Why does System V shared memory have separate get and attach functions? - unix

Using System V shared memory IPC requires calls to the following two functions:
int shmget(key_t key, size_t size, int shmflg);
void *shmat(int shmid, const void *shmaddr, int shmflg);
Why are they designed to be separate, instead of having a single function that accepts these arguments, performs both functions and simply returns the address?
We can consider files as an analogy. open on a string (the file path) gives us a file descriptor, and we use that to read/write from the file. We close on the file descriptor when we're done. This design seems natural, we don't have to open with a string to get a descriptor, and then attach to the descriptor.
As an example of what I have in mind, take a look at the FreeBSD sendmail shared memory implementation.
This kind of separation (shm_open and mmap) also exists with POSIX shared memory, but the reason was that mmap existed before shm_open was implemented and could be reused, and mmap requires a descriptor (source: UNIX Network Programming Vol. 2, R. Stevens, chapter 13, page 326).

Shared memory is probably one of the fastest ways of allowing for IPC as data need not be copied, the problem associated with it though is synchronizing access between multiple threads. You could do this using semaphores or record locks , we end up using the later in unix fro shared memory even though they are not as efficient as they are simple, the system cleans up well, and you don't need some of the bling that semaphores bring along.
Lets look into how these work to understand why they are implemented as such.
In comes the shmid_ds used by the linux kernel (http://www.tldp.org/LDP/lpg/node68.html)
the shm_nattch is the unsigned int counter for current attaches. shmget gets you an shm id and sets stuff like the ipc_perm , dates, pid, atime ctime, request of the segment size (shm_segsz)
next the shmctl kicks in and does stuff for ipc using IPC_STAT, IPC_RMID, IPC_SET like setting perms, getting or removing shm_id for a segment or even locking or unlocking it.
Once the segment is ready shmat is used by a process to attach to its address space, depending on the flags and address parameters. Once it attaches the kernel increments the shm_nattch. When detaching we call shmdt to detach . Removal of the identifier and the associated data structure is not automated some process has to do this calling shmctl with the IPC_RMID and depending on shm_perm
As you can see this is all very similar to how one would use semaphores and the implementation makes sense.

One possible reason I could think of is this:
(From the manpage of shmget)
After a fork(2) the child inherits the attached shared memory segments.
After an execve(2) all attached shared memory segments are detached from the process.
Upon _exit(2) all attached shared memory segments are detached from the process.
Well, technically attaching and detaching is basic reference counting on the shared memory segment that is reserved during shmget.
The functionalities of allocating the shared memory segment, via shmget and reference counting them (up or down, via shmat and shmdt respectively), are separate so that, code can be reused during fork and exec.
If they were both packed into the same function, you would anyways need a separate function, which just does reference counting (to be invoked during fork/exec). So, I think this design is simply to promote code reuse, and avoid code duplication.


the suggested way to use clEnqueueMapBuffer and clEnqueueUnmapMemObject when implementing zero copy

I am playing deep learning with opencl, the output size of the tensor is fixed.
In cuda, I can use zero copy via cudaMallocHost, this can be called in the initialization. And I can read the output of the tensor from the host without explicitly calling cudaMemcpy.
It's very efficient since it's called only one time over the entire execution of my program. I don't need to call cudaMallocHost every time after forwarding.
And when I try to implement zero copy in opencl, in some implementations they call clEnqueueMapBuffer and clEnqueueUnmapMemObject every time after forwarding when you want to read the output of the tensor.
Here is the example (https://github.com/alibaba/MNN/blob/master/source/backend/opencl/core/OpenCLBackend.cpp#L291).
But I find that the overhead of clEnqueueMapBuffer can not be neglected, sometimes the latency is quite large.
Is this really suggested way to do so? Can I call clEnqueueMapBuffer only one time in the lifetime of my program and call clEnqueueUnmapMemObject one time when the end of my program? is there any issue to do so?
If your OpenCL implementation supports Shared Virtual Memory (introduced in 2.0), that feature allows you to do something similar, and much more.
For OpenCL 1.x, unless your OpenCL implementation makes any guarantees above and beyond the standard (which I'd expect it to do via an extension), you must unmap a buffer before a kernel gets write access to it, and likewise, you must not allow a kernel to read from it while it is mapped for writing.
This is explained in the clEnqueueMapBuffer specification:
Reads and writes by a kernel executing on a device to a memory region(s) mapped for writing are undefined.
The behavior of writes by a kernel executing on a device to a mapped region of a memory object is undefined.
In version 1.2, this was expanded, but the gist is the same:
If a memory object is currently mapped for writing, the application must ensure that the memory
object is unmapped before any enqueued kernels or commands that read from or write to this
memory object or any of its associated memory objects (sub-buffer or 1D image buffer objects)
or its parent object (if the memory object is a sub-buffer or 1D image buffer object) begin
execution; otherwise the behavior is undefined.
If a memory object is currently mapped for reading, the application must ensure that the memory
object is unmapped before any enqueued kernels or commands that write to this memory object
or any of its associated memory objects (sub-buffer or 1D image buffer objects) or its parent
object (if the memory object is a sub-buffer or 1D image buffer object) begin execution;
otherwise the behavior is undefined.
If you find that map/unmap has a high overhead, you are probably not hitting a zero-copy code path in your OpenCL implementation, and the driver is actually copying the memory contents. If in doubt, check with your implementation vendor to see how they recommend you implement zero-copy buffers in OpenCL. Zero-copy buffers are not guaranteed by the standard.

