overflow:hidden on iOS not working - css

I have a sidebar that slides out when you click the button on the left, the problem however, is that on iOS I get horizontal scroll bars on the page when I click it.
Which I don't when I click it on a desktop browser, because it adds a class with overflow:hidden to the body class.
In theory this should prevent the same unwanted horizontal scrolling on the iPhone too, but it doesn't for reasons i cannot work out.
I could apply overflow-x:hidden to the html element, but that seems to jump the page to the top regardless of where you are, which is unwanted behaviour.

You need to apply overflow:hidden; and position:relative; to both and and they also can't be display:table, display:block works. Specifying the height and width may help as well.

I don't know a solution that will enable you to use overflow: hidden; based on the information you are giving. I can however advise you to use iScroll for mobile scrolling!
Take a look at it on cubiq's website


CSS absolutely positioned menus on M&S's mobile website, how?

Not sure if this is the appropriate place to ask this, if not, where? It is a code question, but the code is on a website and hard to paste here.
I'm looking at M&S's mobile site, and their slide in menu system to be specific. If you go to http://www.marksandspencer.com in Chrome, open the dev tools and use the device toolbar, it should display as if on a mobile device.
The menu is series of div's inside a nav. The div's are position: absolute;, but somehow the content doesn't get cut off at the bottom, the page expands to the height of the menu, even when it's way past the bottom of the footer.
Obviously positioning an element absolutely takes it out of the normal flow, and so would be cut off at the bottom of the footer.
Can anyone see how they've managed to achieve this..? That is, having their absolutely positioned div's not cut off. I can't see any manual setting of a height property anywhere.
To see the effect, go to the home page, set the viewport width to about 500px, then open the menu, clicking on 'Men' then 'Clothing'. This leads to the menu being higher than the content of the page.
Looking at the div with classes mcp-nav-primary__submenu-container is-active you can see it's position: absolute;.
I'm not asking for someone to write code for me.
I'm asking if anyone can see how M&S have achieved this effect..?
You learn something new every day. Apparently nothing has to be done to achieve this. The window expands by itself. Note however that the height of the body and html does not expand. And if you set overflow: hidden on the body it is cut off as you expected.
See this fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/uhqtk13a/

"overflow: hidden" on "body" produces glitchy scrollbar with USB mouse

I'm building a web application and testing with Google Chrome. I have a sidebar element where, if I hover over that element, I want to disable scrolling for the body element.
I achieved this by setting overflow: hidden on the body tag using CSS whenever a user hovers over the sidebar. I tested this on a browser without a USB mouse plugged in, and it worked great:
Sidebar Closed (body scrollbar visible)
Sidebar Open - Bad (body scrollbar still visible, producing an ugly overlap)
Sidebar Open - Good (my fix: hiding body scrollbar, so that sidebar scrollbar displays alone)
This works because Google Chrome doesn't render scrollbars as actual elements (that have widths). However, when I plug in my USB mouse, the scrollbars now do have widths. And thus, when I move my mouse from outside the scrollbar to inside the scrollbar, the width suddenly changes:
Before Hover (body scrollbar visible)
After Hover - Bad (body scrollbar hidden, suddenly decreasing the width of the whole sidebar)
This produces a really ugly and glitchy visual effect, where the widths of elements change when you hover over them. I've looked everywhere for a solution to this... any help would be much appreciated! Thanks so much!
If you are on a mac, chances are your OS is adding the scroll bar when you plug in the mouse, a scroll bar that will override most CSS selectors.
There is not a way to override this with CSS that I am aware of. If you change your system preferences you will find your website behaving the way you intended.
System Preferences -> General -> Show Scroll Bars -> Change from [ALWAYS] to [WHEN SCROLLING]
.MY_CSS_CLASS::-webkit-scrollbar {
width: 0px;
height: 0px;
background: transparent;
This fixed my issue with ugly scrollbar being displayed when mouse is connected.
Specifying width to the body element will keep content width constant.
Here is the working example: https://jsfiddle.net/fuhacLtn/2/
First, you should pay attention to the rendering with other browsers and with chrome windows. As you know, the windows scroll bar is clearly not the same and is not rendered in the same way. You might have surprises with this.
Otherwise you maybe should pay attention to jQuery custom content scroller plugins.
This could actually helps you a bit more to control the scroll & the overflow and customize the scroll bar depending on the render you would like to give to it.
Good Luck'

