approach, but there are many that are.
The motivation would be that I could write and test each module completely independently, perhaps even write them in different languages, or run the different modules on different machines.
Good points. Be aware that there isn't really a pipe mechanism between machines, though you can get close to it with programs such as rsh or (better) ssh. However, internally, such programs may read local data from pipes and send that data to remote machines, but they communicate between machines over sockets, not using pipes.
There are a wide variety of possibilities here. I have used piping for a while, but I am unfamiliar with the nuances of its behaviour.
OK; asking questions is one (good) way to learn. Experimenting is another, of course.
It seems like the receiving end will block waiting for input, which I would expect, but will the sending end block sometimes waiting for someone to read from the stream?
Yes. There is a limit to the size of a pipe buffer. Classically, this was quite small - 4096 or 5120 were common values. You may find that modern Linux uses a larger value. You can use fpathconf() and _PC_PIPE_BUF to find out the size of a pipe buffer. POSIX only requires the buffer to be 512 (that is, _POSIX_PIPE_BUF is 512).
If I write an eof to the stream can I keep continue writing to that stream until I close it?
Technically, there is no way to write EOF to a stream; you close the pipe descriptor to indicate EOF. If you are thinking of control-D or control-Z as an EOF character, then those are just regular characters as far as pipes are concerned - they only have an effect like EOF when typed at a terminal that is running in canonical mode (cooked, or normal).
Are there differences in the behaviour named and unnamed pipes?
Yes, and no. The biggest differences are that unnamed pipes must be set up by one process and can only be used by that process and children who share that process as a common ancestor. By contrast, named pipes can be used by previously unassociated processes. The next big difference is a consequence of the first; with an unnamed pipe, you get back two file descriptors from a single function (system) call to pipe(), but you open a FIFO or named pipe using the regular open() function. (Someone must create a FIFO with the mkfifo() call before you can open it; unnamed pipes do not need any such prior setup.) However, once you have a file descriptor open, there is precious little difference between a named pipe and an unnamed pipe.
Does it matter which end of the pipe I open first with named pipes?
No. The first process to open the FIFO will (normally) block until there's a process with the other end open. If you open it for reading and writing (aconventional but possible) then you won't be blocked; if you use the O_NONBLOCK flag, you won't be blocked.
Is the behaviour of pipes consistent between different Linux systems?
Yes. I've not heard of or experienced any problems with pipes on any of the systems where I've used them.
Does the behaviour of the pipes depend on the shell I'm using or the way I've configured it?
No: pipes and FIFOs are independent of the shell you use.
Are there any other questions I should be asking or issues I should be aware of if I want to use pipes in this way?
Just remember that you must close the reading end of a pipe in the process that will be writing, and the writing end of the pipe in the process that will be reading. If you want bidirectional communication over pipes, use two separate pipes. If you create complicated plumbing arrangements, beware of deadlock - it is possible. A linear pipeline does not deadlock, however (though if the first process never closes its output, the downstream processes may wait indefinitely).
I observed both above and in comments to other answers that pipe buffers are classically limited to quite small sizes. #Charlie Martin counter-commented that some versions of Unix have dynamic pipe buffers and these can be quite large.
I'm not sure which ones he has in mind. I used the test program that follows on Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, MacOS X, Linux and Cygwin / Windows XP (results below):
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
static const char *arg0;
static void err_syserr(char *str)
int errnum = errno;
fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s - (%d) %s\n", arg0, str, errnum, strerror(errnum));
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int pd[2];
pid_t kid;
size_t i = 0;
char buffer[2] = "a";
int flags;
arg0 = argv[0];
if (pipe(pd) != 0)
err_syserr("pipe() failed");
if ((kid = fork()) < 0)
err_syserr("fork() failed");
else if (kid == 0)
/* else */
if (fcntl(pd[1], F_GETFL, &flags) == -1)
err_syserr("fcntl(F_GETFL) failed");
flags |= O_NONBLOCK;
if (fcntl(pd[1], F_SETFL, &flags) == -1)
err_syserr("fcntl(F_SETFL) failed");
while (write(pd[1], buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1) == sizeof(buffer)-1)
if (++i % 50 == 0)
printf("%u\n", (unsigned)i);
if (i % 50 != 0)
printf("%u\n", (unsigned)i);
kill(kid, SIGINT);
return 0;
I'd be curious to get extra results from other platforms. Here are the sizes I found. All the results are larger than I expected, I must confess, but Charlie and I may be debating the meaning of 'quite large' when it comes to buffer sizes.
8196 - HP-UX 11.23 for IA-64 (fcntl(F_SETFL) failed)
16384 - Solaris 10
16384 - MacOS X 10.5 (O_NONBLOCK did not work, though fcntl(F_SETFL) did not fail)
32768 - AIX 5.3
65536 - Cygwin / Windows XP (O_NONBLOCK did not work, though fcntl(F_SETFL) did not fail)
65536 - SuSE Linux 10 (and CentOS) (fcntl(F_SETFL) failed)
One point that is clear from these tests is that O_NONBLOCK works with pipes on some platforms and not on others.
The program creates a pipe, and forks. The child closes the write end of the pipe, and then goes to sleep until it gets a signal - that's what pause() does. The parent then closes the read end of the pipe, and sets the flags on the write descriptor so that it won't block on an attempt to write on a full pipe. It then loops, writing one character at a time, and printing a dot for each character written, and a count and newline every 50 characters. When it detects a write problem (buffer full, since the child is not reading a thing), it stops the loop, writes the final count, and kills the child.
