I have an app which ties members to their respective groups the moment they complete registeration. e.g Payroll staffs --> Payroll group, Helpdesk staffs --> Helpdesk group. I want to make use of signalR to cater for their notification requirements so whenever Payroll staffs does something significant that requires to notify the rest, it publishes a message and only those inside the Payroll group will receive the notification.
A staff is not restricted to only one group but unlimited no. of groups depending on the company requirements.
I am not exactly sure how to go about this but what I can think of is when the moment a staff signs in, my app gets data from the db, maybe a string of concatened groups and does a loop to 'subscribes' to all the groups they belong to and after that store that group infomation data from the db in a session variable and use it as a subscription list everytime the user changes page so that they can receive notifications throughout their session on the app.
Anyone has got any suggestion to handle my situation better? Thanks.
Product: Web App.
Technologies: Firebase, JavaScript, Cloud Functions.
Hello I am dealing with the task of creating a trial account for new users in order of testing an app to know if it fits theirs requirements.Then, within trial time, users can decide if they want to suscribe or not.
This is my initial idea:
A potential new user discovers the landing page of the app
The user is interested in the app and creates a new account
The new account has a trial period (15 days free)
Whithin this trial period the user has to subscribe (Stripe) or the account is disabled/removed
I know that Stripe can deal with trial periods, but you first have to fill the payment data (credit card, etc). I want to avoid this, so I want to control the trial time and let the user try the app without asking him for payment data.
My cuestion is that after creating the user account, in which way could I count the trial period ?
Do I have to use Cloud Functions to count the trial period? Any orientation about how to count the trial period with Cloud Functions? Do I have to check the new accounts every day or something like that or is there any other way to get a notice after the trial period is over?
Any other approches?
My cuestion is that after creating the user account, in which way could I count the trial period ?
When the user creates an account, store a timestamp of creation date for your document. When the user logs in, check if this timeStamp has passed 15 days or not.
You can also capture the time of creating the account in your app, add to it 15 days in the future, and then save this new [expiry date] in your user account info document.
Whenever this user logs in, first check, if the expiry date is before\after the current date. If it's after the current date(time of login), do your logic and tell them that the trial period is over.
How to create a room using rest API in mesibo so that we can generate the room id and secret and send it to users. Basically, the use case is
I want to use mesibo for the tutoring sessions. So we need a way to be able to create a link within the tutoring app that will bring the user directly into the correct conference. The Mesibo demo currently asks for the person's name, room number, etc. We don't want any questions asked. It should go straight from the application portal to the Mesibo conference. So the link can contain the encrypted information about the conference, such as the person's name, the room number, and the start time. Once the tutoring session is over, the links should stop working; each link should be good for only that one conference, and it should expire after.
I have successfully created the create user, regenerate user token, create group API I want to move forward to create room and let people join it.
Let me know if that's a possible cause in the documentation it's not mentioned anywhere.
a conference room is a mesibo group. The participants are members of a group. To create a conference room, you essentially need to create a mesibo group and add participants to it. Refer to the documentation here, it has one entire section on creating room using APIs
We have just linked our GA360 account to BigQuery but we noticed from the docs that the userId doesn't get exported. This is really annoying as one of our main use case was to join the userId with our CRM system.
Why is Google not exporting the userId ? Is there workaround ?
Thank you for your answers.
The solution is to create a User level custom dimension and pass your user's ID into that as well.
There's no restriction on exporting your custom dimensions, and these are exported to BigQuery.
Enjoy :)
How User-ID works
User-ID enables the association of one or more sessions (and the activity within those sessions) with a unique and persistent ID that you send to Analytics.
To implement User-ID, you must be able to generate your own unique IDs, consistently assign IDs to users, and include these IDs wherever you send data to Analytics.
For example, you could send the unique IDs generated by your own authentication system to Analytics as values for User-ID. Any engagement, like link clicks and page or screen navigation, that happen while a unique ID is assigned can be sent to Analytics and connected via User-ID.
In an Analytics implementation without the User-ID feature, a unique user is counted each time your content is accessed from a different device and each time there’s a new session. For example, a search on a phone one day, purchase on a laptop three days later, and request for customer service on a tablet a month after that are counted as three unique users in a standard Analytics implementation, even if all those actions took place while a user was signed in to an account. While you can collect data about each of those interactions and devices, you can’t determine their relevance to one another. You only see independent data points.
When you implement User-ID, you can identify related actions and devices and connect these seemingly independent data points. That same search on a phone, purchase on a laptop, and re-engagement on a tablet that previously looked like three unrelated actions on unrelated devices can now be understood as one user’s interactions with your business.
From Google analytics about the userid feature the user id is used in the background by google analytics to analyse your data.
If you want to analyse on the user id you can just add it as a custom dimension you will then be able to see it.
We're creating a flow for boarding new customers and would like to use the enhanced ecommerce tracking of universal analytics to track the boarding steps.
A single applicant fills in a form supplying information about their business and delivery addresses and such. The problem is that after the application has been submitted, the applicants need to electronically sign an agreement. There can be multiple people signing, and the person signing therefor doesn't necessarily need to be the same person that filled in the application. Is it possible to track a flow where another user/session takes over and finalizes the application?
If all participants in the application process sign in with a token - same token for all - you can set it as userID and enable session stitching - you'll need special userID view (and update your privacy policy) which will only show visits for which the userID was set and will recognize users across multiple computers, devices etc.
However this will still give you aggregated data only, so if you want to track individual users in addition to the flow you have to set the userID as a custom dimension (talk to your lawyer first, even with an anonymous ID profile building might be a privacy issue). The userID must contain nothing that would allow anybody but your own company to identify a specific user or device (no e-mail-addresses, no MAC addresses etc). Then you can pull the individual data with the custom dimension as key and match it with your CRM data.
No guarantees, but that seems the closest you can get to your requirements using GA.
Basically I have a site in which I want my clients to be owners of a group, and then anonymous users can add nodes through their group and my clients will receive notification if someone adds a node in their group.
Basically the service is a lead generation service so in effect the content type is a landing page and when anonymous users go to put their details in, dependent on which group they do it through, the client will receive the notification.
i.e. My clients group is www.example.com/group1 and they send out a link with their URL to generate some leads.
Once this node has been created, will it be possible to notify the group1 owner (I assume if I set the correct Rules)?
On top of this, I want the group1 owner to be able to login and see a Views display of all the nodes that have been created in their group.
I assume Organic Groups is the wway to go here, but I may be mistaken - any hep would be appreciated.
Unless this has dramatically changed in D7, I don't think you're going to be able to let anonymous users post into Groups. The whole concept and structure of OG relies on users being logged in and identifiable.
In other words, I think you have to be a member of a Group to post in it, and anonymous (user 0) can never belong to a Group.