orientation bug with -webkit-overflow-scrolling : touch

I have been playing around with -webkit-overflow-scrolling:touch; for a while and I getting randomly the following problem:
I only need scroll top/bottom ( width is fixed ), but sometimes the user needs to scroll left and right to
trigger the vertical scroll.
In other words, the user has to scroll horizontally to make the container scroll vertically.
again it is random, some times it just works.
I already have check all the relative positions for the child elements within the scroll.
any thoughts ?
I had as well a scroll that never broke and by looking at the html inside it I realised that if you apply the -webkit-overflow-scrolling:touch; in ul element it will never break.
the scroll that used to break had many elements within it and all I had to do was make the ul elements scrollable separately.
Ran into the same problem, been struggling with it forever until I did this:
Changed overflow-y: scroll to overflow: scroll. I've loaded up the page close to 20 times now and haven't experienced the left/right going up/down weirdness.
I work on a complex web application that uses multiple iframes. I have a window.setInterval setup that removes native scrolling from hidden iframes and adds it to the visible iframe. This works great except I experienced the same issue where I had to swipe left / right to scroll up down. I noticed if you opened or clicked on a different browser tab and then clicked back it fixed itself. We fixed our issue by adding the following jQuery after we apply the native scrolling to the visible iframe:
I am thinking this must force a repaint similar to clicking on a different tab and then clicking back does. Hopefully this helps someone in a similar situation!
As stated in the comments by Graygilmore. This worked for me:
// NOTE 2019-04-09: [referenced link was removed]
Make sure no parent element of the scrollable area is visibility:hidden or display:none.

CSS: Full-size divs show browser scrollbars

I have a site which needs to be fully self-contained in the browser window, ie, the user must not have to scroll up and down to view different parts of the site. Content that is too long to fit into the content pane is handled with overflow:auto, which is working fine.
the problem is, no matter what I try I still have the following problem:
two sets of scrollbars http://www.wikiforall.net/bad_scrollbars.png
So beneaht the content which successfully fills the browser window, there seems to be a gap. This gap causes the vertical scrollbar to show itself (and there appears to be a similar gap on the right side which isn't as easy to see). I've inspected the elements using Chrome's element inspector and the <html> tag covers only up to that gap. So I have no idea where the gap is coming from.
The main page divs are setup with position: absolute, with left, right, top, and bottom all set to zero. These divs also have display: inline set, and do not have margins or padding. The html and body tags are styled the same way.
I've been looking around for a day or two but nothing I've found has worked. Does anyone know how to remove these scrollbars?
You can always use:
overflow: hidden;
To hide the scrollbars.

Long pages in FireFox offset when scrollbar appears

In Firefox and Safari, pages that are centered move a few pixels when the page is long enough for the scrollbar to appear. If you navigate through a site that has long and short pages, the page seems to "jump" around.
IE7 tends to leave the scroll bar visible all of the time but disables it when the page is not long enough. Since the width of the HTML window never changes the centering of the page doesn't change.
Is there a workaround or a way to style the page so it doesn't jump around in Firefox and Safari?
You could simply always enable the scrollbar:
overflow: scroll;
but that would give you the horizontal scrollbar too, this is better:
That will give you only the vertical scroll and the horizontal when needed.
This site contains a javascript to fix the problem which is a better solution IMO than the current one (a permanent scrollbar):
This script waits until the DOM is loaded then checks to see if a scrollbar is active. If it is, it calculates the width of the scrollbar and sets the body’s marginLeft equal to that width. This offsets the shift, and since it runs on DOM load it takes instant effect.
