Easy way to track website user activity - asp.net

We want to track all visitor activities for logged users so we can get better insight into visitor behavior and gather more data for each individual user.
What options are available for something like this that does not require us to add code to every single website page? Are there some existing libraries for this?

Here are couple different options you can try:
If your website uses one or more master pages you can try adding code only to master pages.
Create custom http module you will later integrate into IIS. Check this article for more details


How to track single folder traffic in Google analytics?

I have forum directory on my website. That sub directory is located on http://www.mobilestore.pk/forum I was wondering that how can I track forum traffic only as a separate property in Google Analytics without filtering it from the whole traffic of the website. So I can show the trends of forum to Moderators or Editors.
I don't recommend using a property to break out traffic on the same domain. It's better to use a new view with a filter. Be sure to keep a view that is unfiltered.
If you do decide to use a separate property, you will need to modify the code in all the page templates used in the /forum path to use a different UA tracking ID.
You can add a 2nd tracker for just the forum.
As per Google:
"In some cases you might want to send data to multiple web properties from a single page. This is useful for sites that have multiple owners overseeing sections of a site; each owner could view their own web property."
This exactly fits your scenario
See https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/advanced#multipletrackers

Sharing page across websites in ASP.NET

Here at our company we are trying to figure out how to create one single page and share it across domains in ASP.NET.
We would like to create a simple "cart" page that is the same for all of our clients websites, so that we can include the page from a central location (such as http://ourwebsite.com/thecart.aspx) without duplicating code, and still be able to apply the CSS styles and branding for each client to the page.
How can we share a single page across websites in ASP.NET?
Each of our client's websites are on a different domain, and in some cases may also be on different servers as well.
I think what you want to do is manage one page and have it automatically update the other pages on your client's sites, ideally the same thing as "sharing a resource" no? For that you don't necessarily need to "share" a page, you need an easy process for multiple site deployment of just the single page, errr....I think? In any case, without loading the page via an iframe, or creating a central spot like "cart.somedomain.net" and then pushing the info back and fourth (I assume you'll have shopping cart items), you'd need a way to automate the publish of the page on different sites.
Even if you were to make the "cart" page it's own solution and then just include it in the individual sites, you'd still have the deployment issue. I think you have a few options, some of them previously mentioned:
Create an iframe that loads the page from an external source.
Create a central location for all the domains to push information to for their checkout process (store.somedomain.net or somdomain.net/cart.aspx) and handle it accordingly.
Create an application or script that automates the deployment of the updated resource to multiple sites (I don't know of a tool that does this or I would offer up the name to you, I apologize).
Anyway, I hope that helps, best of luck.
Inherit from and create the page as just another server control in a custom library. You'll of course have it in source control.
In fact, it doesn't need to be a "page", rather a custom server shopping cart control.

Drupal unique login

I have two instances of Drupal on same server instance 1 and instance 2 with different databases. I want to do following functionality so I will go ahead for my work.
Unique login for both instances. When I login to instance 1 then if I open url of instance 2 on same browser then it should not ask for me login.
While any add/update operation perform on instance 1 or instance 2 then user table should be updated in both databases.
Please let me know so I will go ahead.
Thanks in advance.
If there you I would utilize Drupal`s openid (oAuth) technologies. That could be done with some minor coding or even a couple of modules.
That would allow you to create linked accounts but different profiles for each site. You would have a setup like it is here at stackexchange network and some additional functionality.
EDIT: There is a module called OpenID URL.It will give your users ability to use their profile pages as OpenID URLs. You could do it with a just a tad of coding.
Then you could simply copy "Loin with OpenID" URL form your other site and name it "Create joined account..." or something like that.
You could use oAuth technology if you want more advanced connections.
There is also a possibility to create a multisite website.
I have not tried this module yet, but it sounds promising, to solving your first part of the problem: project bakery.
Bakery provides a "single sign on" feature for Drupal based sites that
are on the same second-level domain (i.e. example.com,
subsite.example.com, subsite2.example.com). It could also provide
support for any other website that implements the same web cookie,
xmlrpc, and POST methods.
For the second part I'm very interested in a solution. The only thing I can come up with at the moment, is some kind of RSS feeds. I know you can create nodes based on that.

Adding multiple facebook page tabs from single facebook application using php

I have created a facebook application.
Now i want that using this application i need to add multiple pagetabs in a page.
and all of this i want to do in php
I have completed following steps
1) Logged in to facebook using my php script and got authenticaticationc code for managing pages.
2) Retrieved the list of pages i have in loged in users profile.
Now i don't know how to add a page tab in facebook programmatically.
I know there is a manual option and that is in applications settings to add a page tab
but I want to add it Programmatic using php.
Any help will be very appreciated.
Applications are allowed to have one Page Tab. So if you need to have multiple tabs for same app on single page where is no way to achieve this.
If you desire to add tabs for other applications you just need to issue POST with page access_token (from accounts connection of user who is admin of that page) request to:
You need either repeat that step for every APPLICATION_ID you want to be added as tab or Batch requests. Read more on page tabs creation in documentation for page object

Virtual pages for my plugin

I am currently in the process of making a WordPress Plugin which is going to parse some external data (products) from various web services and present them as normal pages in WordPress.
I would like to avoid actually creating the pages programatically and instead just generate them on the fly to avoid any synchronization issues if a product is deleted and so forth.
My plugin is going to have a base url in which it will hook on to, for example /products/,
and then I would generate each product page by calling /products/some-product-name/.
I also anticipate the need for uri's like /products/category/some-category-name/ which I will use to list all items in that category.
Since I am new to WordPress plugin development, I am looking for some tips and advice to get me started on the right foot. Any help is highly appreciated ;)
I suppose it really depends on where/how you're getting your info from these web services, but I can imagine that the easiest way would be to setup a page as a controller and have it parse out some RSS or XML to build these "virtual pages" by request, so that you're not storing anything in the DB and if the info requested doesn't exist than yes 404 it.
I solved this by adding a filter to rewrite_rules_array and an action catching template_redirect.