How to write with a single node in MPI

I want to implement some file io with the routines provided by MPI (in particular Open MPI).
Due to possible limitations of the environment, I wondered, if it is possible to limit the nodes, which are responsible for IO, so that all other nodes are required to perform a hidden mpi_send to this group of processes, to actually write the data. This would be nice in cases, where e.g. the master node is placed on a node with high-performance filesystem and the other nodes have only access to a low-performance filesystem, where the binaries are stored.
Actually, I already found some information, which might be helpful, but I couldn't find further information, how to actually implement these things:
1: There is an info key MPI_IO belonging to the communicator, which tells which ranks provide standard-conforming IO-routines. As this is listed as an environmental inquiry, I don't see, where I could modify this.
2: There is an info key io_nodes_list which seems to belong to file-related info-objects. Unfortunately, the possible values for this key are not documented and Open MPI doesn't seem to implement them in any way. Actually, I can't even get the filename from the info-object which is returned by mpi_file_get_info...
As a workaround, I could imagine two things: On the one hand, I could perform the IO with standard Fortran routines, or on the other hand, create a new communicator, which is responsible for IO. But in both cases, the processes, which are responsible for IO have to check for possible IO from the other processes to perform manual communication and file interaction.
Is there a nice and automatic way to restrict the IO to certain nodes? If yes, how could I implement this?
You explicitly asked about OpenMPI, but there are two MPI-IO implementations in OpenMPI. The old workhorse is ROMIO, the MPI-IO implementation shared among just about every MPI implementation. OpenMPI also has OMPIO, but I don't know a whole lot about tuning that one.
Next, if you want things to happen automatically for you, you'll have to use collective i/o. The independent I/O routines cannot send a message to anyone else -- they are independent and there's no way to know if the other side will be listening.
With those preliminaries out of the way...
You are asking about "i/o aggregaton". There is a bit of information here in the context of another optimization called "deferred open" (and which OMPIO calls Lazy Open)
In short, you can definitely say "only these N processes should do I/O", and then the collective I/O library will exchange data and make sure that happens. The optimization was developed some 15-odd years ago for just the situation you proposed: some nodes being better connected to storage than others (as was the case on the old ASCI Red machine, to give you a sense for how old this optimization is...)
I don't know where you got io_nodes_list. You probably want to use the MPI-IO info keys cb_config_list and cb_nodes
So, you've got a cluster with master1, master2, master3, and compute1, compute2, compute3 (or whatever the hostnames actually are). You can do something like this (in c, sorry. I'm not proficient in Fortran):
MPI_Info info;
MPI_File fh;
MPI_Info_set(info, "cb_config_list", "master1:1,master2:1,master3:1");
With these hints, MPI_File_write_all will aggregate all the I/O through the MPI processes on master1, master2, and master3. ROMIO won't blow up your memory because it will chunk up the I/O into a smaller working set (specified with the "cb_buffer_size" hint: cranking this up, if you have the memory, is a good way to get better performance).
There is a ton of information about the hints you can set in the ROMIO users guide:

Closing opened file descriptors in child process

Is there a way to iterate through already open file descriptors (opened by parent process) and close them one by one in child process?
OS: Unix.
Reason for closure: RLIMIT_NOFILE limit of the setrlimit() constrains the number of file descriptors that a process may allocate.If we want to restrict our child process by setting this limit, it depends on the already allocated file descriptors.
Trying to set this limit in a child process is restricted as the parent process has some open file descriptors and hence we cannot set this limit lesser than that number.
Example: If parent process has 10 file descriptors allocated and we wish to limit the child process file descriptor number to less than 10 (Say 3), we would need to close 7 file descriptors inside the child process.
The solution to this can benefit all those who want to restrict their child process from creating new files or opening new network connections.
The following idiom is not uncommon (this is taken from the C part of MIMEDefang):
/* Number of file descriptors to close when forking */
#define CLOSEFDS 256
static void
int i;
for (i=0; i<CLOSEFDS; i++) {
(void) close(i);
(That's from mimedefang-2.78, the implementation has been changed slightly in later releases.)
It is something of a hack (as the MIMEDefang code freely admitted). In many cases it's more useful to start at FD 3 (or STDERR_FILENO+1) instead of 0. close() returns EBADF with an invalid FD, but this doesn't usually present problems (at least not in C, in other languages an exception may be thrown).
Since you can determine the file-descriptor upper limit with getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE,...) which is defined as:
This is a number one greater than the maximum value that the system may assign to a newly-created descriptor. If this limit is exceeded, functions that allocate a file descriptor shall fail with errno set to [EMFILE]. This limit constrains the number of file descriptors that a process may allocate.
you can use this (subtracting 1) as the upper limit of the loop.
The above and ulimit -n, getconf OPEN_MAX and sysconf(OPEN_MAX) should all agree.
Since open() always assigns the lowest free FD, the maximum number of open files and the highest FD+1 are the same number.
To detemine what fds are open, instead of close() use a no-op lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_CUR) which will return EBADF if the fd is not open (there's no obvious benefit to calling lseek() for a conditional close() though). socat's filan loops over 0 .. FD_SETSIZE calling fstat()/fstat64().
The libslack daemon utility which daemonizes arbitrary processes also uses this brute-force approach (while making sure to keep the first three descriptors open when used under inetd).
In the case where your program can track file handles it is preferable to do so, or use FD_CLOEXEC where available. However, should you wish to code defensively, you might prefer to distrust your parent process, say for an external handler/viewer process started by a browser, e.g. like this long-lived and ancient Mozilla bug on Unix platforms.
For the paranoid (do you want your PDF viewer to inherit every open Firefox FD including your cache, and open TCP connections?):
# you might want to use the value of "ulimit -n" instead of picking 255
for ((fd=3; fd<=255; fd++)); do
exec {fd}<&- # close
exec /usr/local/bin/xpdf "$#"
Update after 15 years this issue was resolved in Firefox 58 (2018) when process creation was changed from the Netscape Portable Runtime (NSPR) API to use LaunchApp.
As far as I know there is no general way to iterate over open file descriptors in Unix/POSIX. The traditional way to handle the problem that you are describing is to keep track of them in your own code, if needed using a data structure such as an array or list, and close them in the child process after fork() but before exec().
Some operating systems, however, offer a potential solution if you are calling exec() after creating the child process. Either by setting the FD_CLOEXEC flag for a file descriptor using fcntl() or with the O_CLOEXEC flag for open() the operating system is instructed to close that specific file descriptor before calling exec(). You will have to consult the documentation of your target operating system(s) to find out if and which of those flags are supported.

How to restrict ALL memory allocation to one NUMA node

I am new to NUMA-aware multithreaded programming. I am writing my code such that all the threads and their memory allocation are restricted to one node. At the beginning of the program, I make the following calls:
struct bitmask *bm = numa_parse_nodestring("0");
if (bm == 0) {
My understanding is that a call to numa_bind in this way would bind all threads and all memory allocation to node 0.
Furthermore, when I start pthreads from this code, I bind them to specific CPUs using:
However, when I look at /proc//numa_maps, I can still see that certain libraries (e.g., libc) are bound to the memory on node 1. How can I make sure that all the memory required by the process is bound to node 0?
Shared libraries like libc can't be bound to a memory bank specified by your process/application. Please see shared-library-numa
Code would tend to get cached in the local processor's L3 cache. Since it's read-only it's unlikely to generate any traffic once it's been loaded into cache. I wouldn't bother with it too much, unless you have profiling information showing it does pose a problem.

