How to add a custom font (.TTF) in BB cascades? - qt

I am developing an app in which I need to have a label with my custom fonts.
I can't find a solution to load a .ttf file into qml. Any ideas?

Pressently with the cascades/Qt framework it is not supported,It will be supported in future releases.
Plz refer cascades roadmaps

It could be tricky getting it into QML, the recommended way for using fonts is: QFontDatabase::addApplicationFont but I'm unsure if that'll work on Blackberry as it does have issues on various platforms.

both solutions are wrong the proper one what i use is to create a weview and add fonts in the webview and then you can have the 2 way communication between the webview and the qml.
Please take a look at the funkypigeon app when you crete inside text of the card.


It is possible to find out which font in psd is using gimp? Or using another app on ubuntu?

Need to find out which font in psd is, using gimp. It is possible? Or please tell how can i do it maybe with another app on Ubuntu?
I had the same problem some time ago using Gimp: unfortunatly it rasterizes .PSD fonts, rendering them as images, so if you are looking for some free tools, I've created a PSD fotn extractor from Melitingice Github project psd.js.
If you need more than just font info, I've started something more complex here, with layers and image export.
hope it helps
You can use App and also browser:

Getting all font families in React JS

I am new to ReactJS. I am trying to display all the font families in a dropdown, so that if i select one of the font family the text (displayed in a SVG) font-family will change.
I know in .net we can use System.Drawing.FontFamily.Families to get all the font familes. Like wise in react is there anything? Or else is there any other way to do this?
Thanks in advance...
You want to get all the available fonts on current machine, right?
I think there is no way to do that.
But with some trick we still can list almost available fonts on the current machine with:
1. A list of fonts
Windows fonts
Mac fonts
Some common fonts
2. JavaScript font detector
You got the idea, right? Now we just need to check what fonts are available in our font list and display them in the dropdown.
If you are building a web application using React, then it is impossible. For that matter, it is impossible with any library or framework. There is no JS API exposed by browsers that allow you get a list of all the fonts installed in the system (It can be a security issue).
However, if you are using React to build a Desktop application using electron.js or node-webkit.js, then you can export a binding for system API call to JavaScript and get this list. But it is a very cumbersome process. (I thought of this because you are comparing .net API with Web API.)
In general, as #Jared suggested, that is what most of the online(web applications) tools do when they want to provide font-selection dropdown for users.

Building a Custom Browser in JavaFx 8

I am interested in building a custom browser in javafx 8 using the WebView component as a personal project. One of the features I hope to include is the ability to play flash video / sound. I'm not sure where to start so I'm hoping someone here could give me a few pointers as to how I'd go about accomplishing this.
Also, if you're aware of any resources out there that might come in handy when it comes to adding additional functionality I'd appreciate it. I'm hoping to make this fairly full featured.
Thanks in advance!
I'd stop this project because WebView does not support flash videos.
It looks like I found a component that meets my requirements. JxBrowser.

How to maintain an icon font from SVG files

We have an icon font (and relevant CSS code) for an icon font pack. However we need to add more icons to the pack or edit some of the current ones.
The question is: how can we do it without having an expensive font-design software? We've bought Glyph Mini for Mac but it would be great if there was a free service that you could just go there, upload your SVG files and get a new font file. That way you could have a directory full of SVG files and when you edit or add something, you can "compile" your own font. It would be even better if there was such compiler that we could use from command line. However, I haven't seen such tools.
Anyone aware of neat free solutions to this problem?
I'd suggest you to use gulp-iconfont or even svgicons2svgfont/svg2ttf/ttf2eot/ttf2woff/ttf2woff2 for pure CLI toolchain, see
I have recently discovered IcoMoon app. It is free and I think it is great for what you need. Here is the link:
I usually use: IcoMoon
You can combine free fonts and also add yours, give it a try,

MonoTouch css styling

I am new to monotouch and wanted to know if there is a simple way to implement css styling in any of the types of views/viewcontrollers? I have read about WebViews, worked with UIViewControllers, but I want to build an app that is basic styling for now that I can update later with css styling from a design organization. Anyone know anything about this?
iOS 5 has some limited support for global styling. Miguel has a post that explains how to use it in MonoTouch.
Interestingly enough there was a project on which ended up getting funded which allows you to use CSS3 to style iOS and soon Android apps. It actaully works really well.
