Show constant URL for site in -

I have a web site with number of pages, developing in
I have a page URL's like:
But the end user is at any page, i would like to show the URL like "".
Is there any setting in web.config ? If not, is there any other way ?
Please help me...
Thanks in advance.

You can not keep one single URL for different page - but you can do some tricks to simulate it.
To make the url stay the same, but the content change, you need to make some trick.
I am not recommend, search engines they will not follow what you do and they show each page different, user can not make bookmark, and average user can easy find the real url of the page, even with one different click on the browser can find it.
One trick is to use frames, or iframes. On the main page you load all the rest inside an iframe, or inside a frame.
Second trick is to use ajax to load each other content.
And finally you can use session to know what to show on the user, user did not change links, but make post back that change the content.


How to not reload iFrame between page clicks

I'm having a tough nut to crack here.
I have the following situation:
- in an iFrame (no way around it) I'm loading an external website/application.
- This iFrame is on one page and one page only.
- Whenever you visit the iFrame page the first time a certain load time is needed for the applicaton (about 5seconds on average).
- In the application you can change the view and parameters etc.
- When you leave that page and go to another, and return later on to the iFrame page the requirement is that there is no load, and the content of the iFrame is as you have left it earlier.
I know this can be done by using frames (which are so 90's) but I really don't want to do that. There has to be a more modern way of doing it.
Just to note, the website around the iFrame is using Sitecore, so this might be a limiting factor in some solutions.
The things I have thought of:
- use 2 frames, one for the header with navigation, and another for the content. In that way the iframe never has to reload and we have moved back in time... :(
- ever click is an Ajax call, the iFrame is in a div that is hidden until the right button is clicked.
And then I found something called BigPipe. I haven't found an ASP.NET implementation yet, but I was hoping someone already had some experience with this.
Anyone any better ideas?
If your iFrame is a control on a Sitecore sublayout or rendering (or can be moved to a rendering/sublyaout), you can check off the Cacheable option on the sublayout and set it to vary by content or device or whatever depending on what it is. Then you will have the content of that frame in Sitecore's cache, which is managed by Sitecore and it'll always render the cached version whenever possible and should basically solve your dilemma.

How to serve different cached versions of a page depending on a cookie in Drupal?

The task is relatively straightforward:
A Drupal website displays a list of articles with thumbnails. Some visitors would like to view it without images by clicking on a button/link and have that preference saved.
The problem is all visitors are anonymous and given certain traffic, page cache is enabled.
My idea was to use some simple JavaScript to set a cookie, refresh the page and depending on the cookie values (or its presence/absence) display or hide the images.
Except Drupal serves cached pages quite early and the only quick way to modify the cached version that I could find is by hacking includes/ and add a custom class to the body classes then hide the images with css.
A very wrong approach, I know. But I wonder if there is a way to save different versions of a page and serve the correct version?
need to keep the same uri
the js to show/hide the images without reload and set the cookie is already in place
hook_boot() is not really called for cached pages, so can't do it via custom module
.htaccess mods?
In the end went with Rimian's suggestion. But it is possible to accomplish the task using our own implementation as seen in the Mobile Tools module. Specifically, by extending and updating settings.php to include
$conf['page_cache_fastpath'] = FALSE;
$conf['cache_inc'] = 'path/to/my/module/';
So let me get this right. You wanna hide some images on a cached page if the user chooses to?
Why don't you write some jQuery or javascript and load that into your cached page with all the rest of the document?
Then, the client/browser would decide to run your script and hide images depending on some parameters you passed along with the request to that page or in the cookie? The script gets cached and only runs when you call it.
If you were hacking the bootstrap for something like that you'd really need to be rethinking what you were doing. Crazy! :)
Also take a look at cache_get and cache_set:
I'm not sure I 100% understand what you are trying to do but here are my thoughts. One of your root problems is that you are trying to access what is essentially different content at the same uri.
If this is truly what you want to do, then Rimian's suggestion of checking out chache_get and chache_set may be worthwhile.
Personally, it seems cleaner to me to have your "with thumbnails" and "without thumbnails" be accessed via different uri's. Depending on exactly what you are wanting to accomplish, a GET variable my be an even better way to go. With either of these two options you would hide or show your thumbnails at the theme layer. Pages with different paths or get variables would get cached separately.
If you want the visitor to be able to switch views without a page reload, then jQuery and a cookie would probably suite your needs. This wouldn't require a page reload and switching back and forth would be quite simple. url concealment?

In my 2005 app, I would like conceal the app structure from the user. Currently, the end user can learn intimate details of my web app as they navigate and watch the url change. I don't want the end user to know about my application structure. I would like the browser url to not change if possible. Please advise.
URL rewriting is the only one that can provide any kind of real concealment.
Just moving the requests to AJAX or to frames, means anyone (well, more advanced users) can still see those requests being fired, just not in the address bar.
Simplest solution is to use frames - a single frame that holds your application and is 100% * 100%. The URL will not change though the underlying URL can still be seen via "View Frame info", however only advanced users will even figure that out.
In your pages, make sure that they are contained inside the holding frame.
A couple of possibilities.
1) use AJAX to power everything. This will mean that the user never leaves the home page
2) use postbacks to power everything. In this, you'd have all those pages be user controls which you progrmattically hide or show.
3) URL rewriting (especially if this is 3.0 or later)
My site uses url parameters to dynamically load ascx files into a single main aspx. So if I get 'page_id=123' on the query string, I load the corresponding ascx. The url changes, but only the query string - the domain part remains the same.
If you want the url to remain precisely the same at all times, then frames (per Oded) or ajax (per Stephen) are probably the only ways to do it.
Short answer: use URL encryption
A simple & straight article:
and another article:

Which one is better when we want to redirect to a new page in : using a link button and then Response.Redirect OR using an html <a> link?

Which one is better when we want to redirect to a new page in : using a link button and then Response.Redirect OR using an html link?
Depends on your needs:
Use the <a> tag if there's no need for you to do anything with the form/page you're directing from
use response.redirect if you need information from the form before moving on to the next page, for example to update session states or store intermediate results.
well an anchor tag elimates a round trip to the server.
If you are just linking to another page with a static URL, use an HTML anchor link. It will have better performance and only requires code in one place: the page.
If you need to perform operations on the server before the redirect, including manipulating the URL (e.g. dynamically creating querystring parameters), then use a server control (button, link, linkbutton).
I would use the anchor tag. It seems that with the redirect you are doing extra work with the round trip for not much gain besides using the link button control (at least this is what I am surmising from your question, there are valid reasons to use it). Also (not that this will likely make a difference in your case) it does cause and additional status code to be sent to the browser (302), telling the client application something is potentially amiss). If you are working on a highly secure site and or have non-browser applications accessing the page to pull information, this could be a problem.
Actually you have a third option which might suit your needs. Depending on the way your pages are setup and what you need to do, you can use Server.Transfer also.
If you want to use a button instead of a link just for the way it looks, you can use javascript to change the location of the page in the button's onclick also saving you a trip to the server.

Ways to track the referring page to create other links?

I need to be able to determine which page the user just came from to determine which links to display, such as breadcrumbs or links to the previous next item. This is basically the HTTP_REFERER functionality in PHP, but I need a way of tracking it across multiple pages. I also need to "support" the back button.
I have noticed that Facebook uses a query/get parameter of "ref" to track the referring page. (They also avoid reloading the entire page, using AJAX instead but I'm don't have the budget to do that right now.) Also, the site I'm working on needs to be indexed by Google, so this method will also require that I add the canonical link tag.
I'm wondering if the ref/referrer query parameter is the best method or what other options there are?
If you want breadcrumbs, you shouldn't be using HTTP_REFERER at all. It should be a logical path to get to where they are, no matter where they came from, like User > Albums > AlbumName > Photo, even if they came from a direct link their friend gave them. That said, if you do want to go back a few pages, just store them as a an array in a SESSION variable.
I'm pretty sure Facebook just uses the ref GET variable to collect some statistics on which buttons users are using, since there are multiple ways to get to the same page.
None of this should break the back button, or intefere with your canonical tag.
From comments: You could use a ?ref=blah tag, or session variables, ($_SESSION['history'][0] = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] or REQUEST_URI). Use whatever you find easiest. Session variables rely on cookies or passing an ID through the URL, GETs just clutter the URL and might get passed around to friends.