Asynchronous MPI with SysV shared memory

We have a large Fortran/MPI code-base which makes use of system-V shared memory segments on a node. We run on fat nodes with 32 processors, but only 2 or 4 NICs, and relatively little memory per CPU; so the idea is that we set up a shared memory segment, on which each CPU performs its calculation (in its block of the SMP array). MPI is then used to handle inter-node communications, but only on the master in the SMP group. The procedure is double-buffered, and has worked nicely for us.
The problem came when we decided to switch to asynchronous comms, for a bit of latency hiding. Since only a couple of CPUs on the node communicate over MPI, but all of the CPUs see the received array (via shared memory), a CPU doesn't know when the communicating CPU has finished, unless we enact some kind of barrier, and then why do asynchronous comms?
The ideal, hypothetical solution would be to put the request tags in an SMP segment and run mpi_request_get_status on the CPU which needs to know. Of course, the request tag is only registered on the communicating CPU, so it doesn't work! Another proposed possibility was to branch a thread off on the communicating thread and use it to run mpi_request_get_status in a loop, with the flag argument in a shared memory segment, so all the other images can see. Unfortunately, that's not an option either, since we are constrained not to use threading libraries.
The only viable option we've come up with seems to work, but feels like a dirty hack. We put an impossible value in the upper-bound address of the receive buffer, that way once the mpi_irecv has completed, the value has changed and hence every CPU knows when it can safely use the buffer. Is that ok? It seems that it would only work reliably if the MPI implementation can be guaranteed to transfer data consecutively. That almost sounds convincing, since we've written this thing in Fortran and so our arrays are contiguous; I would imagine that the access would be also.
Any thoughts?
Here's a pseudo-code template of the kind of thing I'm doing. Haven't got the code as a reference at home, so I hope I haven't forgotten anything crucial, but I'll make sure when I'm back to the office...
pseudo(array_arg1(:,:), array_arg2(:,:)...)
integer, parameter : num_buffers=2
Complex64bit, smp : buffer(:,:,num_buffers)
integer : prev_node, next_node
integer : send_tag(num_buffers), recv_tag(num_buffers)
integer : current, next
integer : num_nodes
boolean : do_comms
boolean, smp : safe(num_buffers)
boolean, smp : calc_complete(num_cores_on_node,num_buffers)
current = 1
next = mod(current,num_buffers)+1
do i=1,num_nodes
check_all_tags_and_set_safe_flags(send_tag, recv_tag, safe) # just in case anything else has finished.
check_tags_and_wait_if_need_be(current, send_tag, recv_tag)
end if
calc_complete(my_rank,current)=calculate_stuff(array_arg1,array_arg2..., buffer(current), bounds_on_process)
if(not calc_complete(my_rank,current)) error("fail!")
check_all_tags_and_set_safe(send_tag, recv_tag, safe)
check_tags_and_wait_if_need_be(next, send_tag, recv_tag)
recv(prev_node, buffer(next), recv_tag(next))
check_tags_and_wait_if_need_be(current, send_tag, recv_tag)
send(next_node, buffer(current), send_tag(current))
end if
end do
end pseudo
So ideally, I would have liked to have run "check_all_tags_and_set_safe_flags" in a loop in another thread on the communicating process, or even better: do away with "safe flags" and make the handle to the sends / receives available on the slaves, then I could run: "check_tags_and_wait_if_need_be(current, send_tag, recv_tag)" (mpi_wait) before the calculation on the slaves instead of "wait_until_true(safe(current))".
"...unless we enact some kind of barrier, and then why do asynchronous comms?"
That sentence is a bit confused. The purpose of asynchrononous communications is to overlap communications and computations; that you can hopefully get some real work done while the communications is going on. But this means you now have two tasks occuring which eventually have to be synchronized, so there has to be something which blocks the tasks at the end of the first communications phase before they go onto the second computation phase (or whatever).
The question of what to do in this case to implement things nicely (it seems like what you've got now works but you're rightly concerned about the fragility of the result) depends on how you're doing the implementation. You use the word threads, but (a) you're using sysv shared memory segments, which you wouldn't need to do if you had threads, and (b) you're constrained not to be using threading libraries, so presumably you actually mean you're fork()ing processes after MPI_Init() or something?
I agree with Hristo that your best bet is almost certainly to use OpenMP for on-node distribution of computation, and would probably greatly simplify your code. It would help to know more about your constraint to not use threading libraries.
Another approach which would still avoid you having to "roll your own" process-based communication layer that you use in addition to MPI would be to have all the processes on the node be MPI processes, but create a few communicators - one to do the global communications, and one "local" communicator per node. Only a couple of processes per node would be a part of a communicator which actually does off-node communications, and the others do work on the shared memory segment. Then you could use MPI-based methods for synchronization (Wait, or Barrier) for the on-node synchronization. The upcoming MPI3 will actually have some explicit support for using local shared memory segments this way.
Finally, if you're absolutely bound and determined to keep doing things through what's essentially your own local-node-only IPC implementation --- since you're already using SysV shared memory segments, you might as well use SysV semaphores to do the synchronization. You're already using your own (somewhat delicate) semaphore-like mechanism to "flag" when the data is ready for computation; here you could use a more robust, already-written semaphore to let the non-MPI processes know when the data is ready for computation (and a similar mechanism to let the MPI process know when the others are done with the computation).
