How to copy selective folders into a different directory - unix

folderA contains [dirA, dirB, dirC, fileA, fileB]
I want to copy folderA to folderA-copy without dirB and dirC how should I do that?

Use rsync command exclude option which provides you with option to enter regex for folder/files or specify a file containing all the directories you want to ignore or specify particular directory or file.


WinSCP script to synchronize directories, but exclude several subdirectories

I need to write a script that synchronizes local files with a remote machine.
My file structure is:
I need to synchronize everything, but:
completely ignore .git folder
ignore files in input and output folders, but copy the folder
So far my code is:
open sftp://me:password#server -hostkey="XXXXXXXX"
option batch abort
option confirm off
synchronize remote "C:\Users\MYNAME\Documents\MY FOLDER\Python Projects\ProjectFolder" "/home/MYNAME/py_proj/ProjectFolder" -filemask="|C:\Users\MYNAME\Documents\MY FOLDER\Python Projects\ProjectFolder\.git"
First question: it doesn't seems to work.
Second question, how to add mask for input and output folder if I have spaces in file paths?
Thanks to all in advance.
Masks for directories have to end with a slash.
To exclude files in a specific folder, use something like */folder/*

UNIX: how to zip a folder that contains more folders w/o including any of the folder paths

I' m trying to zip a folder that contains some .json files plus subfolders with more .json files. I need to zip the parent folder with everything included without containing any of the parent or subfolders paths. Is there any way I can do this?
Thank you
I want this:
pending_provider/722c9cb2-268b-4e4a-9000-f7f65e586011-version/1d296136-ac87-424e-89c4-682a63c7b853.json (deflated 68%)
But not this:
pending_provider/722c9cb2-268b-4e4a-9000-f7f65e586011-version/ (stored 0%)
I want to avoid the "stor" compression type which only saves the folder path. I want only the "defN"
So the -j doesn't help me a lot
If you don't want any paths at all you could use the -j option. Below is the man page entry for the option.
Store just the name of a saved file (junk the path), and do not store
directory names. By default, zip will store the full path (relative to
the current directory).
If you just want to exclude directories
Do not create entries in the zip archive for directories.

How to exclude wildcard directory but include wildcard files using rdiff-backup?

I am using rdiff-backup. Really awesome simple powerful backup tool. However I am fighting with wildcard glob patterns. I have this directory structure:
In each cache directory are original files and cache files. Original files are named simply 1.jpg, 2.png, 3.gif, and so on. Cache files have some string attached to the original filename.
So I want to backup all the /data/*/cache directories, but to include only original files, not the cache files.
I am using this command:
rdiff-backup --exclude **/cache --include **/cache/+([0-9]).+([a-z]) /data /backup
But rdiff-backup returns this and I am lost:
Found interrupted initial backup. Removing...
Fatal Error: Last selection expression:
Command-line include glob: **/cache/+([0-9]).+([a-z])
only specifies that files be included. Because the default is to
include all files, the expression is redundant. Exiting because this
probably isn't what you meant.
You might want to do a two step process:
create a list of all files you want to exclude e.g. with find . -name "**/cache" > excludes.lst
use the list with --exclude-filelist excludes.lst
This way you can avoid fighting with the glob option and you have full control over your excludes
From :
A given file is excluded by the file selection system exactly
when the first matching file selection condition
specifies that the file be excluded; otherwise the file is included.
For instance,
rdiff-backup --include /usr --exclude /usr /usr /backup
is exactly the same as
rdiff-backup /usr /backup
because the include and exclude directives match exactly the same
files, and the --include comes first, giving it precedence.
So, in your case, it is complaining about the final --include because if a file gets there (i.e. it isn't matched by the previous --exclude) it will be included whether or not it matches the --include. That's what the error message was trying to say.
As for how to accomplish your goal...
Assuming you do want to exclude only paths of the form: /data/*/cache/[0-9]*.[a-z][a-z][a-z]?* just specify that:
rdiff-backup --exclude '/data/*/cache/[0-9]*.[a-z][a-z][a-z]?*' --exclude '*' /data /backup
This should work (I haven't tested it).

unzip all files and save all contents in a single folder - unix

I have a single directory containing multiple zip files that contain .jpg files.
I need to unzip all files and save all contents (.jpgs files) into a single folder.
Any suggestions on a unix command that does that?
Please note that some of the contents (jpgs) might exist with same name in multiple zipped files, I need to keep all jpgs.
unzip '*.zip' -o -B
as by default these utilities are not installed
see regarding installation
read about -B flag to realize its limitations.

Recursively copy files that match a wildcard combination but not create the directory tree in DOS

I found that I can use xcopy /s to copy all files that match a wildcard combination in a folder to another location. But this command re-creates the folder structure. I do not want the tree. I need just the files dumped into the destination folder. There are no duplicate files in the source folder.
You can use for command:
for /R %%x in (*.cpp) do copy "%%x" "c:\dest\"
If you want to run it directly from command prompt (not from a batch file) use %x instead of %%x.
For your purpose, instead of using xcopy you should use robocopy:
