R optimize linear function - r

I'm new to R and need a little help with a simple optimization.
I want to apply a functional transformation to a variable (sales_revenue) over time (24 month forecast values 1 to 24). Basically I want to push sales revenue for products from later months into earlier month.
The functional transformations on t time is:
I will then want to solve:
1) sales_revenue=sales_revenue*trans
where total_sales_revenue=1,000,000 (or within +/- 2.5%)
total_sales_revenue is the sum of all sales_revenue over the 24 months forecast.
If trans has too many parameters I can fix most of them if required and leave B free to estimate.
I think the approach should be fix all parameters except B, differentiate function (1) (not sure what ti diff by) and solve for a non zero minima (use constraints to make sure its the right minima and no-zero, run optimization on that function with the constraint that the total sum of sales_revenue*trans will be equal (or close to) 1,000,000.

#user2138362, did you mean "1) sales_revenue=total_sales_revenue*trans"?
I'm supposing your parameters A, C and D are fixed, and you want to find B such that the distance between your observed values and your predicted values is minimized.
Let's say your time is in months. So we can write a function to give you the squared distance:
dist <- function(B)
t <- 1:length(sales_revenue)
total_sales_revenue <- sum(sales_revenue)
predicted <- total_sales_revenue * (D+(t/(A+B*t+C*t^2)))
I'm also using the squared euclidean distance as a measure of distance. Make the appropriate changes if that is not the case.
Now, dist is the function you have to minimize. You can use optim, as pointed out by #iTech. But even at the minimum of dist it probably won't be zero, as you have many (24) observations. But you can get the best fit, plot it, and see if it's nice.


How to compute the mean survival time

I'm using the survival library. After computing the Kaplan-Meier estimator of a survival function:
km = survfit(Surv(time, flag) ~ 1)
I know how to compute percentiles:
quantile(km, probs = c(0.05,0.25,0.5,0.75,0.95))
But, how do I compute the mean survival time?
Calculate Mean Survival Time
The mean survival time will in general depend on what value is chosen for the maximum survival time. You can get the restricted mean survival time with print(km, print.rmean=TRUE). By default, this assumes that the longest survival time is equal to the longest survival time in the data. You can set this to a different value by adding an rmean argument (e.g., print(km, print.rmean=TRUE, rmean=250)).
Extract Value of Mean Survival Time and Store in an Object
In response to your comment: I initially figured one could extract the mean survival time by looking at the object returned by print(km, print.rmean=TRUE), but it turns out that print.survfit doesn't return a list object but just returns text to the console.
Instead, I looked through the code of print.survfit (you can see the code by typing getAnywhere(print.survfit) in the console) to see where the mean survival time is calculated. It turns out that a function called survmean takes care of this, but it's not an exported function, meaning R won't recognize the function when you try to run it like a "normal" function. So, to access the function, you need to run the code below (where you need to set rmean explicitly):
survival:::survmean(km, rmean=60)
You'll see that the function returns a list where the first element is a matrix with several named values, including the mean and the standard error of the mean. So, to extract, for example, the mean survival time, you would do:
survival:::survmean(km, rmean=60)[[1]]["*rmean"]
Details on How the Mean Survival Time is Calculated
The help for print.survfit provides details on the options and how the restricted mean is calculated:
The mean and its variance are based on a truncated estimator. That is,
if the last observation(s) is not a death, then the survival curve
estimate does not go to zero and the mean is undefined. There are four
possible approaches to resolve this, which are selected by the rmean
option. The first is to set the upper limit to a constant,
e.g.,rmean=365. In this case the reported mean would be the expected
number of days, out of the first 365, that would be experienced by
each group. This is useful if interest focuses on a fixed period.
Other options are "none" (no estimate), "common" and "individual". The
"common" option uses the maximum time for all curves in the object as
a common upper limit for the auc calculation. For the
"individual"options the mean is computed as the area under each curve,
over the range from 0 to the maximum observed time for that curve.
Since the end point is random, values for different curves are not
comparable and the printed standard errors are an underestimate as
they do not take into account this random variation. This option is
provided mainly for backwards compatability, as this estimate was the
default (only) one in earlier releases of the code. Note that SAS (as
of version 9.3) uses the integral up to the last event time of each
individual curve; we consider this the worst of the choices and do not
provide an option for that calculation.
Using the tail formula (and since our variable is non negative) you can calculate the mean as the integral from 0 to infinity of 1-CDF, which equals the integral of the Survival function.
If we replace a parametric Survival curve with a non parametric KM estimate, the survival curve goes only until the last time point in our dataset. From there on it "assumes" that the line continues straight. So we can use the tail formula in a "restricted" manner only until some cut-off point, which we can define (default is the last time point in our dataset).
You can calculate it using the print function, or manually:
print(km, print.rmean=TRUE) # print function
sum(diff(c(0,km$time))*c(1,km$surv[1:(length(km$surv)-1)])) # manually
I add 0 in the beginning of the time vector, and 1 at the beginning of the survival vector since they're not included. I only take the survival vector up to the last point, since that is the last chunk. This basically calculates the area-under the survival curve up to the last time point in your data.
If you set up a manual cut-off point after the last point, it will simply add that area; e.g., here:
print(km, print.rmean=TRUE, rmean=4) # gives out 1.247
print(km, print.rmean=TRUE, rmean=4+2) # gives out 1.560
1.247+2*min(km$surv) # gives out 1.560
If the cut-off value is below the last, it will only calculate the area-under the KM curve up to that point.
There's no need to use the "hidden" survival:::survmean(km, rmean=60).
Use just summary(km)$table[,5:6], which gives you the RMST and its SE. The CI can be calculated using appropriate quantile of the normal distribution.

Trying to do a simulation in R

I'm pretty new to R, so I hope you can help me!
I'm trying to do a simulation for my Bachelor's thesis, where I want to simulate how a stock evolves.
I've done the simulation in Excel, but the problem is that I can't make that large of a simulation, as the program crashes! Therefore I'm trying in R.
The stock evolves as follows (everything except $\epsilon$ consists of constants which are known):
$$W_{t+\Delta t} = W_t exp^{r \Delta t}(1+\pi(exp((\sigma \lambda -0.5\sigma^2) \Delta t+\sigma \epsilon_{t+\Delta t} \sqrt{\Delta t}-1))$$
The only thing here which is stochastic is $\epsilon$, which is represented by a Brownian motion with N(0,1).
What I've done in Excel:
Made 100 samples with a size of 40. All these samples are standard normal distributed: N(0,1).
Then these outcomes are used to calculate how the stock is affected from these (the normal distribution represent the shocks from the economy).
My problem in R:
I've used the sample function:
x <- sample(norm(0,1), 1000, T)
So I have 1000 samples, which are normally distributed. Now I don't know how to put these results into the formula I have for the evolution of my stock. Can anyone help?
Using R for (discrete) simulation
There are two aspects to your question: conceptual and coding.
Let's deal with the conceptual first, starting with the meaning of your equation:
1. Conceptual issues
The first thing to note is that your evolution equation is continuous in time, so running your simulation as described above means accepting a discretisation of the problem. Whether or not that is appropriate depends on your model and how you have obtained the evolution equation.
If you do run a discrete simulation, then the key decision you have to make is what stepsize $\Delta t$ you will use. You can explore different step-sizes to observe the effect of step-size, or you can proceed analytically and attempt to derive an appropriate step-size.
Once you have your step-size, your simulation consists of pulling new shocks (samples of your standard normal distribution), and evolving the equation iteratively until the desired time has elapsed. The final state $W_t$ is then available for you to analyse however you wish. (If you retain all of the $W_t$, you have a distribution of the trajectory of the system as well, which you can analyse.)
your $x$ are a sampled distribution of your shocks, i.e. they are $\epsilon_t=0$.
To simulate the evolution of the $W_t$, you will need some initial condition $W_0$. What this is depends on what you're modelling. If you're modelling the likely values of a single stock starting at an initial price $W_0$, then your initial state is a 1000 element vector with constant value.
Now evaluate your equation, plugging in all your constants, $W_0$, and your initial shocks $\epsilon_0 = x$ to get the distribution of prices $W_1$.
Repeat: sample $x$ again -- this is now $\epsilon_1$. Plugging this in, gives you $W_2$ etc.
2. Coding the simulation (simple example)
One of the useful features of R is that most operators work element-wise over vectors.
So you can pretty much type in your equation more or less as it is.
I've made a few assumptions about the parameters in your equation, and I've ignored the $\pi$ function -- you can add that in later.
So you end up with code that looks something like this:
dt <- 0.5 # step-size
r <- 1 # parameters
lambda <- 1
sigma <- 1 # std deviation
w0 <- rep(1,1000) # presumed initial condition -- prices start at 1
# Show an example iteration -- incorporate into one line for production code...
x <- rnorm(1000,mean=0,sd=1) # random shock
w1 <- w0*exp(r*dt)*(1+exp((sigma*lambda-0.5*sigma^2)*dt +
sigma*x*sqrt(dt) -1)) # evolution
When you're ready to let the simulation run, then merge the last two lines, i.e. include the sampling statement in the evolution statement. You then get one line of code which you can run manually or embed into a loop, along with any other analysis you want to run.
# General simulation step
w <- w*exp(r*dt)*(1+exp((sigma*lambda-0.5*sigma^2)*dt +
sigma*rnorm(1000,mean=0,sd=1)*sqrt(dt) -1))
You can also easily visualise the changes and obtain summary statistics (5-number summary):
Of course, you'll still need to work through the details of what you actually want to model and how you want to go about analysing it --- and you've got the $\pi$ function to deal with --- but this should get you started toward using R for discrete simulation.

Random Data Sets within loops

Here is what I want to do:
I have a time series data frame with let us say 100 time-series of length 600 - each in one column of the data frame.
I want to pick up 4 of the time-series randomly and then assign them random weights that sum up to one (ie 0.1, 0.5, 0.3, 0.1). Using those I want to compute the mean of the sum of the 4 weighted time series variables (e.g. convex combination).
I want to do this let us say 100k times and store each result in the form
ts1.name, ts2.name, ts3.name, ts4.name, weight1, weight2, weight3, weight4, mean
so that I get a 9*100k df.
I tried some things already but R is very bad with loops and I know vector oriented
solutions are better because of R design.
Here is what I did and I know it is horrible
The df is in the form
for (x in 1:100000)
s=sample(1:100,4)#pick 4 variables randomly
e=c(a,b,c,d)#4 random weights
e=rbind(e,s,average)#in the end i get the 9*100k df
The procedure runs way to slow.
Thanks for the help i had,i am not used to think R and i am not very used to translate every problem into a matrix algebra equation which is what you need in R.
Then the problem becomes a little bit complex if i want to calculate the standard deviation.
i need the covariance matrix and i am not sure i can if/how i can pick random elements for each sample from the original timeseries.df covariance matrix then compute the sample variance
to get in the end the ts.weighted_standard_dev matrix
Last question what is the best way to proceed if i want to bootstrap the original df
x times and then apply the same computations to test the robustness of my datas
Ok, let me try to solve your problem. As a foreword: I can think of no application where it is sensible to do what you are doing. However, that is for you to judge (non the less I would be interested in the application...)
First, note that the mean of the weighted sums equals the weighted sum of the means, as:
Let's generate some sample data:
timeseries.df <- data.frame(matrix(runif(1000, 1, 10), ncol=40))
n <- 4 # number of items in the convex combination
replications <- 100 # number of replications
Thus, we may first compute the mean of all columns and do all further computations using this mean:
ts.means <- apply(timeseries.df, 2, mean)
Let's create some samples:
samples <- replicate(replications, sample(1:length(ts.means), n))
and the corresponding weights for those samples:
weights <- matrix(runif(replications*n), nrow=n)
# Now norm the weights so that each column sums up to 1:
weights <- weights / matrix(apply(weights, 2, sum), nrow=n, ncol=replications, byrow=T)
That part was a little bit tricky. Run the single functions on each own with a small number of replications to figure out what they are doing. Note that I took a different approach for generating the weights: First get uniformly distributed data and then norm them by their sum. The result should be identical to your approach, but with arbitrary resolution and much better performance.
Again a little bit trick: Get the means for each time series and multiply them with the weights just computed:
ts.weightedmeans <- matrix(ts.means[samples], nrow=n) * weights
# and sum them up:
weights.sum <- apply(ts.weightedmeans, 2, sum)
Now, we are basically done - all information are available and ready to use. The rest is just a matter of correctly formatting the data.frame.
result <- data.frame(t(matrix(names(ts.means)[samples], nrow=n)), t(weights), weights.sum)
# For perfectness, use better names:
colnames(result) <- c(paste("Sample", 1:n, sep=''), paste("Weight", 1:n, sep=''), "WeightedMean")
I would assume this approach to be rather fast - on my system the code took 1.25 seconds with the amount of repetitions you stated.
Final word: You were in luck that I was looking for something that kept me thinking for a while. Your question was not asked in a way to encourage users to think about your problem and give good answers. The next time you have a problem, I would suggest you to read www.whathaveyoutried.com before and try to break down the problem as far as you are able to. The more concrete your problem, the faster and of higher quality your answers will be.
You mentioned correctly that the weights generated above are not uniformly distributed over the whole range of values. (I still have to object that even (0.9, 0.05, 0.025, 0.025) is possible, but it is very unlikely).
Now we are playing in a different league, though. I am pretty sure that the approach you took is not uniformly distributed as well - the probability of the last value being 0.9 is far less than the probability of the first one being that large. Honestly I do not have a good idea ready for you concerning the generation of uniformly distributed random numbers on the unit sphere according to the L_1 distance. (Actually, it is not really a unit sphere, but both problems should be identical).
Thus, I have to give up on this.
I would suggest you to raise a new question at stats.stackexchange.com concerning the generation of those random vectors. It probably is fairly simple using the correct technique. However, I doubt that this question with that heading and a fairly long answer will attract a potential responder... (If you ask the question over there, I would appreciate a link, as I would like to know the solution ;)
Concerning the variance: I do not fully understand which standard deviation you want to compute. If you just want to compute the standard deviation of each time series, why do you not use the built-in function sd? In the computation above you could just replace mean by it.
Bootstrapping: That is a whole new question. Separate different topics by starting new questions.

Getting the next observation from a HMM gaussian mixture distribution

I have a continuous univariate xts object of length 1000, which I have converted into a data.frame called x to be used by the package RHmm.
I have already chosen that there are going to be 5 states and 4 gaussian distributions in the mixed distribution.
What I'm after is the expected mean value for the next observation. How do I go about getting that?
So what I have so far is:
a transition matrix from running the HMMFit() function
a set of means and variances for each of the gaussian distributions in the mixture, along with their respective proportions, all of which was also generated form the HMMFit() function
a list of past hidden states relating to the input data when using the output of the HMMFit function and putting it into the viterbi function
How would I go about getting the next hidden state (i.e. the 1001st value) from what I've got, and then using it to get the weighted mean from the gaussian distributions.
I think I'm pretty close just not too sure what the next part is...The last state is state 5, do I use the 5th row in the transition matrix somehow to get the next state?
All I'm after is the weighted mean for what is to be expect in the next observation, so the next hidden state isn't even necessary. Do I multiply the probabilities in row 5 by each of the means, weighted to their proportion for each state? and then sum it all together?
here is the code I used.
# have used 2000 iterations to ensure convergence
a <- HMMFit(x, nStates=5, nMixt=4, dis="MIXTURE", control=list(iter=2000)
v <- viterbi(a,x)
As always any help would be greatly appreciated!
Next predicted value uses last hidden state last(v$states) to get probability weights from the transition matrix a$HMM$transMat[last(v$states),] for each state the distribution means a$HMM$distribution$mean are weighted by proportions a$HMM$distribution$proportion, then its all multiplied together and summed. So in the above case it would be as follows:
sum(a$HMM$transMat[last(v$states),] * .colSums((matrix(unlist(a$HMM$distribution$mean), nrow=4,ncol=5)) * (matrix(unlist(a$HMM$distribution$proportion), nrow=4,ncol=5)), m=4,n=5))

mathematical model to build a ranking/ scoring system

I want to rank a set of sellers. Each seller is defined by parameters var1,var2,var3,var4...var20. I want to score each of the sellers.
Currently I am calculating score by assigning weights on these parameters(Say 10% to var1, 20 % to var2 and so on), and these weights are determined based on my gut feeling.
my score equation looks like
score = w1* var1 +w2* var2+...+w20*var20
score = 0.1*var1+ 0.5 *var2 + .05*var3+........+0.0001*var20
My score equation could also look like
score = w1^2* var1 +w2* var2+...+w20^5*var20
where var1,var2,..var20 are normalized.
Which equation should I use?
What are the methods to scientifically determine, what weights to assign?
I want to optimize these weights to revamp the scoring mechanism using some data oriented approach to achieve a more relevant score.
I have following features for sellers
1] Order fulfillment rates [numeric]
2] Order cancel rate [numeric]
3] User rating [1-5] { 1-2 : Worst, 3: Average , 5: Good} [categorical]
4] Time taken to confirm the order. (shorter the time taken better is the seller) [numeric]
5] Price competitiveness
Are there better algorithms/approaches to solve this problem? calculating score? i.e I linearly added the various features, I want to know better approach to build the ranking system?
How to come with the values for the weights?
Apart from using above features, few more that I can think of are ratio of positive to negative reviews, rate of damaged goods etc. How will these fit into my Score equation?
Unfortunately stackoverflow doesn't have latex so images will have to do:
Also as a disclaimer, I don't think this is a concise answer but your question is quite broad. This has not been tested but is an approach I would most likely take given a similar problem.
As a possible direction to go, below is the multivariate gaussian. The idea would be that each parameter is in its own dimension and therefore could be weighted by importance. Example:
Sigma = [1,0,0;0,2,0;0,0,3] for a vector [x1,x2,x3] the x1 would have the greatest importance.
The co-variance matrix Sigma takes care of scaling in each dimension. To achieve this simply add the weights to a diagonal matrix nxn to the diagonal elements. You are not really concerned with the cross terms.
Mu is the average of all logs in your data for your sellers and is a vector.
xis the mean of every category for a particular seller and is as a vector x = {x1,x2,x3...,xn}. This is a continuously updated value as more data are collected.
The parameters of the the function based on the total dataset should evolve as well. That way biased voting especially in the "feelings" based categories can be weeded out.
After that setup the evaluation of the function f_x can be played with to give the desired results. This is a probability density function, but its utility is not restricted to stats.
